
  1. 但今年7月初,牛根生将蒙牛20%的股权出售给了由中国最大的食品进出口公司、国有的中粮集团(COFCO)牵头的一个财团。

    But in early July , Mr Niu sold a 20 per cent stake to a consortium led by state-owned China National Oils , Foodstuffs and Cereals Corp , China 's largest importer and exporter of food .

  2. 牛根生名言:有自信不一定会赢,但是,没有自信一定会输。

    Camp saying : confident would not win , but have no confidence , you must be lost .

  3. 牛根生是如此虚伪的一个人,网上很多人都鄙视他。

    Niu is such a hypocritical man that he is being disguised by many people on the internet .

  4. 牛根生白手起家创建了蒙牛,并已成为民营企业家在以国营企业为主的经济中如何成功的一个象征。

    Niu Gensheng , whose surname means " cow " , built Mengniu from scratch and has become a symbol of how private entrepreneurs can succeed in the state-dominated economy .