
  • croissant
  1. 如今,牛角面包已经成了法国文化也是法国传统的一种象征。

    Today , the croissant is both a symbol of French culture and tradition .

  2. 牛角面包应该是奶油味浓郁,有一种天然奶制品的甜味。

    The flavor of a croissant should be intensely buttery with a natural dairy sweetness .

  3. croissant这个词在英语中译为“新月”,新月形是这种酥饼最普遍的形状,不过也有做成其他形状的牛角面包。

    The word itself is translated as " crescent " into English , which is the shape most typically associated with this flaky pastry , although it can be found in other forms as well .

  4. 本杰明:开胃品就来点牛角面包吧,正餐要两份牛排。

    Benjamin : Croissant for appetizer and two beef steaks for dinner .

  5. 请替我包两个牛角面包。

    Please wrap up two croissants for me .

  6. 牛角面包很新鲜又薄而易剥。

    The croissants were fresh and flaky .

  7. 星巴克在今年春季推出了小曲奇、牛角面包和甜点,售价均为一欧元。

    Starbucks this spring rolled out a line of ' petite ' cookies , croissants , and pastries for 1 euro each .

  8. 处理过的食物,例如蓬松,轻牛角面包重量并不大,虽然它们含有较高的热量。

    The processed item such as a fluffy , light croissant may not register as much extra scale weight at all even though it 's very high in calories .

  9. 这种糕点在巴黎和在维也纳一样受到欢迎。从此,巴黎的面包师就一直做这种糕点,而全世界的面包师都是从巴黎学会了制作牛角面包的方法。

    The pastry proved as popular in Paris as it had in Vienna and Parisian bakers have been making it ever since as have bakers around the world who learned it from the Parisians .

  10. 每人22.50欧元,大戴默早餐含鸡蛋、火腿和其他咸肉、牛角面包和面包片,还有咖啡、茶或者热巧克力、橙汁和光芒闪烁的红酒。

    For 22.50 euros a person , the Big Demel Breakfast includes eggs , ham and other cured meats , croissants and breads along with coffee , tea or hot chocolate , orange juice and sparkling wine .

  11. 我的调查始于与一位面包师的谈话。这位面包师每年为伦敦顶级的酒店和餐厅供应超过75万英镑的长条面包、牛角包和面包卷。

    My investigation began after a conversation with one baker who supplies London 's leading hotels and restaurants with more than 750,000 worth of loaves , croissants and rolls a year .

  12. 涂上果酱的新鲜牛角包或法式面包,配以咖啡或巧克力。

    Fresh croissant or baguettes with jam , washed down with coffee or hot chocolate .

  13. Wonut是在牛角甜甜圈—纽约于去年发明的一款牛角面包与甜甜圈的搭配组合之后推出的一款新甜品,如今已风靡台湾、南韩、巴西和英国,

    The wonut follows the cronut , a croissant-donut combination that was invented in New York last year and is now being fried and munched in Taiwan , South Korea , Brazil , Britain