
  • 网络cattle egret;bubulcus ibis
  1. 白头鹎和集群繁殖的夜鹭、池鹭、牛背鹭的鸟巢数量占总巢数的839%。

    Of the nests , 839 % were built by Pycnonotus sinensis and some colonial breeding species including nycticorax nycticorax , ARDEOLA Bacchus and Bubulcus ibis .

  2. 对白鹭(Egrettagarzetta)和牛背鹭(Bubulcusibis)雏鸟肠蛋白酶进行研究。

    The intestine proteinases taken from nestling of Little Egret ( Egretta garzetta ) and Cattle Egret ( Bubulcus ibis ) were studied .

  3. 而卵内容物中3种重金属残留量的种间差异都不显著,Cr残留量种间波动幅度最大,池鹭卵内容物中,Cr含量最高,牛背鹭卵内容物中没有检出;

    Of the three heavy metals , Cr showed the most variation among species , being the highest in eggshell of Chinese pond heron and the lowest in that of cattle egret , but in egg contents , there was no significant difference among species .

  4. 白鹭和牛背鹭肠蛋白酶理化特性的研究

    The Physiochemical Characteristics of Intestine Proteinase Taken from Little Egret and Cattle Egret

  5. 同时,牛背鹭的警戒频次大大减少。

    Meanwhile , their vigilance frequency dramatically decreased .

  6. 牛背鹭主要取食蜘蛛、蝗虫、蟋蟀和蛙类。

    The food of cattle egret was mostly spider , locust , cricket and frog .

  7. 这些鹭鸟之所以叫牛背鹭是因为它们常出现在牛和马的附近,以捕食这些畜牲招惹的昆虫为生。

    These birds are so named because they are often found near cattle or horses , feeding on the insects these animals attract .

  8. 赞比亚的卢安瓜山谷,雪白的牛背鹭冲向昆虫堆准备饱餐一顿,却被一群非洲水牛的介入而引起了骚乱。

    Snow-white cattle egrets drift in to feed on the insects stirred up by a herd of African buffalo in the lush Luangwa Valley of Zambia .

  9. 实验结果显示,当与麇鹿一起采食时,牛背鹭花费更少的时间和步伐获得更多的啄食机会,啄食的成功率也显著增加。

    The results showed that , cattle egrets can spend less time and steps to earn more pecking chances when foraging with deer and the capture success rate significantly increased .

  10. 我们从觅食总收益、支出受益比、啄食成功率这三个角度来衡量牛背鹭的采食收益,并计算了其警戒收益。

    In this study , the foraging benefits cattle egrets got from the association were measured mainly from three aspects , the total foraging earning , the expenditure per capture and the capture success rate .

  11. 白鹭和牛背鹭的肠蛋白酶比活力存在着不显著的差异(1.63±0.62SE和2.21±0.80SE)('P>0.05)。

    No significant difference of the relative activities of the intestine proteinase were found between Little Egret and Cattle Egret ( 1.63 ± 0.62 SE unit / μ g and 2.21 ± 0.80 SE unit / μ g respectively ) .