
lǐ jī ròu
  • tenderloin;pork fillet
  1. 我还在等那些牛里肌肉

    I 'm still waiting on those tenderloins of beef .

  2. 我还在等那道烧烤牛里肌肉,到底在哪里?

    I 'm still waiting on those beef tenderloins . Where are they ?

  3. 最近的研究表明在该年龄段的女性一天的大部分时间里肌肉纤维蛋白的合成比男性要多。

    New research shows that women in that age range make more muscle protein most of the day than men .

  4. 男人仅仅需要节食几周体重就能明显下降的原因是:他们身体里的肌肉含量较大。

    One reason men can drop weight just by ignoring the Buffalo wings for a few weeks is because they have more lean body mass .

  5. 它们必须绝对新鲜,因为很快就会变质。脑髓里没有肌肉,80%都是由一种非常易碎的脂肪组成。

    They have to be utterly fresh as they degrade very quickly , there is no muscle , they are 80 per cent fat of a very fragile nature .

  6. 科学家用两种方法测试培育出来的组织。研究人员在一个培养皿里给肌肉组织施放一种毒质,破坏掉一定数量的肌肉纤维,然后看纤维会不会重新生长。

    The scientists tested the tissue in two ways : In a dish , researchers stressed the tissue by applying a toxin to it that destroyed a number of muscle fibers , and then watched to see if the fibers regrew .

  7. 这种感觉是由每个毛囊里的细小肌肉造成的,被称之为“立毛肌”,当这些肌肉收缩时,毛发就会立起来。

    The sensation is caused by the tiny muscles underneath each follicle , called arrector pili , and when they contract , the hair is pulled upright .

  8. 运动不止可以帮你保持健康自然的体重,还能帮助身体血液循环,让身体保持柔软,避免冬季寒冷天气里常见的肌肉僵硬。

    Exercise not only helps you maintain a healthy body weight naturally , but also increases blood flow to all parts of your body . Stay limber and prevent muscle stiffness that sometimes occurs during cold weather .

  9. 运动不止可以帮你保持健康自然的体重,还能帮助身体血液循环,让身体保持柔软,避免冬季寒冷天气里常见的肌肉僵硬。少洗澡

    Exercise not only helps you maintain a healthy body weight naturally , but also increases blood flow to all parts of your body . Stay limber and prevent muscle stiffness that sometimes occurs during cold weather . Shower Minimally

  10. 好的。分开控制喉咙里,外的肌肉,你会发现,声音获得自由。

    By disengaging the " outer " muscles of the larynx , you will have complete vocal freedom .