
  • 网络credit lyonnais;Crédit Lyonnais;LCL
  1. 投资商包括像里昂信贷银行、可口可乐和日本电气公司NEC这样的超级大公司。

    Including corporate giants such as Credit Lyonnais , Coca-Cola , and the Japanese electronics company NEC .

  2. 上周末对里昂信贷银行(CreditLyonnais)某支行地下室的袭击似乎刺激了巴黎其他跃跃欲试的银行抢劫犯的胃口。

    Last weekend 's underground raid on a branch of the Credit Lyonnais seems to have whetted the appetite of other would-be bank robbers in Paris .

  3. 根据里昂信贷银行亚洲证券部最近发表的一项报告,所有这些项目将耗资近二百亿美元。

    Such an effort will cost $ 20 billion , according to a recent report by Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia .

  4. 布伊格兄弟的律师们称这是因为布伊格股份有限公司董事会包括最大的法人股东法国里昂信贷银行的派出代表,他们只批准了这么多的股份。

    Lawyers for the brothers say only that Bouygues SA 's board , which included representatives from Cr é dit Lyonnais , the largest institutional shareholder , approved the size of the firm 's stake .

  5. 塔皮得到了5亿2千万美元的国家赔偿,以解决与里昂国有信贷银行就90年代初出售阿迪达斯公司的争端。

    Tapie received a $ 520 million state payout to settle a dispute with state-owned bank Credit Lyonnais over the botched sale of Adidas sportswear in the early 90s .