
  • 网络University of Richmond;Richmond University
  1. “感激可以激发起积极的互惠行为,”里士满大学(UniversityofRichmond)营销学教授兰迪•拉希奥说。

    " Gratitude motivates positive reciprocal behavior , " says Randy Raggio , a marketing professor at the University of Richmond .

  2. 莱斯利·史蒂文森(LeslieStevenson)执掌弗吉尼亚州里士满大学职业发展中心。

    Leslie Stevenson directs the Career Development Center at the University of Richmond in Virginia .

  3. 里士满大学(UniversityofRichmond)多年来一直补贴无薪研究和非营利性实习,而今年该校特地为在盈利性企业工作的无薪实习生增设了100个实习奖金名额。

    University of Richmond has supported unpaid research and nonprofit work for years , but created more than 100 new fellowships this year for students with unpaid internships at for-profit enterprises .

  4. 里士满大学法学院(UniversityofRichmondSchoolofLaw)的教授卡尔•托拜厄斯(CarlTobias)表示,特斯拉在承担维修费用时要求客户签署保密协议,这可能阻止客户向监管机构报告安全问题,从而让其他客户承受风险。

    Requiring customers to sign non-disclosure agreements when the company pays for repairs could prevent them reporting safety problems to regulators and put other customers at risk , said Carl Tobias , a professor at the University of Richmond School of Law .

  5. ThomasCossé是维吉尼亚州里士满大学营销与商务教授,他说,希望学习商业的国际学生英语必须好,这不仅是他所在大学的要求。

    Thomas Coss é is a professor of marketing and business at the University of Richmond in Virginia . He says international students who want to study business need to have good English skills -- and not just to study at his school .

  6. 是佛吉尼亚州里士满大学市场和商务教授。

    Thomas Coss é is a professor of marketing and business at the University of Richmond in Virginia .

  7. 在里士满大学,一些研究生在寻求进入美国市场的公司工作。

    At the University of Richmond , teams of graduate students work with companies seeking to enter the American market .

  8. 艾里森在书中支持美国里士满大学研究人员1月份的研究结果,认为通过荷尔蒙的释放和大脑的刺激,怀孕会给女性的记忆力和学习能力带来一个突然的活跃期。

    In January , US researchers wrote that motherhood brings women a sudden surge of memory power and learning ability though hormone release and brain stimulation .

  9. 在里士满大学,研究生小组为那些试图进入美国市场的公司工作,学生们学习写作市场进入研究。

    At the University of Richmond , teams of graduate students work with companies seeking to enter the American market . The students learn about writing market entry studies .

  10. 首席作者BethPolidoro在佛吉尼亚里士满的奥多明尼昂大学全球海洋物种评估单位工作。

    Lead author Beth Polidoro works for the Global Marine Species Assessment Unit , based at Old Dominion University in Richmond , Virginia .

  11. 他是NASHCRN项目的副主席,PIVENS的主要研究者,同时还是里士满弗吉尼亚联邦大学胃肠病学主任。

    D. , NASH CRN co-chair and PIVENS principal investigator and chair of gastroenterology at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond .

  12. 明戴尔毕业于里士满和三福大学,她一直都对国际交流非常感兴趣。

    A graduate of the University of Richmond and Samford University , Mendel has always been interested in global connections .