
  • 网络Berklee College of Music;Berklee School of Music
  1. SamLutomia在伯克利音乐学院工作。

    Sam Lutomia works for the Berklee College of Music .

  2. 2007年,RickAggeler从马萨诸塞州的波士顿伯克利音乐学院毕业。

    Rick Aggeler graduated from the Berklee College of Music in Boston , Massachusetts , in two thousand seven .

  3. AkheylahHunter:“我们在不同的地方演出,例如伯克利音乐学院。我们进行旅行,我们会去HouseofBlues,我们也登台演出,真的非常有趣。”

    AKHEYLAH HUNTER : " We performed in different places like at Berklee College of Music . We go on trips , like we went to the House of Blues and we went on stage and we performed , and it was very fun . "

  4. 我被伯克利音乐学院录取了

    I got into Berklee College of Music . Wow .

  5. 毕业后在世界闻名的波士顿伯克利音乐学院进行深造,并获取了硕士学位。

    He went on to do a Master 's at Boston 's world renowned Berklee College of Music .

  6. 在波士顿的伯克利音乐学院,在校生和往届的学生在肯尼亚度过了三周的时间之后于最近回到美国。

    Current and former students from Berklee College of music in Boston recently returned to the United States after three weeks in Kenya .

  7. 大学毕业后,他感到需要更多的了解音乐和音乐技术,于是他去了美国的伯克利音乐学院。

    After graduation from the university , he felt that he needed to know more about music and it 's technical aspect and went to the music college at Berkeley in the United states .