
  • 网络Babson College;Olin
  1. 巴布森学院(BabsonCollege)创业学助理教授、弗雷德里克·C.汉密尔顿(FredericC.Hamilton)自由企业研究项目主席

    Associate professor of entrepreneurship and Frederic C. Hamilton chair of free enterprise , Babson College

  2. 从马萨诸塞州巴布森学院(babsoncollege)获得mba学位后,英语流利的他于1984年加入丰田。

    Fluent in English , he joined Toyota in 1984 after earning an MBA at Babson College in Massachusetts .

  3. 譬如,波士顿郊外的巴布森学院(babsoncollege)开设了一门叫做可持续发展项目融资和评估的选修课。

    Babson College , just outside Boston , for example , offers an elective called financing and valuing sustainability .

  4. 这是马萨诸塞州巴布森学院(BabsonCollege)管理学教授达文波特(TomDavenport)的忠告之一。

    That 's one message from Tom Davenport , a management professor at Babson College in Wellesley , Mass .

  5. 巴布森学院(BabsonCollege)戴安娜项目(DianaProject)指出,在拥有女性合伙人的风投公司中,投资由女性担任首席执行官的公司的几率,是男性组建的风投公司的三倍。

    Venture firms with female partners are three times as likely to invest in a company with a female chief executive , according to the Diana Project at Babson College .

  6. 即便是巴布森学院(BabsonCollege)布兰克创业中心(ArthurM.BlankCenterforEntrepreneurship)所在地的院长也承认,很多围绕所谓“内部创业”的说辞都是雷声大、雨点小。

    Even the president of Babson College , home of the Arthur M. blank Center for entrepreneurship , acknowledges that much of the rhetoric around so-called intrapreneurs promises more than it delivers .

  7. 该学院的在线MBA学员在毕业3年后的平均年薪最高,为17.9万美元,比薪资排第二位的(巴布森学院(BabsonCollege)奥林商学院(OlinBusinessSchool))高出约3万美元。

    Three years after graduation they were earning the highest average salary at $ 179000 , about $ 30000 more than the next highest earners - alumni from Olin Graduate School of Business at Babson College .

  8. 他的班级项目是一个移动支付公司,巴布森学院荣誉教授比尔•贝格雷夫(BillBygrave)承认,他曾对此感到怀疑。

    His class project was a mobile payments company , which Bill Bygrave , professor emeritus at Babson , admits he was dubious about .

  9. 例如,巴布森学院(BabsonCollege)以鼓励女性创业为主题的戴安娜项目(DianaProject)最新研究发现,在2011年至2013年获得风投资金的公司中,CEO为女性的仅占2.7%。

    The latest research from the Diana Project , a Babson College initiative promoting female entrepreneurship , for instance , has found that only 2.7 percent of companies that received venture funding from 2011 to 2013 had female CEOs .

  10. 巴布森学院的教授肯特琼斯(kentjones)指出:“全球经济需要企业家,而企业家也越来越依赖于开放和不断扩张的全球经济,以获得新的增长机遇。”

    Kent Jones , a professor at Babson , said : " the world economy needs entrepreneurs and increasingly entrepreneurs depend on an open and expanding world economy for new opportunities for growth . "

  11. 米凯克是首批进入美国巴布森学院学习的学生,并赢得了进入该校“特色班”——“创业强度追踪项目”(EntrepreneurshipIntensityTrack)——的一个名额,这是为那些计划在毕业后不久就创业的学员准备的专业选修班。

    Mr Mikek was the first to enrol at US-based Babson , where he won a place in the school 's signature class - the Entrepreneurship Intensity Track - a specialised elective for those who plan to launch a venture shortly after they graduate .

  12. 巴布森学院(BabsonCollege)专长于传授创业技巧,该校2011届MBA学员中,39%的人创办了企业,其中93%的企业3年后仍在运营。

    Out of the class of 2011 graduating with MBAs from Babson College , which specialises in teaching entrepreneurial skills , 39 per cent started a business , and 93 per cent of those were still operating three years later .

  13. 巴布森学院(Babson)校长莱恩·施莱辛格(LenSchlesinger)非常欣赏她的经历,邀请她前去该校读工商管理硕士,并为她提供了奖学金。

    Babson College President Len Schlesinger was so impressed with her that he offered her a scholarship to study in the master of business administration program at his school .

  14. (巴布森学院)给了他们一个参考标准。

    [ Babson ] gave them a reference point .

  15. 在与巴布森学院教授们交谈后,她决定先集中精力读书。

    So after talking to Babson professors , she decided to focus on her studies first .

  16. 德罗克表示,“说服最初这批人真的非常难”,但他们的巴布森学院出身为获得投资铺平了道路。

    It was " really tough to get the first believers , " says Ms Drolec , but their Babson roots helped pave the way for investment .

  17. 麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院(MITSloanSchoolofManagement)是马萨诸塞州排名最高的代表,位居第二,领先于哈佛大学(Harvard,排名第五)和巴布森商学院(BabsonCollege,排名第八)。

    While MIT Sloan School of Management is Massachusetts " highest representative in second place , ahead of Harvard and Babson College in fifth and eight position .

  18. 根据巴布森商学院(BabsonCollege)研究人员的一份报告,美国风险投资合伙人中女性的比例只有6%。

    Only 6 per cent of venture capitalist partners in the US are women , a decline from 10 per cent in 1999 , according to a report from Babson College researchers .

  19. 不过,附近的巴布森商学院(BabsonCollege)救了他,该校从分配到的少量H1-B签证中给了他一份。这些签证是为该校的常驻全球创业家(GlobalEntrepreneurinResidence)项目发放的。

    Mr Zhou was saved by nearby Babson College , however , which offered him one of a small allocation of H1-B work visas earmarked for the school 's Global Entrepreneur in Residence programme .

  20. 旧金山金融区的路灯柱上贴的不是沃顿商学院的广告,就是巴布森商学院(BabsonCollege)的广告。巴布森的专长是培养企业家,它从2010年开始在旧金山开设了一个速成MBA课程。

    The lampposts in San Francisco 's financial district that do not carry advertisements for Wharton , carry ones for Babson College , the business school that specialises in entrepreneurship and which launched a fast-track MBA in the city in 2010 .