
  • 网络BOURNEMOUTH;boh;AFC Bournemouth;Bournmouth
  1. 你不得不承认伯恩茅斯是个很有格调的地方。

    Bournemouth , you have to admit , has style

  2. 我曾多次观看他的表演,但伯恩茅斯飞行节(BournemouthAirFestival)一直是当季的最大亮点之一。

    I watched him perform many times but the Bournemouth Air Festival was always one of the highlights of the season .

  3. 伯恩茅斯大学(Bournemouthuniversity)研究旅游业与恐怖主义之间关联的副教授耶加内(YeganehMorakabati)表示,数据似乎证实这一点。

    The data seem to bear that out , says Yeganeh Morakabati , a Bournemouth university associate professor who has studied the relationship between tourism and terrorism .

  4. 美国创业家和投资者应当奔向肖尔迪奇(Shoreditch)和伯恩茅斯(Bournemouth)。

    US entrepreneurs and investors should head to Shoreditch and Bournemouth .

  5. 英国伯恩茅斯大学(Bournemouthuniversity)旅游管理专业教授斯蒂芬•佩奇(StephenPage)表示,机器人的广泛采用将取决于这个世界如何使用它们、将它们用在哪里。

    Stephen Page , a professor of tourism management at Bournemouth university in the UK , says wide adoption of robots will depend on how and where in the world they are used .

  6. 飞机失事那一年他33岁,在红箭队即将待满一年。我曾多次观看他的表演,但伯恩茅斯飞行节(BournemouthAirFestival)一直是当季的最大亮点之一。

    He was 33 and coming to the end of his first year with the aerobatic team . I watched him perform many times but the Bournemouth Air Festival was always one of the highlights of the season .

  7. 主要的飞行表演都在海滨上空进行。对飞行表演来说,海滨是绝好的背景,但距离表演队当天的基地伯恩茅斯机场(BournemouthAirport)有几英里远。

    The main display takes place along the seafront , which is a spectacular backdrop for an airshow but a few miles from Bournemouth Airport , where the team was based that day .

  8. 在英格兰伯恩茅斯(Bournemouth)进行飞行表演时,他用其改进的莱特双翼飞机争夺一个奖项时,飞机尾部一处啪的一声断了。

    During an aerial show in Bournemouth , England , while competing for a prize in his modified Wright Flyer biplane , part of the tail snapped off .

  9. 2011年8月,一个风和日丽的下午,我与朋友们在伯恩茅斯(Bournemouth)附近的海边,观看我先生乔恩?埃金(JonEgging)的飞行表演。

    One beautiful , sunny afternoon in August 2011 I was on a beach with friends , watching my husband , Jon Egging , perform at an air show near Bournemouth .

  10. 旅游指南上列举了伯恩茅斯地区25家廉价饭店的名单。

    The guidebook list twenty-five cheap hotel in the bournemouth area .

  11. 我们去那儿待一周吧,只要不是博斯库姆或伯恩茅斯就行。

    Plan a week somewhere , not Boscombe or Bournemouth .

  12. 伯恩茅斯座落在海岸上。

    Bournemouth is on the coast .

  13. 他们住在伯恩茅斯附近某处。

    They lived somewhere near bournemouth .

  14. 不过在英国伯恩茅斯大学的暑期到来前,她已经开始脱发了。

    But in the run-up to her summer sittings at Bournemouth University , she began to go bald .

  15. 他们在一起有两个儿子,但在伯恩茅斯找到了一份工作后,她把他赶出家门。

    They had two sons together but she threw him out after he was offered a job in Bournemouth .

  16. 考古小组的另一位专家、伯恩茅斯大学的蒂姆•达维尔说,巨石阵可能有多种功能,但蓝色小石头应该是其功能的一个重要体现。

    Another of the team leaders , Tim Darvill of Bournemouth University , said the bluestones appeared central to the purpose of Stonehenge although it may have had more than one function .

  17. 在该校推行新政之前,伯恩茅斯大学的一项研究声称“不穿鞋”的孩子分数更高、表现更好,也更可能准时到校。

    The school 's new policy follows research by Bournemouth University , which claimed ' shoeless ' children get better grades , behave better and are more likely to arrive to school on time .

  18. 鲁什顿教授他说,女孩比男孩学习好是因为女孩比男孩成熟得早。鲁什顿教授出生在伯恩茅斯镇,在伦敦经济学院获得了社会心理学博士学位。

    But Prof Rushton , who was born in Bournemouth and obtained his doctorate in social psychology from the London School of Economics , argues that the faster maturing of girls leads to them outshining boys in the classroom .

  19. 伯恩茅斯大学媒体研习英才中心首席研究员兼教授,史蒂芬•赫佩尔表示:“孩子们在不穿鞋的情况下,更愿意席地而坐,身心也放松得多。

    Stephen Heppell , lead researcher and Professor at the Centre for Excellence in Media Practice at Bournemouth University , said : " Children are much more willing to sit on the floor and relax if they have no shoes on .

  20. 曾是银行家的乔治·博纳姆(化名)住在英国南部的伯恩茅斯,正设法自行创业。他表示,他与前妻并未发生争吵,但住房市场造成了问题。

    George Bonham ( not his real name ), a former banker who lives in Bournemouth , south England , and is working on starting his own business , says there was no acrimony between him and his ex but the housing market created problems .

  21. 来自英国伯恩茅斯的布莱迪第一次和未婚夫特雷弗筹备婚礼是在三年前,但是一系列的波折让这对新人未能“修成正果”。

    According to the Daily Mail on January 25 , Pretty , 41 , from Bournemouth , UK , was first due to marry fianc é Trevor , three years ago , but a series of disasters prevented the couple from actually tying the knot .