
  • 网络Intrinsic defects;Inherent Vice;latent defect
  1. 对保险货物的内在缺陷或本身缺点所引起的损失,一切险条款不负赔偿责任。

    No claim for loss or damage caused by inherent vice or nature of the insured goods shall be allowed under all risks condition .

  2. 现在我来谈谈因“货物内在缺陷或特性”,诸如:由于物品变质,液体渗漏以及玻璃或陶瓷器破碎所引起的损失。

    Now let us turn to loses through " inherent vice or nature of the subject matter insured ", such as deterioration of food , leakage of liquid and breakage of glass or ceramics .

  3. 既然政策制定者们认为Libor存在内在缺陷,为什么干脆取消这一基准利率?

    As policymakers argue that LIBOR is inherently imperfect , might it be better just to do away with the benchmark altogether ?

  4. 文章介绍了分布式网络中的Kerberos安全认证体系的安全认证理论、数据的完整性和保密性。并对Kerberos安全认证体系的内在缺陷进行了分析,提出了利用RSA公钥算法对之进行优化的方法。

    The article introduces the Kerberos authentication theory and its limitation in the distributed network , and how to use RSA public-key cipher to optimize the Kerberos protocol .

  5. 因损害是由船本身的内在缺陷所致,贵公司显然应负责任。

    You evidently responsible AS damage result from vessel latent defect .

  6. 应用牙科X线机探测口腔金属修复体的内在缺陷

    Non-invasive detection of metal casting defects using dental X ray machine

  7. 试论新写实作家的内在缺陷

    On the Inner Blemishes of the " New and Realistic " Writers

  8. 人类中心主义是建立在二元论世界观基础上的,这种世界观具有内在缺陷;

    Human centralism is based on dualist outlook which is inherently defective ;

  9. 产品责任是因产品存在内在缺陷造成他人人身、财产损害引起的赔偿责任,它不是合同责任也不等同于产品质量责任,属于侵权责任。

    Product liability is neither contractual liability nor responsibilities for product quality .

  10. 固有的内在缺陷导致激励效率不足;

    Its connatural limitation leads to an inefficient incentive system ;

  11. 选举、代表、投票也存在内在缺陷。

    There are weaknesses of election , representative and vote .

  12. 试论费尔巴哈感性哲学的内在缺陷

    On the Defects of Feuerbach 's Philosophy of Sensibility

  13. 二,德性诚信可以弥补规范诚信的内在缺陷;

    Credibility by virtue can compensate for the inadequacy of credibility by rule ;

  14. 国际储备货币制度:内在缺陷及改革&2008年全球金融危机引发的思考

    The Reform of the International Monetary System : Reviewing the 2008 Financial Crisis

  15. 官僚体制的内在缺陷及其结构性冲突

    Internal Defect of Bureaucracy System and Its Structural Conflicts

  16. 这一部分中,笔者从理论、历史和现实的角度质疑了霸权稳定论的部分观点、揭示了其内在缺陷。

    In part two , the author puts animadverts on the Hegemonic Stability Theory .

  17. 经理股票期权制度的内在缺陷及改进途径研究

    On the Internal Defects in the Executive Stock Option System and Its Improving Ways

  18. 这三个机制是官员对制度内在缺陷的适应。

    The three mechanisms are adapted by officials for the immanence limitation of present system .

  19. 家族公司治理机制的内在缺陷与引入外部董事的作用

    The Function of Outsider - directors and the Inherent Defects of Family Companies Governance Mechanism

  20. 第二章,本文研究了银行本质决定其内在缺陷的问题,即银行挤兑效应的存在命题。

    Chapter two study the defect from the bank 's essence , namely bank run .

  21. 事实上,目前流通中的1200万枚比特币一直有一个巨大的内在缺陷。

    Actually , the 12m Bitcoins now in circulation had a formidable internal flaw all along .

  22. 内在缺陷;四是银行经营行为的不规范。

    Nonstandard operation of banks .

  23. 新古典经济学生产理论对经济分析史具有重要贡献,但也有内在缺陷。

    There are three different economics paradigms , neo-classical economics , new institutional economics and evolutionary economics .

  24. 该理论对经济研究的贡献有目共睹,但也存在许多内在缺陷。

    This theory contributes to the economic research perfectly obvious while many inner flaws exist , too .

  25. 传统的西方主流经济学的困境,根源于西方传统哲学的内在缺陷。

    A dilemma of the mainstream of western economics originates from the inherent deficiencies of traditional western philosophy .

  26. 小说美学价值的降低源于对艺术自足性认识的缺失。最后梳理了90年代某些文学事件对这种内在缺陷的回应。

    Also , the reduction of their novel aesthetic value results from a lack of consciousness in art selt-sufficiency .

  27. 由于市场经济的内在缺陷,无法有效提供公共物品。

    The efficient public facility can not be supplied due to the defect existing in the market economy system .

  28. 本文讨论了美国反倾销法倾销判定制度中的一些内在缺陷。

    The thesis is about the internal limitations in the Dumping Determination Policy of the United States ' Antidumping Law .

  29. 国有企业陷入债务困境的根源在于治理结构的内在缺陷。

    The root cause of state owned enterprises ' high debt ratio is the inherent flaws in their governance structure .

  30. 对于中国的金融市场关键原因还在市场不发达,在中国实际上是市场不发达加剧了市场的内在缺陷。

    In fact , the key is the underdevelopment of market and it pricks up the interior flaw of market .