
  • 网络The Real War
  1. 真正的战争永远会隐没于历史的黑暗面。

    The real war will never get in the books .

  2. 过去3个月的虚张声势有可能演变成真正的战争。

    There is a chance that the phoney war of the past three months will turn into real fighting .

  3. 但有场真正的战争其实更加性命攸关

    But there 's a real war closer to American lives .

  4. 宛如一场真正的战争,而不是拍摄现场。

    10as if this were war itself instead of a motion picture .

  5. 让法国葡萄庄园与中国角力可能演变为真正的战争。

    Pitting French viniculture against Chinese power could turn into a real fight .

  6. 欧洲在一场真正的战争中会如何去做呢?

    What would Europe do in a real war ?

  7. 我们在一场真正的战争中

    We 're in a real war , people .

  8. 然而真正的战争将是政治上的。

    But the real battle will be political .

  9. 与真正的战争有一点不同:那天晚上,上校回家和家人团聚了。

    The only difference : The colonel went home to his family that night .

  10. 体验到真正的战争是什么样的。

    Feel what a real war is like .

  11. 真正的战争有血有肉的。

    The real money is in actual wars .

  12. “舍本逐末”每年都会给企业和个人带来数十亿美元的成本,和真正的战争别无二致。

    Not unlike true war , the " side show " costs businesses and people billions of dollars every single year .

  13. 一位美国经济学家说,保护关税和关税战所造成的损害不亚于武装和平或真正的战争。

    An American economist said that protective duties and tariff wars are no less costly than armed peace or real warfare .

  14. 巴勒斯坦总理哈尼亚称,以色列在加沙地带和约旦河西岸的军事行动是一场“真正的战争”。

    Minister Ismail Haniyeh has called the Israeli offence into the Gaza Strip and the West Bank " a real war " .

  15. 尽管这种“货币战”与真正的战争还差得很远,它们对自由市场全球贸易同样有着明显的负面作用。

    This " currency war , " although far different from its military namesake , has equally significant implications for free-market Global trade .

  16. 请不要,不要在称呼我傻瓜,你为什么说那些话,这不是一场游戏,而是一场真正的战争。

    Don 't ever , ever call me stupid , but why are you saying that , its nat a game but a real war .

  17. 这回可是一场真正的战争,他要把鱼带回家,放在锅里煎或喂猫。

    This time it was war , and he wanted fish to take home , either to cook in the pan or feed to the cat .

  18. 莫托亚称,他正在针对财政赤字发起“一场真正的战争”,而且已经为减少阿根廷国内普遍漏税的情况采取了一些措施。

    Montoya said he is waging " a real war " on fiscal deficits , and has already taken several steps to reduce the widespread tax fraud in Argentina .

  19. 在“反恐战争”的名义下,美国发动了两场真正的战争(在阿富汗和伊拉克),目前正在酝酿对伊朗实施军事打击。

    In the name of the " war on terror " , the US has launched two real wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and is contemplating military strikes on Iran .

  20. 哈马斯领袖告诉人群,“巴勒斯坦分裂的黑暗的一页已经永远翻过去了”,目前面临的唯一一场真正的战争是与“占领者”之间的战争——他指的是以色列。

    The Hamas leader told the gathering that " the black page of division " was behind them , and that the only real battle is with " the occupier " - a to Israel .

  21. 鲍德里亚认为,1991年前几个月的相关事件并不是一场真正的战争,就“战争”这个概念而言:它们是一场模拟战争。

    Baudrillard argued that the relevant events in the first couple of months of 1991 were not really a war , in the sense that " war " was commonly understood : they were a simulation of a war .

  22. 还有另外几个人同意他的说法,其中一个写道:“这也太粗鲁了!我们必须向对手发起真正的战争——在经济领域、国防领域,在提升人民的生活水平上,而不能沦落到低级的辱骂上。”

    Several others agree , with one writing : " This is so crude ! We have to put up a real fight against our opponents - in the economy , in defence , in high living standards for our people , not fall to the level of primitive insults . "

  23. 这是美国人民第一次真正的现代战争的血腥的味道。

    It was the American people 's first real taste of the bloodiness of modern warfare .

  24. 依我拙见,在核能世界中,真正的敌人是战争本身。

    In my humble opinion , in the nuclear world , the true enemy is war itself .

  25. 对于韩国来说,这个问题很棘手,一个宣告结束却从来没有真正停歇过的战争留下的问题。

    For South korea , the problem is a dilemma left over from a war ceased but never put to rest .