
  • 网络Leaders
  1. 民族主义领袖们呼吁保持冷静。

    Nationalist leaders appealed for calm .

  2. 工会领袖们即将赢得争取工作场所权利斗争的胜利。

    Union leaders are heading for victory in their battle over workplace rights .

  3. 我们想和公认的领袖们进行讨论。

    We want to engage recognized leaders in discussion .

  4. 基督教民主党的领袖们正在会晤讨论他们在影响欧洲未来格局的过程中将要扮演的角色。

    Christian Democratic leaders are meeting to discuss their role in shaping the future of Europe

  5. 首相与民主党领袖们的谈话在很大程度上是试探性的。

    The Prime Minister 's talks with the leaders of the Democratic Party were largely exploratory .

  6. 美国的领袖们,被这条令人愉快的消息所鼓舞,在同一年创立了美国反奴隶制度协会。

    The American leaders , uplifted by the glorious , founded the American Anti-Slavery Society the same year .

  7. 甚至连工会领袖们都希望罢工会无声无息地结束。

    Even the union leaders hoped that the strike would die quietly .

  8. 西英格兰大学的研究人员们称,互联网的普及意味着要重新思考雇主所定义的“工作时间”。商界领袖们并没有对此漠不关心。

    Researchers from the University of the West of England say that the spread of internet access requires a rethinking of what employers mean by ' working hours ' . Business leaders were not unsympathetic .

  9. apec领袖们表示,对于美国支持的创建太平洋自由贸易区的建议,他们将审视其“选项和前景”。

    APEC leaders said they would examine " options and prospects " for a US-backed proposal to create a Pacific-wide free-trade area .

  10. 在昨日召开的一个会议上,英国首相布莱尔(TonyBlair)向来自欧洲大陆的实业界领袖们表示,企业界未能进行有效的游说,以支持欧洲开放市场并进行经济改革。

    Business is failing to lobby effectively for open markets and economic reform in Europe , Tony Blair told a meeting of industry leaders from across the continent yesterday .

  11. 无论如何,在行业领袖们纷纷表态更钟情于小规模、促和谐收购行动的今天,仍有CEO考虑古典式的大收购,不禁令人为之一振。

    In any event , industry leaders also expressed their love in small-scale and promote a harmonious acquisition today , CEO still consider classical big acquisitions , it can not help but lift .

  12. Desai教授表示,失败后寻找解决方法可以使领袖们的思想更加开阔。

    Professor Desai says the search for solutions after a failure can make leaders more open-minded .

  13. 商业领袖们应该记住,从英国石油到承认为Facebook所做的事违反了公司政策的博雅,近来的诸多事件证明,对公司名誉最致命的打击往往源自于自身。

    Business leaders should remember that , from BP to Burson-Marsteller ( which admitted its campaign for Facebook was against our policies ), recent events prove that the worst injuries to company reputation are frequently self-inflicted .

  14. 很多亚洲领袖们对97-98年那场风暴记忆犹新:他们那种奢侈而低效率的经济管理,以及为了获得IMF(国际货币基金组织)援助他们不得不苦苦吞下的劣质药物。

    Many Asian leaders have vivid memories of the lectures they endured in 1997-98 over their thriftless , incompetent economic management , and of the harsh medicine they were forced to swallow in return for IMF assistance .

  15. 美国时间周日晚间,在亚洲市场开市之前,美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)宣布,美国国会领袖们已达成一项初步协议,将提高债务上限,以避免违约。

    President Barack Obama announced on Sunday night that US Congressional leaders had reached an agreement on a tentative deal that would extend the debt ceiling and avoid a US default , ahead of the opening of Asian markets .

  16. 在对硝烟隐现的货币战争进行数周争论之后,世界上最大经济体的领袖们将于周四和周五在韩国首尔的G20峰会上齐聚一堂。

    After weeks of ominous debate about a global " currency war ," the leaders of the world 's largest economies will gather this Thursday and Friday for a G20 meeting in South Korea .

  17. 经验丰富的硅谷金融家、ElevationPartners创办人罗杰•麦克纳米(RogerMcNamee)表示:这正在迅速改变许多东西,并暴露出早期领袖们的自满。

    " This is changing things quite dramatically at the margin and exposing the complacency of the early leaders ," says Roger McNamee , co-founder of Elevation Partners and a veteran valley financier .

  18. 当然,领袖们将会发表通常已经预先准备好的峰会宣言,肯定会呼吁深化环太平洋合作,加强政策协调,以及加紧完成濒危的多哈(doha)回合全球贸易谈判。

    They will , of course , issue the usual pre-cooked summit declaration , doubtless calling for deeper Pacific Rim co-operation , closer policy alignment and rapid completion of the stricken Doha trade round .

  19. 祖马认为,SADC峰会之后一个月之内,领袖们将针对这些问题达成一致。

    Mr. Zuma suggested that within a month from the SADC summit the leaders would try to find agreement on the outstanding issues .

  20. 这次会议的主持,韩国财长尹增铉(YoonJeung-hyun)表示,各国领袖们一致认为应该促进经济平衡发展。

    The South Korean Finance Minister Yoon Jeung-hyun , the host , says leaders have agreed to strike a balance .

  21. 这些人中就包括伦敦市长鲍里斯•约翰逊(BorisJohnson)。约翰逊认为,金融监管应当采取柔性手段,虽然他所属的保守党领袖们正寻求对金融业施加更多的限制。

    They include Boris Johnson , the mayor of London , who is arguing for a lighter touch on financial regulation , even as the leaders of his opposition Conservative Party are seeking a more vigorous clampdown .

  22. 学生们参加董事会议、商业晚餐以及C.E.O.圆桌会议,以便认识了解商业领袖们以及他们的事业。

    Students attend board meetings , commerce dinners and C.E.O. round tables to get to know business leaders and their businesses .

  23. 上周日,美国财政部部长汉克保尔森(hankpaulson)宣布了纾困计划,并得到了国会领袖们的广泛支持,但目前尚不清楚,此举将会给美国房地产市场和经济前景带来多大的变化。

    The plan announced on Sunday by Hank Paulson , treasury secretary , received broad support from congressional leaders , but it remains unclear how much it would change the outlook for the US housing market and the economy .

  24. 在与科技领袖们会面几小时之前,特朗普宣布马斯克和优步的首席执行官特拉维斯•卡兰尼克(TravisKalanick)将加入他的战略与政策论坛(StrategicandPolicyForum),该论坛中已有一批来自金融业和其他行业的商人。

    Hours before Mr. Trump 's meeting with tech leaders , the president-elect announced that Mr. Musk and Travis Kalanick , Uber 's chief executive , would be among those joining his Strategic and Policy Forum , which is already stacked with businesspeople from finance and other industries .

  25. 在6月份的宗派暴力冲突之后,又有15人在类似冲突中死亡,黎巴嫩总理NajibMikati正在与当地的宗教领袖们以及的黎波里的议员们想办法停止暴力冲突。

    Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati is working with local religious leaders and lawmakers in Tripoli to stop the fighting after 15 people died in similar sectarian violence in June .

  26. 这次APEC会议给了商界领袖们与各国首脑近距离接触的机会,而对那些生意被盗版音乐、电影和软件所威胁的人来说,这也是一个推进更加严厉的司法体系以对抗盗版问题的机会。

    This APEC meeting is a chance for business leaders to rub shoulders with the leaders of countries . But for those whose businesses are threatened by piracy of music , movies and software , it 's a chance to push for tougher legislation to combat the problem .

  27. 商业领袖们特别要求,在签署所谓的产业协议(sectorals)(该协议旨在向国际竞争开放制造业)时,要与包括印度和中国在内的大型新兴市场达成这一协议。

    In particular , business leaders have demanded that so-called sectorals , which will open up manufacturing sectors to international competition , be agreed with the big emerging markets including India and China .

  28. 这一切,意大利领袖们都欣然赞同。

    All this was well enough received by the Italian leaders .

  29. 反对奴隶制的领袖们就奴隶制问题进行了多年的激烈争论。

    Anti-thrall leaders agitated the question of thrall for many years .

  30. 奇怪的是,美国的领袖们并不急着改革。

    Curiously , its leaders are in no rush for reform .