
lǐnɡ jiǎnɡ tái
  • Podium; platform;rostrum
  1. 他站在冠军领奖台上,唱起了国歌。

    As he stood on the winner 's rostrum , he sang the words of the national anthem .

  2. 他登上了获胜者的领奖台。

    He climbed on to the winner 's rostrum .

  3. 不过,俄罗斯Match电视台却对名单提前进行了曝光,称其中有10位曾站上过奥运会领奖台。

    However , Russia 's Match TV revealed the names , saying they included 10 Olympic medallists .

  4. 准确地讲,这位24岁的澳大利亚人并非默默无闻&他从2011年起就参加了F1,只是从来没有站上领奖台。

    The 24-year-old Australian isn 't exactly an unknown he 's been in F1 since 2011 but he 's never finished on the podium .

  5. 准确地讲,这位24岁的澳大利亚人并非默默无闻——他从2011年起就参加了F1,只是从来没有站上领奖台。

    The 24-year-old Australian isn 't exactly an unknown -- he 's been in F1 since 2011 -- but he 's never finished on the podium .

  6. 每当他们告诉我减速让Michael过去时,站在领奖台上的我看上去不错,但对我来说关起门来永远是一场重大的战斗。(你丫的怎么忽然开始认真起来了?)

    It looks like I was okay on the podium when they told me to stop to let Michael by , but for me behind the doors it was always a big fight .

  7. 不过呢,如果当晚《国王的演讲》以压倒性的方式获胜,或许Carter也有机会走上领奖台。

    However , if " The King 's Speech " steamrolls the competition that night , her performance might earn her a train ride to the podium .

  8. Akamai认为“领奖台”的得主在每个季度都会一如既往地发生变化。

    Akamai expects the occupants of the " podium " to change during each quarter as it usually happens .

  9. 琼斯在格莱美奖的领奖台上说?quot;我从未想到人们会把我制作的音乐看作流行音乐。

    " I never ever thought that the music I made would be considered popular music ," Jones said at the podium of the Grammy Awards .

  10. 然后,他跨过领奖台,拥抱了库里。最后,接过闪闪发光的MVP奖杯,伸出双臂高高举起它,他要让所有人都看到这份荣誉–从湾区到俄城的所有人。

    Then he moved across the podium and hugged Stephen Curry before accepting his shiny MVP trophy , holding out his arms and hoisting it for everyone to see-from the Bay all the way to OKC .

  11. Chusovitina高5英尺,重97磅,她站在领奖台上,手持银牌,看起来很惊讶。

    Chusovitina , who is5 feet tall and97 pounds , stood on the podium , silver medal in hand , looking dumbfounded .

  12. 驾驶雪铁龙DS3赛车的挪威人在赛季初一直是冠军的潜在争夺者,但是厄运以及约旦站的失误使他接二连三地错失了登上领奖台的机会。

    The Norwegian began the season as a title contender in his Citroen DS3 WRC but bad luck and a mistake in Jordan have conspired to keep him off the podium to date .

  13. 但站在领奖台上,他们没有微笑。

    But they don 't actually stand on the podium grinning .

  14. 比赛结束我站在领奖台上,心情激动。

    I was so excited standing on the winner 's platform .

  15. 领奖台之外也有许多值得纪念的时刻。

    There were plenty of memorable moments off the podium too .

  16. 最终,顾拜旦自己的人生并没有登上领奖台。

    Coubertin 's own end was far from a podium finish .

  17. 你无法向圣诞老人请求能登上领奖台或赢得冠军。

    You can 't ask Santa for a podium or a win .

  18. 当冠军站在领奖台上时,所有的人都喝彩了。

    Everybody gave a cheer when the champion stood on the stage .

  19. 最终,我成功了,我站在了那象征光荣的领奖台上。

    Finally , I succeeded , standing in the symbolic glorious podium .

  20. 而这里是我们没有想到的领奖台。

    Here : podium , which we were not expecting .

  21. 他迈着矫健的步伐登上领奖台。

    He got on the stand in vigorous strides to receive the prize .

  22. 我走向领奖台,一个电视摄像头紧紧跟着我。

    I set off towards the stage , a TV camera following me .

  23. 很多人都在猜测埃蒙斯是否能够站上领奖台,还是会再次因最后一枪而失败。

    Many wondered whether Emmons would earn the podium or choke on that final shot .

  24. 注:获奖运动员被点名后,依次登上领奖台接受奖牌。

    Note : The athletes mount the podium to receive their medal when they are called .

  25. 对于很多人而言,那是具有里程碑意义的一年,即便对于那些远离奥运会领奖台的人也是如此。

    It was a landmark year for many , even those far away from the Olympic podium .

  26. 在此之前他从未站上过全运会最高领奖台,这就是一件让人很吃惊的事情。

    it 's amazing to think that prior to this he had never won a national games .

  27. 埃蒙斯说:登上奥运领奖台的感觉很特别。

    Just to be on the podium at the Olympics is a very special feeling , Emmons said .

  28. 我告诉过我的朋友,我会出现在领奖台上说完谢谢就转身离开。

    I told my friends I would come here to say " thank you , " then walked off .

  29. 如果我们能够在领奖台上为绿色勾画出一个永久的位置,我们就都是赢家。

    If we can visualise a permanent place for green on the podium , we will all be winners .

  30. 周日的女子4x100米混合泳接力赛,中国队获得第四名,未能登上领奖台。

    China missed out on a medal in the women 's 4x100m medley relay on Sunday , coming fourth .