
  • 网络safety car;Pace Car
  1. 因为有很多安全车时间,整场比赛变得非常狂热。

    The race was very hectic with all the safety car periods .

  2. 安全车离开后,我的车完全没有了抓地力。

    After the safety car period , my car had no grip at all .

  3. 克拉克远远地开在前面,已保持了一段足够长的安全车距,他于是放慢车速,开始定速巡航。

    Out in front , Clarke had built up such a sizeable safety margin that he eased the pace and started cruising .

  4. 论述了测距传感器的选择,目标安全车距、目标减速度的确定和实现,给出了ACC逻辑框图,进行了仿真分析。

    The selection of headway distance sensors , the determination of desired safety headway distance and desired deceleration are elaborated .

  5. 先进安全车(ASV)技术的现状与发展

    The Present Situation of ASV Technology and its Development

  6. 为了模拟汽车追尾动态模型,基于VB软件建立了高速公路追尾仿真分析系统,仿真分析系统为深入研究追尾概率和临界安全车距提供了重要手段。

    In order to simulate the dynamic model of rear-end , ear-end simulation system is established by VB software , it provides an important way for rear-end collision probability and critical security distance .

  7. 文章通过对高速公路汽车临界安全车距的分析,提出了一种高速公路汽车临界安全车距的ANFIS(自适应神经模糊推理系统)模型,经计算和对比分析,验证了该模型的有效性。

    In this paper , a model of critical safety distance in highway based on ANFIS ( Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Infer-ence System ) is provided through analysis the critical safety distance ; and it 's valid is proved through computation and comparison .

  8. 本文结合前碰撞避免系统(FCAS)的研究成果,提出了一种新的安全车距算法。

    This paper proposes a new method to calculate the safe distance based on the results of frontal collision avoidance system 's ( FCAS ) research .

  9. 行进中车辆临界安全车距的探讨

    A Formula of the Critical Safety Distance Between Two Moving Vehicles

  10. 基于单目视觉的安全车距预警系统研究

    Study on the Forward Collision Warning System Based on Monocular Vision

  11. 大客车安全车距自动保证系统探讨

    Study on the Guarantee System of the Safe Distance Between Two Buses

  12. 安全车距保持技术硬件在环仿真试验系统

    A Hardware-in-the-loop Simulator for Vehicles Safety Distance Keeping Device

  13. 基于相关分析和安全车距的跟驰模型

    Car-following model based on correlation analysis and safe headway

  14. 行进中车辆防追尾碰撞的临界安全车距研究

    Research of the Critical Safety Distance Between Two Moving Vehicles in Rear-end Collision Avoidance

  15. 基于CAN总线的安全车距保持系统

    CAN Bus-based Vehicle Safety Distance Keeping System

  16. 汽车安全车距的安全度评定系统研究

    Vehicle safe-degree evaluation system based on safe-distance

  17. 安全车出动时,我们已经处在靠前的位置。

    When the safety car came , we were more or less at the front .

  18. 然后安全车出来,对我没有任何帮助。

    Then the safety car came out , which didn 't help me at all .

  19. 21世纪的先进安全车

    Advanced Safety Vehicle of 21st Century

  20. 当安全车进站后我不断推进赛车,一切都是那么完美。

    After the safety car period I was pushing very hard and everything worked out perfectly .

  21. 调节引擎表现以适应从排位赛到安全车的不同模式。

    Fixes engine performance level to suit strategy ranging from qualifying configuration to a safety car situation .

  22. 在加拿大如果不是最有一次安全车我会以第三完赛。

    In Canada I would have finished third if it wasn 't for the last safety car .

  23. 20分种后,拨云见日,比赛在安全车出动后重新开始。

    Twenty minutes later bright sunshine had broken out as the race resumed behind the safety car .

  24. 丰田先进安全车

    Toyota Advanced Safety Vehicle

  25. 澳大利亚的安全车事件真的很倒霉,在巴塞隆纳我们也很有竞争力。

    In Australia I was really unlucky with the safety car and in Barcelona we were also quite competitive .

  26. 分析了双目立体视觉的模型,提出了以双目立体视觉为基础的安全车距测量方案。

    This article analysed the model of binocular stereovision and proposed a program for measuring safety space between two vehicles .

  27. 本文通过分析以往的安全车距模型的不足,对安全车距模型提出了修正方案,建立了一种有效的安全车距模型。

    After analyzing and amending the former models , an effective safety distance model has been proposed in this thesis .

  28. 通过对车辆制动过程的分析,建立了高速公路实用安全车距计算模型;

    On the base of the automobile brake process analysis , the expresswayautomobile safety distance calculation model is set up .

  29. 我们会在35圈进站,因为如果会出安全车的话我们就走运了。

    We were going to stop on lap35 because if there was a safety car coming in we might be lucky .

  30. 所有比赛车辆必须减速行驶并在安全车后10个车距之内形成列队。

    All competing cars must then reduce speed and form up in line behind the safety car no more than ten car lengths apart .