
  • 网络Road rescue;Road assistance;Road-Side Service
  1. 美国3A级车队国家汽车俱乐部(NationalMotorClub)则使用这个软件协调道路救援电话。

    And the national motor club , a AAA competitor , uses the software to coordinate roadside assistance calls .

  2. 虽然上述平均倍数低于欧洲在2007年的6.6倍,但银行家指出,一些收购案例中的融资倍数可能达到所收购公司经营利润的7倍,比如当前正在挂牌出售的英国道路救援集团rac。

    While this is lower than the 6.6 times seen in Europe in 2007 , bankers point to examples such as the current auction to sell RAC , the British roadside assistant group , with a financing offer that could approach seven times its operating profit .

  3. 结合算例分析,表明该方法的可行性与实用性,可以作为成本约束条件下改善道路交通救援服务水平的依据。

    And the method can be used as the basis of improving rescue service level under the condition of limited founds .

  4. 在改善道路交通救援服务质量的过程中,救援点的选址是一项重要工作。

    In the process of improving rescue service quality of road traffic , locating rescue sites is an important task , and the layout of the existing rescue sites plays an important role .

  5. 道路交通紧急救援服务点的优化选址

    Optimal Location of Emergency Rescue Service Site for Road Traffic Accidents

  6. 道路堵塞使救援工作更加困难。

    Blocked roads made rescue efforts more difficult .

  7. 这个地处偏远高原的城镇有着10万居民,起初由于路况不佳,天气恶劣以及道路不通,救援计划一度受阻。

    Earlier efforts to send aid to this remote plateau town , home to 100,000 people , had been hampered by poor road and weather conditions as well as heavy traffic .

  8. 故应联合社会各类救援部门,充分组织、调动和利用分散的各种资源,建立适当模式的城市道路交通事件救援系统,设计以点带线、以线覆面的指挥管理系统及其管理方法。

    Therefore , it is necessary to develop suitable pattern of urban road traffic incident rescue system and design control management system and method , combined with all of social rescued .

  9. 目前有约1万名士兵被派往中国西南部云南省地震灾区清理道路并实施救援活动,这次地震灾害的死亡人数已经上升至410人。

    Some 10000 troops have been dispatched to clear roads and carry out rescue work in southwest China 's Yunnan province , where the death toll of a deadly earthquake has risen to 410 .

  10. 当地一所学校的废墟下,音乐可以听到孩子们传来的呼救声。但是由于道路受阻,救援队和机械不能进入,人们只能徒手挖开瓦砾。

    Cries for help were heard from under the debris of a local school , but people had to dig with their hands , since blocked roads were preventing rescue teams and machinery from reaching the site .

  11. 道路交通事故紧急救援保障体系与技术支持

    Road traffic accidents emergency rescue security system and technical support

  12. 该道路的交通被救援人员称为“救援生命线”,周日曾短暂恢复。

    Traffic on the road , dubbed by rescuers as the " relief lifeline , " resumed briefly on Sunday .

  13. 昨日交通状况似乎有所改善,某些道路被指定为救援专用通道,确保救护车及时将伤员运出灾区。

    The traffic seemed to be improving yesterday , with certain roads designated as medical lifelines to be used only by ambulances taking patients out .

  14. 本文将城市道路交通事故车辆救援设施选址的一般模型,如覆盖模型、条件覆盖模型、备份覆盖模型及P-中值问题和P-中心问题进行了评析。

    The city vehicle road traffic accident rescue facility location model , such as the cover model , condition coverage model , backup coverage model and P-Median Problem and P center problems of .