
  1. 但现在他们被年轻人所认可。

    But now they are recognized by young people .

  2. 这些老住户正在被年轻富有的职业人员挤走。

    The LOD inhabitants are being crowded out by rich young professionals .

  3. 桑普拉斯被年轻的瑞士球星罗杰费德勒击败。

    Sampras went out to young Swiss star Roger federer .

  4. 而且他还被年轻的高中女生们环绕着。

    And be surrounded by young high school girls .

  5. 被年轻人挤出了就业市场

    Squeezed out of the job market by younger men

  6. “金融交易被年轻的男性所主导,”他表示。

    " Financial trading is dominated by young men , " he says .

  7. 我们被年轻的坏流氓袭击。

    We were assaulted by vicious young hoodlums .

  8. 现在电子音乐已被年轻人所接受,且更加流行。

    Now ( electronic ) music is accepted by the young and gets more popular .

  9. 以下几个小贴士是教你怎么样在如今被年轻人占据了的职场中生存。

    Here are some tips to thrive in a work environment dominated by younger workers .

  10. 批评者,包括许多著名的导演和评论家,被年轻的影迷所指责。

    Critics , including many famous directors and critics , are denounced by young fans .

  11. 不要像个老古董一样,也不要被年轻人的思想左右。

    Don 't act like an old fogey , but don 't be misguided by young people , either .

  12. 男性更易被年轻和美貌所吸引,而女性更多会青睐于金钱、教育和地位。

    Men are more attracted to youth and beauty , while women are more attracted to money , education and position .

  13. 他觉得非常好笑:自己已经成为公认的大师,而甚至被年轻一辈的艺术家认为已经有些过时了。

    He was vastly amused to find himself an established master , and even considered out of date by younger artists .

  14. 观众们被年轻运动员所吸引,为老运动员的辉煌过去所沉迷

    The crowd , enchanted by the younger player , are seduced by memories of the older player 's illustrious past .

  15. 有明显的迹象表明一些古老的传统和价值观念采不再被年轻人珍视。

    There are visible signs that some of the time-honored old traditions and values are no longer cherished by the young people .

  16. 他的头上有许多伤口,像是被年轻人厚重的木制枪拖弄得。

    There were many wound in his head , made by something thick and heavy like the wooden part of the young man 's gun .

  17. 街舞在我国起步较晚,其音乐有较强的节奏感,动作的夸张等特点深深的被年轻人所吸引。

    Hip-hop in China started late , their music has a strong sense of rhythm , movement and other characteristics exaggerated deeply attracted by young people .

  18. 没想到这一切被年轻美貌的小姐秀兰·邓波儿目睹,对这位长腿巨人产生了爱慕之情。

    The film crew comes across a lot of difficulties . A young lady Shirley Temple witnesses all these and has a crush on the giant .

  19. 李老爷子扮演了一个读报的人,他几乎就要走入闹市之中,但被年轻的马特默多克(超胆侠,斯科特泰拉饰)阻止了。

    Lee plays a man reading a newspaper who nearly walks into a busy street before being stopped by a young Matt Murdock ( Scott Terra ) .

  20. 这部电影呈现了战时士兵的创伤经验,它将这些经历了经济大萧条以及二次世界大战的美国人所做的牺牲展现出来以平反他们在六零年代被年轻世代丑化的形象。

    By depicting the trauma of wartime experience , it demonstrating the sacrifices made by the men and women who endured the Great Depression and fought the Second World War .

  21. 在诸如搜索和社交网络等热门领域中,它被年轻一代的公司甩在了后面,这些公司中的有一些热衷于嘲笑这位年纪大的对手。

    It has been left behind in hot areas such as search and social networking by younger companies , some of which love to thumb their noses at their older rival .

  22. 在上面这张彩色影像里,还能看到氢气被年轻恒星加热后发出的一片蓝色辉光,以及由恒星或超新星爆炸形成的黑暗尘埃。

    Also visible in the above scientifically colored image is a blue sheen of diffuse hydrogen gas heated by the young stars , and dark dust created by stars or during supernova explosions .

  23. 作为一种与传统模式不同的交易方式,电子商务具有简便、成本低、信息丰富等诸多优点,更是一种被年轻人青睐的时尚购物方式。

    As a different way of transaction from the traditional models , E-commerce has the advantages of simple , low cost , and informative , favored by young people as a fashion shopping way .

  24. 由于流行语的形式不拘一格,又被年轻一代大量使用,甚至导致规范日语单词和语法变形、日语结构紊乱。

    As a result of being flexible in forms and popular among young people , slang has caused Japanese to change with regard to its regular word meaning , its grammar as well as its structure .

  25. 因在《霍比特人》中饰演黑暗精灵王瑟兰迪尔一角而在中国很有名气的李·佩斯表示,他被年轻饲养员梅燕给熊猫宝宝喂奶的场景震撼了。

    Pace , who is known in China for his role as Thranduil in The Hobbit trilogy , said he was thoroughly impressed with the way Mei Yan , a young keeper , fed panda cubs with bottled milk .

  26. 不过中国菜有个有趣的观念——“食补”,这个古老的习俗在西方几乎是前所未闻,而在东方则逐渐被年轻人忽视。

    But there is one interesting concept concerning Chinese food which is almost unheard of in the West , and which is becoming increasingly ignored by the youth of the East - the ancient custom of " tonic food . "

  27. 她总是会被较年轻的男人吸引。不过,说实话,谁又不是呢?

    She was always attracted to younger men . But , let 's face it , who is not ?

  28. 那老人被几个年轻罪犯打成了残废。

    The old man was beaten to a wreck by the young criminals .

  29. 众所周知,马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)曾是全球最年轻的亿万富翁之一。虽然他的这一头衔只保持了8天就被更加年轻的成功者所取代。

    Mark Zuckerberg is one of the youngest billionaires ever - being only 8 days too old to hold the title .

  30. 从某种程度上讲,MBA毕业生被较年轻律师所代替,反映了他们近来的一种担忧:年龄在20多岁的潜在MBA申请者对商业的看法。

    The replacement of the MBA graduate by the younger lawyer in some way reflects one of their recent concerns : the perception of business among those in their 20s potential MBA applicants .