
  • 网络Passive obedience;De l'obéissance passive;passive negativism
  1. 12.1%的患者主动要求进行宫颈防癌涂片检查,87.9%的患者对宫颈防癌涂片检查处于被动服从状态。

    12.1 % of the patients desired to make cervical examination positively , and 87.9 % were passive .

  2. 展示了武断的上帝如何使人处于被动服从的地位,束缚人的思想并由此使人产生恐惧感;

    It shows how the arbitrary God compels human beings to obey him , confines their thoughts and makes them live in fear .

  3. 大学语文要为培养新人才发挥作用,必须强化其素质教育功能,体现全新特点凸现自主,淡化被动服从;

    In order to train new talents , Chinese of the university must strengthen quality-oriented education and reflect the brand-new characteristics : acting on one 's own was showed especially , underestimate the obeying passively ;

  4. 本研究根据企业对公平竞争的目标、态度和表现进行了聚类分析,实证性研究结果,将现在的纺织企业分为被动服从型战略和主动适应型战略两类。

    According to the clustering analysis based on the aim , attitude and performance of businesses ' fair competition , in this empirical study , the modern enterprises can be divided into two categories : passive obedience-based kind and active adaptive kind .

  5. 在分权化改革之后,我国地方政府改变了以往被动服从中央政府命令的行为模式,体现出竞争性,地方官员企业家也拥有了发挥企业家才能的空间。

    Under the unique system of political centralization and economic decentralization , local government has changed its old behavioral model of obeying orders of central government passively and become competitive , so that local official entrepreneurs have the spaces for them to play entrepreneurship .

  6. 除此之外,本章还进一步的讨论了小说中的性别冲突,并从两性着重揭露女性的被动及服从。

    In addition , this chapter extends a further discussion on gender conflicts .

  7. 我们忍受毫无根据的批评,我们被动地服从指令,而不是坦言自己的需求。

    We put up with unwarranted criticism , we passively submit to requests rather than assert our needs .

  8. 寻找教育思想的过程不是被动的思想服从过程,而是以寻找者自身的已有思想需求与思想前见为参照标准的思想选择过程和思想构建过程。

    The pursuit of educational thought is not a process of passive ideological abeyance , but a course of ideological selection and construction with the searcher 's ideas and needs as contrast standard .

  9. 研究表明,农村老年人公共参与积极性不高,表现出被动、消极和服从的态度。

    Studies have shown that rural elderly are not enthusiastic public participation , showing passive and negative attitude and obedience .