- integrand

When three dimensional vector scattering is analyzed by integral equation and the moment method ( MM ) or the fast multipole method ( FMM ), the singular integrand will he done .
Based on testifying the integrand divergence free property of the traction boundary integral equation and Stokes ' theorem , the computation of traction boundary integral equation can be transformed into the evaluation of the displacement potential function on the boundary points .
In order to calculating the weak singular integral , the coordinate transform method is used .
This paper gives an account of the full condition of f ( X )→ 0 when X →∞ underthe condition of infinite integral convergence of a kind of positive-valued inte-grands .
Improved Gauss numerical integral method is used to calculate the infinite integration of Bessel function instead of traditional Fourier-Henkel transform method .
A new Simpson inequality with best estimation of error was given under the condition that the integrand has piecewise continuous third derivative .
The residual parts are surface integrations whose integrands are the products of the scalar Green 's function and fields or their derivatives . The high order singularity of integrands in the integral equation is reduced to one order , making for program implementation .
In this paper the conditions for a integrand in lebesgue integral to become a zero function are discussed and weaker conditions are given .
The second thing to know is x y you need to of course substitute any x and y 's in the integrand to convert them to u 's and v 's so that you have a valid integrand involving only u and v.
Numerical results for the singular solutions with integrands expressed in terms of the product of the second Hankel function and the exponential function agree well with FEM results .
In the implementation , based on the well established Delaunay triangulation , the FEM shape functions of three nodes triangular are taken as test functions , which reduce the order of integrands involved in domain integrals and improves the computational efficiency of the method .
This paper analyses the method to obtain Westergaard stress function of any distributed load by integrating the Westergaard stress function of concentration load in " The stress Analysis of Cracks Handbook " by Tada and others and shows that the function integrated must be discreetly analysed .
An Indefinite Integral Principle of Making Linear Combination and Reducing Power of Integrand
The method remarkably simplifies the integrand for the stiffness matrix , and therefore has practical significance .
The Limit of the Integrand of Convergent Abnormal Integral in the Infinite Range of Integration at Infinity
The calculation step is established by the demanded precision and the quality of the integral function .
The first term of the integrand represents the contribution to the error power due to noise .
From the characteristics of integrated function , broad integral 's convergence and scatter of positive function is discriminated .
The vector surface integral equation can 't be applied to numerical computation directly because its integrands possess the high order singularity .
The boundary type cubature is quite the type of formulae that only use numerical values on the boundary of the domain .
A part of results on magnetic vector potential of circular loop are expanded , so the integral function is transformed to integrable series .
By introducing the non-degenerate linear transformation , the calculation procedure of this type of multi-integration is simplified and the calculation formula is obtained .
During the process of infinite integral converging , when does the limit of integrand become zero while the independent variable tends to be infinity .
There are two difficult points in convolution integral : how to determine the limit of the integral , and the integrands on the convolution integral .
In order to maintain the symplectic conservation conditions of FEM formulation , the integrand in the variational principle is rewritten in symmetrical form for duality variables .
Flexible apply " gather together differential " and " divide part integral " method to solve the indefinite integral whose integrable function is the three factor multiple formative .
Based on the quality of linear operation about indefinite integral , the article puts forward an indefinite integral principle of making linear combination and reducing power of integrand .
The integrand includes a multiplying factor of the vertical directivity of the noise intensity , and the layered ocean environment affects the spatial coherences via this directivity factor .
A new view is put forward about the trigonometrical Function Rational Formula Indefinite Integral , which is , how to make the indefinite integral belong to all the continual periods .
A segmented polynomial approximation for the integrand of the chordwise integral is deduced to evaluate the kernal function in a closed form finite-sum manner , resulting a well-behaved coefficient matrix .