- Special solution;particular solution;particular integral

Particular Solution Boundary Element Method for Linear and Nonlinear Heat Conduction Problems
In this paper , using inverse differential operator and its linear property , we present the particular solution of n-th order general inhomogeneous linear ordinary differential equation with constant coefficient .
Dynamic Response Analysis of Railway Bridge Pier of Simply Supported PC Beam with Particular Solution Boundary Element Method
The string particular solutions of Su ( 2 ) gauge field
To obtain the general solution and their special solutions in integration form , the way to get the n order non-homogeneous linear ordinary equation with constant coefficients was studied .
Particular Solution for a Class Riccati Equation on System of Differential Equations of First Order
The solution of ordinary differential equation with constant coefficients using up-triangular Toeplitz matrix
Special Solution of the Riccati Equation
First we apply Green 's functions in special solution , simplifying the second order problems to the first order integral formulation , then we deal with its numerical solution by the compound trapezoidal formula .
THE STRING PARTICULAR SOLUTIONS OF SU ( 2 ) GAUGE FIELD Two Types of Gravitational Gauge Field Equations of de Sitter Gravity
Use of Petri Nets for Solving Indeterminate Equations of the First Degree (ⅱ) & To find a Particular Solution of the Equation Using Petri Nets with Weighted Forbidden Arcs
The Kirchhoff equation in statics of an elastic thin rod has a special solution , corresponding to the straight equilibrium .
Solving nonsimultaneous variational equations of relativistic autonomous birkhoff systems by using its first integral
Based on this , to avoid using the Green ′ s formula on infinite domain , an infinitely differentiable function with compact subset is constructed and some important results to a especial solution of the inhomogeneous field equation are obtained .
This paper presents a general method meant to be used to get a special solution of the constant coefficient linear nonhomogeneous recursive relation , where the nonhomogeneous term is a polynomial about n multiply indicial function about n .
This paper give a proof about the special solution of the Riccati equation by using the Bessel function , the generalized Bessel equation and the Hankel function .
In paper [ 1 ] author gave the expression of special solution for constant coefficient nonhomogeneous linear equation while the form of f is special . In this paper , we by this way give the expression of special solution for two kinds of Euler equation .
Discusses the particular solution of m-Bessel equation when m is zero or positive integer which is the primal Bessel function , and solve the approximation of m Bessel function with polynomial forms and FORTRAN algorithm .
Gaussian beam is a special solution of the Helmholtz equation when slow vibration approximation is shown . It can describe the characteristic of leser beam .
The method can 't completely get rid of the dependence to the IST because that the squared Jost appear as the particular solution in the process of the IST .
The method using series expansion is presented , and the wavenumber is separated from fundamental solution of Helmholtz boundary element equation , then the system matrices dependent of wavenumber are the matrices series associated with wavenumber , and the astringency of the method is proved .
In this paper , a series of particular solutions are formed by utilizing correspondent Reissner ′ s plate fundamental solutions . Thus all elements in the coefficient matrix of boundary element equations for plates to be solved will be determined by boundary point method .
All Particular Solution Boundary Element Method Analyzing Sound Radiation by Structure
A Formula for a Special Solution to Nonhomogeneous Linear Recurrence Equations
The Comparison Between Two Patterns of Particular Solution of Differential Equation
Special Solutions to A Kind of Second Order Non-homogeneous Euler Equations
Arranging externai source points for all particular solutions of space problem
Studies On The Simplest Formal In Particularly Solving Lacunary Differential Eguation
The Expression of Special Solution for Two Kinds of Euler Equation
Study on Particular Solution Boundary Element Method for Dynamic Analysis