
  • 网络Special tax adjustment;GAAR
  1. 第六章特别纳税调整

    Chapter VI Special Adjustments to Tax Payments

  2. 我国转让定价制度的新突破&基于新《企业所得税法》特别纳税调整的分析

    New Breakthrough of China 's Transfer Pricing System Based on Analysis of " Special Tax Adjustment " in New Enterprise Income Tax

  3. 这部分主要是对涉外特别纳税调整规则进行补充说明,力图让整篇文章保持叙述完整丰满。

    This section is mainly to the foreign special tax adjustment rules , and tries to make , adding that the whole article keep narrated complete plump .

  4. 第五部分其他特别纳税调整措施,简要介绍了转让定价规则、成本分摊协议管理规则以及一般反避税条款。

    The fifth part of the " other special tax adjustment measures " were introduced briefly , transfer pricing rules , cost allocation and management rules commonly agreement tax provision .

  5. 随着新《企业所得税法》以及《特别纳税调整实施办法(试行)》的颁布,我国对反避税操作管理,特别是对转让定价的纳税调整作了全面的规范。

    With the new " Enterprise Income Tax Law " and " Implementation Measures for Special Tax Adjustments ( Trial )" was promulgated , China made a comprehensive specification on counter-tax-avoidance operations , especially on tax adjustments for transfer pricing .

  6. 在企业所得税法及特别纳税调整办法不完备,不可能堵塞所有避税漏洞的条件下,国家制定特别纳税调整办法这种授权性规范,授予税务机关为反避税而进行纳税调整的执法权。

    Under the condition that the " enterprise income tax law " and the special tax adjustment approaches could not possibly plug all the avoidance loopholes , the special tax adjustment rules serve as an authorized norm , granting the tax authorities with the executive power of anti-avoidance tax adjustment .