
  • 网络PR agency
  1. 肯普纳也是公关机构MWW集团的创始人、总裁兼首席执行官。

    Kempner is also founder , President and CEO of MWW group , a public relations firm .

  2. 当被问及时,wpp一些客户似乎并不担心这样一种可能性:即他们聘请来代表其利益的公关机构,与为其竞争对手工作的公司属于同一家公司。

    Some WPP clients , when asked , seem relaxed about the possibility that the outfit they hire to represent their interests may have the same owner as one that works for a competitor .

  3. 实际上,大多数公关机构都不愿证实自己在为某个国家的个人客户提供公关服务。

    Indeed , most agencies are coy about confirming reputational work for individual clients from any country .

  4. 不过,人们承认,刺激伦敦金融市场增长的那些根本趋势,也令伦敦的公关机构从中受益。

    But there is acknowledgement that London agencies have benefited from the same underlying trends that have spurred the growth of the city 's financial markets .

  5. 本文就医院公关的作用、医院公关的组织机构设置及人员素质要求、医院公关的对象及过程、医院实施公关的方法等进行了初步的探讨。

    The article discusses the function , organizational establishment of PR in a hospital as well as the quality requirements of PR officers , and target , process and methodology of PR in a PLA hospital .