
  • 网络public issue;public agenda
  1. 网络社区中的意见领袖对于公共议题的建构有重要作用。

    The opinion leader in the Internet plays an important role on the public issues .

  2. 在任何有关公共议题的探讨中,以上关键要素都不可缺失。

    In any discussion of public issues , the above key elements are not missing .

  3. 第二章节主要从两方面论述了公共议题的具体内容。

    The second chapter analyzes the content of public opinions in two aspects .

  4. 报网互动栏目的新闻产制与公共议题的生成

    News Making Process of " Internet Supporting Media " and the Rising of Public Agendas

  5. 议程设置告诉我们,受众对议题的判断会有一致性,一些公共议题确实可以进入群体的心中。

    " Agenda & setting " tells us that audiences may judge the issues consistently , and some of public issues can be remembered by audiences .

  6. 首先从文化研究的角度,指出公共议题的内容多属流行文化,而广告可通过大众媒体成为流行文化,从而影响公共议题;

    Firstly the content of public opinions largely belong to popular culture and advertisement can become popular culture through mass-media and then affect the agenda of discussion .

  7. 透过社会学想像力,人们可以将个人不安,聚焦体现成为明确的个人困扰;并将公众的冷漠,转变为参与公共议题。

    Through the sociological imagination , the personal uneasiness of individuals is focused upon explicit troubles and the indifference of publics is transformed into involvement with public issues .

  8. 微博作为近几年一种新兴的传播媒介,正以迅猛速度发展成为信息交流发布平台之一,并在公共议题形成方面发挥着重要作用。

    As a new emerging media & the micro-blog , is developing into a major platform for information release and exchange , which played an important role in the formation of public issue .

  9. 本文主要探讨广告的议程设置对受众群体的公共议题的影响、这种影响发生的机制以及如何在广告诉求形式和内容上进行利用。

    The thesis mainly discusses the effect of agenda-setting on the public opinions the way the influence happens to advertisement , and the method of bringing the outcome into the content and form of advertisement .

  10. 微博的作用在于围观,转发、评论、@功能等应用的围观功能促进了一个个舆论场的形成,从而促进了公共议题的深入探讨。

    The main effect of micro-blogging is to crowd , opinion fields are shaping by the crowding function of forwarding , discussing , @ and other apps , which contributing to the deep discussion of public topics .

  11. 倡导环境和公共卫生议题的人士称,政府应当推动进一步的指控。

    Environmental and public health advocates said the government should push forward with further charges .

  12. 个人疾病痛苦与公共政策议题:重塑公共卫生政策角色

    Personal illness and the topic of public policy : re-shaping the role of public health policy

  13. 本课程拥有课堂讲稿、习题以及许多关于公共经济学议题的相关阅读资料。

    This course features lecture notes , problem sets and an extensive reading list addressing issues of public economics .

  14. 个人疾病是个人麻烦还是公共政策议题,是医疗服务和卫生政策设计时必须回答的基本问题。

    Personal illness that became not only a private trouble but also an important topic of public policy was a basic issue in medical service and health policy planning .

  15. 如何应对社会潮流的发展,创新地方政府政策,推进区域协调发展这一公共政策议题的实现,这不仅仅是一个实践问题,更是一个重要的理论问题。

    It is not only an issue on practice but also on theory about how to balance the regional development and how to innovate the public policy of local government .

  16. 通过对阿罗不可能性定理的重新叙述,我试图刻画任一新政治经济学或公共选择议题必须涉及的三个重要维度:(1)自由,(2)正义,(3)效率。

    Arrow 's impossibility theorem implies that any new-political or public-choice topic has to deal with three important issues : ( 1 ) freedom ,( 2 ) justice ,( 3 ) efficiency .

  17. 二是监控和分析外部可能对企业产生影响的公共社会议题,制定管理应对方案以提高管理的预见性和有效性。

    Secondly , it needs to monitor and analysis public social issues that are likely to have an impact on the enterprise , make management program to improve management predictability and efficiency .

  18. 互联网公共事件的议题建构与共意动员&以几起网络公共事件为例

    Issue Construction and Consensus Mobilization in Internet Collective Incidents & Three Cases Study

  19. 能源安全〉,《美国公共政策辩论议题》2002,页156。

    " Energy Security . " in Issues for Debate in American Public Policy , 2002,156 - .

  20. 焦点事件与政策间断&以《人民日报》的公共卫生政策议题变迁为例

    Focus Events and Policy Punctuations : An Analysis of Change of Public Health Issue of the People 's Daily

  21. 可承受的住宅政策〉,《美国公共政策辩论议题》2002,页81-99。

    Tanner , Jane . " Affordable Housing . " in Issues for Debate in American Public Policy , 2002,81-99 .

  22. 在微博上,只要是一触即公共利益的议题势必引起人们的关注和探讨。

    As long as the topic of micro-blogging touches the issue of public interest , quite a lot of attention and discussion must be attracted .

  23. 企业公共关系中的议题管理

    The Issue Management in the Enterprise 's Public Relations

  24. 老人跌倒预防是全球公共卫生最重要议题之一。

    Fall prevention in the elderly is one of the most important public health issues worldwide .

  25. 公共辩论的主导议题,一方面是日本和美国养猪业者的利润,另一方面是来自政界不断的动作,以确定在无法达成协议时该指责谁。

    Public debate has become dominated by , on one hand , the profits of pork farmers in Japan and the United States and , on the other , political maneuvering to assign blame in anticipation of a failure to close a deal .

  26. 公共服务目标和可靠经费来源是公共广播议题的关键。

    The Key issues on the subject are service objectives and financial support of the public service broadcasting .