
  • 网络White Collar
  1. 所以,下一次,不管你是一名学生还是一个公司白领,学会表演这些非常好的魔术吧。

    The next time you have to give a presentation , try performing one of these great effects !

  2. 随着越来越多的公司白领受到房价较低的吸引而搬到了郊区,到市中心的交通问题将只会成为一个更大的挑战。

    As more white-collar workers move to the suburbs for their lower housing prices , transportation to downtown will become only a bigger challenge .

  3. 明年另一个职场趋势是海外人才市场将进一步升温,更多的外国公司白领职位将会投向中国。

    Next year trend of another duty field is abroad talent market will warm up further , position of more foreign company white-collar will be cast to china .

  4. 让我们从市场力量谈起这种力量将一名富时100指数(ftse100)成份股公司的白领主管投入中国的监狱。

    It helps to start with the market forces that have landed a white-collar FTSE 100 executive in a Chinese prison .

  5. 做一个外企公司的白领还是一个公务员,每个选择都有它自己的优势和不足。

    To be a white-collar in a multinational company or to be a civil servant , each has advantages and disadvantages of its own .

  6. 这位朋友在北京工作,他从事电影和电视节目制作。他妻子在上海一家贸易公司当白领。

    He worked in Beijing as a producer of movies and TV programs , while his wife chose to stay in her native Shanghai , where she worked as a white-collar employee in a trading company .

  7. 在城市里有很多公司上班的白领希望有个合适的地方放松自己,回归自然。

    There are many white-collar workers in the city wanting to find a suitable place to relax and return to nature .

  8. 邓小姐,外资公司的高级白领,曾经跟美容院的朋友学过美容。

    Miss Teng , a white collar working for a foreign-invested company , said she had learnt to make cosmetics from a friend in a beauty parlor .

  9. 他们发现,对于广告公司而言,年轻白领是一个极具吸引力的目标群体。

    They figured that young professionals are an attractive target for advertising companies .