
  • advertiser;advertising agency
  1. 现代将成为本月奥斯卡(oscar)颁奖典礼上唯一的汽车广告商。

    Hyundai will be the only automotive advertiser during the Oscars this month .

  2. 可口可乐(coca-cola)就是一家已经开始对所有广告公司都按业绩付费的大型广告商。

    Coca-Cola is one large advertiser that is already moving to performance-related pay with all its agencies .

  3. 该国的广告商需要规范自己的行为。

    The nation 's advertisers need to clean up their act .

  4. 广告商听闻这或许会带来2,000万美元的收益后已是垂涎欲滴了。

    Advertisers are already drooling at reports that this might bring 20 million dollars .

  5. 数字录像机的普及使得广告商们开始担心他们的广告会被跳过。

    The popularization of digital video recorders has caused advertisers to worry that their commercials will be skipped .

  6. 尽管像脸书这类公司获得了网民的关注,从广告商那里产生了收益,但是其他的技术却没有此种计划。

    While companies like Facebook harvest attention to generate revenue from advertisers , other technologies have no such agenda .

  7. 一些广告商开始转向互联网广告,其更便宜且能提供更具体的如点击率这样的衡量标准,这在市场营销预算紧张的时期尤为重要。

    Some are turning to the Internet , which is cheaper and offers concrete measurements like click-through rates — especially important at a time when marketing budgets are tight .

  8. 有人认为这种晒单行为越来越受欢迎是因为人们通过这些晒单可以看到产品真实的状况,而不是广告商修饰过的样子。

    Some consider the popularity of this practice is due to the ability of showing the product exactly for what it is without any adulteration advertisers usually make around the product .

  9. 还有许多广告商仍然质疑Facebook的广告效果。

    Many advertisers still question the effectiveness of Facebook .

  10. 广告商们喜欢facebook的概念,但他们无法找到利用facebook推销自身产品的办法。

    Advertisers love the idea of Facebook but they cannot figure out how to use it to sell their products .

  11. 这个网站的用户参与度很高,这对广告商而言十分诱人,斯科曼希望能够在Niche复制这一点。

    The site also boasts engagement figures that stand out to advertisers , a boon skurman hopes to duplicate with niche .

  12. 诸如谷歌和Facebook这样的网路巨头也会通过将这样的资讯卖给他们的目标广告商而获利,但他们并没有徵得他们用户的同意。

    Internet giants like Google and Facebook use such information to sell targeted adverts and make money without ever asking the consent of the user .

  13. Twitter也在考虑推出增强的品牌页面和媒介管理工具,后者可让广告商在预定时间发送140个字符的简短消息。

    It is also looking at introducing enhanced profile pages for brands and media management tools , which could allow advertisers to pre-schedule 140-character posts .

  14. 该公司上周宣布,它将与唱片公司百代(EMI)合作,开设一项由广告商赞助的免费音乐试听服务。

    The Nasdaq-listed company announced last week it would set up an advertising-supported free music streaming service in partnership with record company EMI .

  15. 搜索引擎谷歌(Google)及其竞争对手们创造出一个市场,允许广告商对关键词竞标,以匹配特定的搜索结果。

    Search engines like Google ( GOOG ) and its competitors have created a marketplace that allows advertisers to bid on keywords to match an ad with a particular search term .

  16. 然而,广告商评估这些新想法的同时,youtube及其它视频共享网站还面对其它的问题。

    Even as advertisers evaluate these new ideas , however , youtube and the other video-sharing sites face other difficulties .

  17. dvr使用的普及,已促使广告商纷纷要求寻找新的方法来衡量收视率。

    The increase in DVR use has led to calls from advertisers for new ways of measuring television audiences .

  18. 广告商喜欢Facebook提供的针对性广告及其有关16亿用户的海量数据,他们也喜欢高效的谷歌搜索。

    Advertisers like the targeting they get with Facebook and the trove of data it has on its 1.6bn users , just as they like the efficiency of Google search .

  19. 比赛当晚,营销教员与凯洛格市场营销俱乐部(kelloggmarketingclub)的会员齐聚校园,一边观看比赛,一边用一套严格的学术标准给广告商打分。

    Marketing faculty and members of the Kellogg marketing club convened on campus last night to watch the event and to rate the advertisers using a set of strict academic criteria .

  20. Facebook、Twitter、YouTube和Tumblr等社交媒体网站正与越来越多的名人结成合作关系,从而为广大用户提供更多新鲜爆料,也为广告商们带来更多新的商机。

    Social-media sites like Facebook , Twitter , YouTube and Tumblr are increasingly forging relationships with celebrities to give both users and advertisers plenty of new material .

  21. 谷歌是否会利用在Buzz上搜集的客户隐私信息进行广告推送?谷歌收购移动广告商AdMob的行为会不会影响到消费者的隐私权?

    The representatives also questioned how Google 's planned acquisition of mobile advertising vendor AdMob will affect consumer privacy .

  22. 据半岛晨报报道,央视广告部最近同它的VIP广告商们进行了内部会议,为即将到来的黄金时段广告招标做准备。

    According to the Peninsula Morning Post , CCTV 's Advertisement Department has recently held an inside meeting with its VIP advertisers , preparing for the upcoming Prime-time Advertising Auction .

  23. 最好的办法就是构建多层检验系统,包括测试URL是否来自广告商,或者配备编辑团队对贡献进行监视和检验。

    Your best bet is to build in layers of verification systems , including tests for URLs known to be promoted in spam , or by deploying an editorial team to monitor and verify contributions .

  24. 但具有讽刺意义的是,Facebook和谷歌一方面都希望尽可能为各自的广告商挖掘尽可能多的用户个人信息,但同时双方又一直在“保护用户隐私”方面苦苦挣扎。

    The irony , of course , is that Facebook and Google both are in a constant struggle to respect users ' privacy while mining as much personal information as possible for the companies ' advertisers .

  25. DM广告可以从平面形态、合作营销模式方面复合,以达到更好的收益,这种收益对于广告商及产品宣传商家两方都是双赢。

    DM ad from the plane shape , cooperative marketing model compound , in order to achieve a better income , such gains is a win-win for advertisers and product promoters , the two sides .

  26. NBC周四的喜剧收视率虽然不高,却博得富裕观众的喜爱,也深受广告商的青睐。

    NBC 's comedy on Tuesday doesn 't have a high audition rating , but it is popular with the rich audience and finds favor in advertisers'eyes .

  27. 在移动端,用户对搜索的依赖并不像在台式机上那么高,因此广告商不愿支付那么多的广告费。谷歌一直试图利用其安卓(Android)操作系统来解决这个问题。

    Users do not engage with mobile search as deeply as with desktop , so advertisers are unwilling to pay as much for ads. Google has tried to address this with its Android operating system .

  28. 现在公司不仅仅是派销售人员带着广告清单出去兜售,而是开始聘请怀揣MBA学历并且在业内拥有丰富经验、受广告商青睐的人士担任公司的“公关经理”。

    Now , rather than simply sending salespeople out to sell its ad inventory , Facebook has begun to hire mba-carrying " relationship managers " with experience in the industries from which the advertisers hale .

  29. 这些数据也许会被Facebook得到,与许多公司使用这类信息的公司一样,Facebook自己将能帮助广告商更有效地针对及跟踪消费者(Facebook的隐私政策一直受到人们的批评)。

    That data might instead go to Facebook , which like many companies uses that information itself to target and track consumers more effectively for advertisers ( and which has been subject to criticisms over its privacy policies ) .

  30. 广告商知道这个道理——市场研究公司eMarketer预测今年手机广告支出将增长92%。

    Advertisers know that - eMarketer expects ad spending on mobiles to grow 92 per cent this year .