
ɡuǎnɡ ɡào piān
  • advertising film
  1. 你愿意跟我一起拍广告片吗?

    Would you work for an advertising film with me ?

  2. 我们准备协助制作你方产品的广告片。

    We are ready to offer you our service in make an advertising film about your product .

  3. 他开着自己的车参加赛车,也把它们出租用来拍电影、电视和广告片。

    He races his cars , and hires them out for film , TV and promo videos .

  4. 社交媒体上的广告片称,Faraday将在拉斯维加斯的国际消费电子展上揭开未来的面纱。

    Teasers on social media say that Faraday will unveil the future at the technology event in Las Vegas .

  5. 这部名为“载入史册的一劈”(EpicSplit)的广告片,是沃尔沃制作的系列汽车宣传片中的一部。该系列短片以特技表演为内容来展示其对汽车的设计创新。

    The ' Epic Split ' video is part of a series produced by Volvo Trucks that features daring stunts meant to illustrate innovations in its vehicles .

  6. 二公子罗密欧曾为时尚大牌巴宝莉(Burberry)拍摄圣诞节广告片,使该品牌营业额增长了15%。

    Younger brother Romeo meanwhile has fronted a Burberry Christmas campaign and was credited with driving a 15 % sales boost .

  7. 2012年,JCrew聘请《Tank》杂志总裁兼时尚总监卡洛琳•伊莎(CarolineIssa)、设计师朱丽娅•萨尔-加莫娃(JuliaSarr-Jamois)以及法国记者穆扎(VirginieMouzat)出任广告片主角,算是开了这种合作风潮之先河。

    J Crew kicked things off in 2012 with a campaign starring Caroline Issa ( chief executive and fashion director of Tank magazine ) , stylist Julia Sarr-Jamois and French journalist Virginie Mouzat .

  8. 由于Timeline的照片、视频、内容、广告片和其它贴子总是在不断变动,因此它可以说是围绕着品牌和粉丝之间近乎实时的对话而打造的。

    Timeline , with its continual exchange of photos , videos , comments , promos and other posts , is built around a near real-time dialogue between brands and their fans .

  9. 自11月13日上传至YouTube以来,该广告片已吸引超过800万人次观看,这一特技意在展现沃尔沃卡车的全新动态转向系统。

    The stunt , meant to advertise Volvo Trucks ' new dynamic steering system , has drawn more than eight million views on YouTube since the video was posted on Nov. 13 .

  10. 十分钟的电影广告片要多少费用?

    How much will a ten - minutes advertising film cost ?

  11. 目前计划制作的广告片预算怎样?

    Is the advertisement a budget of the current plan creation how ?

  12. 首部中国动画广告片创作时间考

    Investigating the Creation Time for the First Chinese Animated Advertisement

  13. 这是电视史上最大型的广告片

    That 's the greatest ad ever run in the history of television

  14. 出版社知道你会批准那个广告片。

    The press knows you get to approve Party ads.

  15. 我们以后再也不会有小广告片了。

    We 're not gonna just take any commercial that comes our way .

  16. 你正在制作一部大投入的广告片。

    You are making such a big ad film and spending so extravagantly .

  17. 中国电影隐性广告片外效应与价值链研究空档广告影片或节目

    The Study of Off-movie Effect and Value Chain of Recessive Advertising of Chinese Movies

  18. 后来,广告片和超市里出现增白产品就显得司空见惯了。

    Subsequently seeing whitening products in commercials and supermarkets was nothing but a plain eye-opener .

  19. 让我在电视广告片上出现的唯一正当理由是提高克莱斯勒的信誉。

    The only valid reason for my appearing in our wads was to strengthen Chrysler 's creditability .

  20. 能从事广告片、资料片、宣传片、电视剧、文艺节目后期的声音制作,我们能提供最专业的服务。

    And it provides professional services of sound production involving commercials , propagandas , soap operas and entertainment shows .

  21. 任何一家公司的董事长亲自出马担任电视广告片的主角,一定是一位很想出风头的人。

    Any corporate chairman who appears in his company 's ads has got to be on an ego trip .

  22. 对于某些类型广告片,上述观点也许适用,但对绝大多数广告片来说却是相反的。

    For certain types advert , this view may apply , but for the vast majority of promos it is opposite .

  23. 当他受聘在一部软饮料广告片中当明星时,脚本要求他投一个不进篮框的球。

    When he was hired to star in a soft-drink commercial , the script called for him to miss a shot .

  24. 拍了三个广告片。下星期你将会看到个。我想你会喜欢的。

    They 've already filmed three plugs and you 'll see the first plug next week-I think you 'll like it .

  25. 用户可以通过这个页面点击不同的标签,来欣赏照片、视频、广告片或其它定制内容。

    From there , users could click on different tabs to explore photos , videos , promos or any other custom content .

  26. 本周,赞扬美国总统布什的广告片的出现标志着布什与克里之间的公开斗争开始了。

    The appearance this week of TV ads praising President Bush signaled the beginning of the public battle between Bush and Kerry .

  27. 百事可乐公司制作最新的广告片,用来宣传多元化和支持各种各样的人。

    This commerical was created and performed by EnAble-a network in PepsiCo which supports diversity and the inclusion of persons with different abilities .

  28. 主题为“由关爱,生关爱”的广告片符合这家公司“2015年健康计划”中首次提出的有关企业公民的目标。

    An ad campaign dubbed Care Inspires Care fits in with its Healthy 2015 goals to address corporate citizenship for the first time .

  29. 除了这段广告片和不断新增的孔子学院外,中国官方媒体公司也在向海外扩张。

    In addition to the new commercial and increasing numbers of Confucius Institutes , Chinese state-run media companies are expanding overseas as well .

  30. 新一出达能王子饼干的电视广告片,运用了创新的动画与实景拍摄手法,充分呈现孩子的幻想国度。

    This spot for Danone 's Prince biscuits utilizes both animation and live action to bring a young boy 's fantasy to life .