
zhǔ tí ɡē
  • theme song
  • theme song in a film
主题歌 [zhǔ tí gē]
  • [theme song in a film] 概括地表现主题的歌曲

  1. 一曲优美的主题歌能给电视剧增色不少。

    A good theme song adds much colour to a TV series .

  2. 我们的主题歌哦会很劲爆的

    That 's our theme song . It 'll be a blast .

  3. 结果证明奥运会主题歌《永远的朋友》极为成功。

    The Olympic theme tune ' Amigos para Siempre ' ( Friends for Life ) proved an out-and-out success

  4. 如果他有一首主题歌,那么无疑是1971年专辑《一切没问题》(HunkyDory)中的《改变》(Changes),其中唱道:

    If he had an anthem , it was " Changes , " from his 1971 album " Hunky Dory , " which proclaimed :

  5. 到周二,夏奇拉(Shakira)演唱的那首世界杯主题歌《非洲时刻》(WakaWaka)的彩铃下载听上去就会像上世纪80年代的摇滚乐一样遥远,而且我确信也会一样烦人。

    By Tuesday , the caller tune download of Shakira 's Waka Waka will sound as distant as a rock anthem from the 1980s , and as annoying I 'm sure .

  6. 那是《泰坦尼克号》的主题歌。

    It 's the theme tune in the movie Titanic .

  7. 这个是我们的家庭主题歌。

    This is kind of our family theme song .

  8. 主题歌由罗米布莱克利演唱。

    The title song is sung by Romy blakeley .

  9. 我喜欢电影《神话》及其主题歌《无尽的爱》。

    I like the film The Myth and its theme song Endless Love .

  10. 最后我在咖啡桌上唱着《小美人鱼》的主题歌

    I ended up on the coffee table singing " part of your world "

  11. 大赛的主题歌和吉祥物是什麽?

    What are the themes and the mascot ?

  12. 聆听或唱地球主题歌

    Sing or listen to Earth songs

  13. 这是盗贼的主题歌,在晚上听我的歌,他们会四处作乱。

    The thief 's theme , play me at night , they won 't act right .

  14. 蒂娜:我一听席琳·迪翁唱《泰坦尼克》的主题歌就哭。

    Tina : I always cry when I hear Celine Dion singing the song from the Titanic movie .

  15. 这是一首迪士尼卡通『木偶奇遇记』中的主题歌~当你向星星许愿。

    This song is called " when you wish upon a star " from the Disney movie , pinocchio .

  16. 这首1998年世界杯的主题歌,在全世界引起轰动。瑞奇·马丁一夜成名。

    This theme song of the 1998 World Cup became a worldwide smash hit . Ricky Martin was popular overnight .

  17. 但当他唱起电视剧《三国演义》的主题歌时,一切都变了。

    Then he began to sing the theme song of the TV drama Romance of Three Kingdoms . And everything changed .

  18. 中国民族歌剧主题歌是中国民族歌剧音乐的一个重要组成部分,具有鲜明的体裁特征。

    As an important part of Chinese traditional opera music , the themes songs in Chinese traditional operas have distinctive thematic features .

  19. 该专辑最近携单曲《霍元甲》(电影《霍元甲》主题歌)继续大卖。

    The album is currently being sold with the single " Huo Yuanjia ", the theme song of the movie " Fearless " .

  20. 然后奥运主题歌表演开始了,美妙的萨拉布莱曼以及一位中国有名的歌手。

    After that came the part of the Olympic theme song , performed by the amazing Sarah Brightman and a famous Chinese singer .

  21. 仇恨周的主题歌名叫仇恨之歌,它的新曲子作了出来,在电幕上没完没了唱个不停。

    The new tune which was to be the theme-song of hate week had already been composed and was being endlessly plugged on the telescreens .

  22. 日在该报撰文热情洋溢的评说道:由赵光创作的《致世博》主题歌具有新浪漫主义风格,深受观众喜爱,甚至可将作曲家比作中国的安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯。

    They were also featured in'Ode to the Expo'by Guang Zhao , a lush , soaring neo-Romantic crowd pleaser that made the composer seem a Chinese Andrew Lloyd Webber .

  23. 奥运我也会试一下,知道吗,有个网站调查,有74%人支持我去唱奥运主题歌,几百万人啊。

    Olympics I will try something , know , a website survey , 74 % of the people support me to sing the Olympic song , millions of people ah .

  24. 北京奥组委周三在北京宣布,北京奥运会主题歌将由中国著名歌星刘欢和英国女歌星莎拉·布莱曼共同演唱。

    Chinese singer Liu Huan and British singer Sarah Brightman will jointly present the theme song of the Beijing Olympic Games , the Games organizers revealed at Beijing on Wednesday .

  25. 德国本土歌王赫伯特·格罗内迈尔演唱的本届世界杯的主题歌《庆祝这一天》,激情四射,令全场气氛热烈,为当晚真正的主角&足球运动员出场作了绝好的铺垫。

    Herbert Gronemeyer rounded off the ceremony by leading the crowd in a rousing rendition of FIFA 's official song " Celebrate the day ", before making way for the real VIPs of the evening & the players .

  26. 举办形式多样的活动、加强与其他媒介合作、建立Ⅵ、主题歌、形象代言人、创建官网或微博互动等方式进行品牌推广。

    Take various forms of activities , to strengthen cooperation with other media , set up the VI , the theme song , and spokesman for the image , to create the official website or micro blogging interaction to extensive the branding .

  27. 宣告摆脱过去常常伴随着换发型,录一些以打破桎梏为主题的歌,争取主动,当然还不能穿太多。

    The declaration often involves getting a statement haircut and recording songs about busting out of chains , cutting strings and stripping naked .

  28. 这是罗伊帕克杰在1984年为电影写的主题曲歌名,现在已经成为了流行语,如果你需要水管工或是电工来家里维修的时候,可以说这句话。

    This was a music hit for Ray Parker Jr in 1984 and has since become a popular catchphrase especially if you need to call a plumber or electrician to fix something in the house .

  29. 沉静的人间悲曲&华兹华斯的诗歌主题一曲优美的主题歌能给电视剧增色不少。

    " The Still , Sad Music of Humanity " - On Wordsworth s poetic motif ; A good theme song adds much colour to a TV series .