
zhǔ diàn yuán
  • main power supply;main power source
主电源[zhǔ diàn yuán]
  1. 空间太阳电池阵是大多数航天器的主电源。

    The space solar cell array is the main power source of most of the aircrafts working in outer space .

  2. 后备电池模式是在主电源中断情况下持续超过25分钟向电池供电,以避免监视器停机。

    The battery-back ­ up model provides up to25 minutes of battery power to eliminate downtime when the main power source is disrupted .

  3. 断路后可手动复位的照明主电源以及单电源LED显示器都有利于保护该装置。

    An illuminated master power disconnect circuit breaker with manual reset and individual power LED indicators protects the design .

  4. EL面板通常由主电源供电但根据大小和照明面积,电池也可使用。

    EL Panels are usually powered by Mains supply but depending upon the size and illuminated area , batteries could also be used .

  5. 该插座接受IEC类型插头,将插头插入插座或主电源插座。

    This receptacle accepts an IEC-type power cord ( as shipped with the unit ) . Plug the cord into the unit and mains power .

  6. 出现动力故障时(UPS处于独立模式),不要断开主电源的电源线,以免切断所连接电器的地线连接。

    Should a power outage occur ( UPS in stand-alone mode ), do not disconnect the power cord from the mains , as this will break the earth connection to bonded appliances .

  7. 主电源采用GTO直流斩波器。主控采用带微分反馈环节的开关斩控模式。

    A GTO dc chopper is adopted for the main power supply while the switch mode control with derivative feedback loop is adopted for the main controller .

  8. 本文阐述了UPS的基本原理,系统构成,船上应用应达到的要求,以及当船上主电源发生故障时应对那些重要和维系生命安全的设备馈电。

    The paper discuss its basic working principle , system composition , application requirements for marine use and to which essential and life saving concerning users it shall feed power in case of blackout of ship 's mains .

  9. 在基于Buck-Boost功率变换器的混合模型中,超级电容作为主电源使用,而蓄电池仅作为辅助电源,使蓄电池始终处于浮充状态,也相当于备用电源。

    Based on the Buck-Boost power converter hybrid energy storage model , the supercapacitor as the main power usage , while the battery is only as an auxiliary power supply , so battery is always in floating state , is also equivalent to standby power .

  10. 本文对大秦线信号主电源,即10kV自闭电源的电压质量进行了分析,找出了10kV自闭电压质量问题的原因,提出了一些改造建议并加以实施,取得了良好效果。

    This paper analyses the quality of voltage of signal main power , that is 10 kV auto blocking power in Datong-Qinhuangdao Railway , finds out the causes of the quality problem and raises some advices which have been obtaining good results after implementation of those advices .

  11. 高效率,四路输出,主电源控制器笔记本电脑。

    High-Efficiency , Quad Output , Main Power-Supply Controllers Notebook Computers .

  12. 船用主电源工频波动的诊断与分析

    Breakdown Diagnosis and Analysis of Ship Major Electric Source 's Frequency Wave

  13. 该算法将配电网分成连接主电源至备用电源的主网络和余下的支网络。

    In this method , the distribution system is divided into main and branch networks .

  14. 提供了一般低压配电网主电源侧短路电流计算的公式。

    A new practical calculating method is proposed according to short current calculation in practical work .

  15. 每个中继器都配备了一主电源的1.9米电缆供电单元。

    Every repeater unit is supplied with a mains power supply unit with a1.9 metre cable .

  16. 应急发电机和应急配电板能在主电源失灵的情况下维持电力供应。

    The emergency generator and switchboard can keep power supply in case of failure of main power supply .

  17. 采用电器互锁自动反馈,电梯主电源无需要串入本装置。

    The device makes the main supply need not connect to it because of its using electronic interlock .

  18. 但是推荐的方法是在夜间断开笔记本电脑的主电源避免高温损害电池。

    It is recommended , however , to turn the laptop off overnight because of heat harms the battery .

  19. 在主电源打开前,功率放大器负载按钮必须为关。

    Before the main source is turned on , the Load Button for the power amplifier must be set OFF .

  20. 本田说,如果下雨或其他液体进入一个开放的窗口,主电源开关可能会过热。

    Honda says if rain or other liquids enter through an open window , the master power switch could overheat .

  21. 为了使这三个部分正常工作,另外设计了主电源部分和特殊控制电路。

    Additionally , main power supply and special control circuit have been designed to make these 3 parts working normally .

  22. 研究结果表明,开关磁阻发电系统具有较高的容错性能,适合应用于多电飞机主电源系统。

    The research r'esults indicate that SRG has a better fault-tolerant capability and is applicable to the main source of electrical power of MEA .

  23. 静态转换开关是应用于当主电源掉电或者设备维护的时候充当一个自动保护装置。

    Static transfer switch are used to provide a fail-safe fail over in the event of a major power failure or in maintenance mode .

  24. 主要介绍了电弧喷涂设备的最新发展状态。电弧喷涂设备由喷涂主电源、喷涂枪和送丝机构3部分组成。

    The development of arc spraying system is introduced in this paper , which consists of main power supply , spray gun and wire feeding unit .

  25. 主电源直流输出特性及限流电阻选择对放电稳定性及功率输出影响很大。

    The direct current output characteristics of the main supply and the selection of the ballast resistor greatly affect the glow discharge stability and the output power .

  26. 给报警系统配备了备用电源,主电源被切断时报警器依然能正常工作;

    The second , there is a a backup power in alarm system ( omitted ) make alarm sytem works propertily when the main power is destroyed ;

  27. 本文中设计出了一种具有陡降输出特性的逆变电源作为等离子喷涂主电源。

    In this text we designed a type power supply which has abrupt declination to output characteristic of going against to change power supply as to plasma spraying .

  28. 大型发电机作为系统内的主电源,是电力系统的关键设备,其运行的安全性历来受到高度地重视。

    Large generators , as the main power source , are the key equipment in the power system , so the safety of their operation has always been the highest priority .

  29. 系统实现了电源模块的设计,提供主电源和备用电源两种方式,同时具体完成了以太网模块、存储电路、总线接口模块等的设计。

    This article realizes the design of power module which provides two ways for power : main power and backup power , and completes the design of Ethernet module , and storage module .

  30. 介绍一种具有集中供电方式和多种控制模式的大型广告牌,主要包括其高频主电源、灯管顺序启动等内容。

    A kind of large-billboard with the centralized supply power mode and the multi-control mode is ( introduced ,) including the contents of design of high-frequency central power , sequence startup mode , etc.