
  • sponsor
  1. 不过,InfoQ是会议的主办方之一,将贯穿全年为你带来该会议的视频。

    However , InfoQ is a conference sponsor and will be bringing you video from the conference throughout the coming year !

  2. 裁减:CMM应该根据组织(或者项目的主办方)的需要进行裁减和解释。

    Tailoring : The CMM should be tailored ( or interpreted ) to fit the needs of the organization ( or sponsor ) .

  3. 但伊万尼塞维奇不能参赛对温布尔登主办方将是一个重大打击。

    But Ivanisevic 's no-show will be a blow for Wimbledon chiefs .

  4. 有16名参赛者已经请了律师,正在起诉主办方。

    Sixteen of the contestants have hired lawyers and are suing the organisers

  5. 主办方找过他,希望他能对慈善音乐会给予支持。

    He was approached by the organisers to lend support to a benefit concert

  6. Brownbag(棕色袋子)代表参与者自带或者主办方提供的午餐。

    Brown bag is a symbol for meals brought along by the attendees , or provided by the host .

  7. 他们称,如果感染人数出现上升,主办方应该禁止现场观赛。

    They added that if COVID-19 infections look like they 're rising , organizers should ban spectators at venues .

  8. 他们认为,无观众举办赛事活动风险最小——东京奥运会主办方已经在3月份决定禁止海外观众到场观赛。

    They said holding events without spectators posed the least risk -- organizers already decided in March to ban overseas spectators .

  9. 该片的大多数对话都是韩语,所以金球奖主办方将其归为外语片类别。

    Most of the dialogue is in Korean , so the organisers of the Golden Globes put it in the Foreign Language Film category .

  10. 主办方还表示,他们正在考虑对来自10个国家的运动员和媒体进行为期6天的强制隔离,在这些国家,最早在印度被发现的变种毒株正在快速传播。

    Organizers also said they are considering a six-day hard quarantine for athletes and media coming from the 10 countries where the growth of the variant first found in India is significant .

  11. 不过,主办方已经确认,新冠病毒检测呈阳性的运动员都不会被取消资格,如果他们当时有资格获奖,就仍将获得奖牌。

    However , organizers have confirmed that anyone who tests positive for Covid-19 will not be disqualified – and that they will still pick up a medal if they are entitled to one at the time .

  12. 为防控疫情,主办方已经开启奥运会“气泡防疫模式”,但医学专家担心,奥运会服务人员的流动可能制造感染机会,“防疫气泡”可能做不到完全密封。

    Organizers have imposed Olympic " bubbles " in an effort to keep out COVID-19 , but medical experts are worried that they might not be completely tight as movement of staff servicing the games can create opportunities for infection .

  13. ACT考试的主办方是在距离开考还剩几小时的时候宣布的这一决定。

    Administrators of the ACT test took the decision just hours before .

  14. GREEN计划以一年为一个周期,在此期间主办方中艺博公司将选择亚洲不同国家和城市进行巡回展出。

    In the future , the project organizer CAE Media will select several countries and cities in Asia to make a running GREEN .

  15. 在晚餐过程中,主办方鼓励他们向CEO们发出一连串的提问,并根据晚宴上收集到的信息撰写一份创新报告。

    At dinner they were encouraged to fire questions at the CEOs and produce creative reports based on the information collected during the dinner .

  16. 但今年春天,她的化学老师建议她申请参加一个为期8周的计算机科学培训项目,其主办方是一家名为编程女孩(GirlsWhoCode),致力于向中学女生传授编程技巧的非营利组织。

    But this spring , her chemistry teacher recommended that she apply for an eight-week computer-science program with Girls Who Code , a nonprofit that teaches middle - and high-school girls programming skills .

  17. 第五章通过设计调查问卷分别测量参展商对威海渔具展、主办方CHINAFISH以及主办地威海的忠诚度,由调查结果分析威海渔具展的合作各方在这一品牌会展中的作用。

    Chapter ⅴ measured the exhibitors ' loyalty of CGC EXPO , Weihai and CHINA FISH through the survey questionnaires . And analysis the function of cooperation parties in this brand exhibition by the result of the survey .

  18. 总部在美国的援助组织CARE是这次论坛的主办方之一,其总裁兼CEOHeleneGayle说:

    Helene Gayle is President and CEO of CARE , a U.S-based aid organization and co-chair of the forum .

  19. Geronimo主办方举行了一个由Virtuas主持的大型聚会。

    The Geronimo sponsors put on a great party hosted by Virtuas .

  20. 今年在汉诺威召开的Cebit科技商品交易会的一大主题就是主办方所称的“互联网社会(Webciety:WorldWideWebsociety)”。

    One of the main themes at this year 's annual tech trade fair CeBit in Hanover is what the organizers have dubbed " Webciety ", short for World Wide Web society .

  21. TED主办方看了莱温斯基在福布斯的演讲后,邀请她在大会上发言,今年的主题是真相与勇气。

    TED approached Ms. Lewinsky about speaking at the conference , whose theme this year is Truth and Dare , after watching her Forbes speech .

  22. 这款由米隆设计的专有软件可以让多场时装秀的主办方同时在一张图表工作。没错,它就是时装版的谷歌文档(GoogleDocs)。

    Mullon built proprietary software that allows multiple show organizers to work on a chart at once & think of it as Google Docs for the fashion set .

  23. 主办方称,目前佩里正为演出进行排练,她将为中国的粉丝们带来一系列热门曲目,包括为庆祝今年夏天举办的里约奥运会而创作的热门单曲《Rise》。

    Organizers say the pop diva is now rehearsing for the show , and she will thrill Chinese fans with a series of hits including " Rise , " a hit single in honor of last summer 's Olympics in Rio .

  24. 伦敦市长BorisJohnson还透露,奥运主办方关闭了几条重要人物专用车道,而官员们也被建议选择公共交通设施出行。

    Organisers have turned off some of the Olympic road lanes reserved for bigwigs because officials are travelling by public transport , London Mayor Boris Johnson revealed .

  25. 据拍卖主办方介绍,此次活动是U2乐队首次面向收藏者举行的大规模拍卖。

    It marked the first time such a wide selection of U2 memorabilia was available to collectors , organizers said .

  26. 目前,杰克逊又面临着众多新一轮的民事诉讼,起诉人包括一个前发言人、一个演唱会主办方,以及《颤栗》录影的创作者兼导演约翰·兰迪斯(JohnLandis)。

    Currently , he is facing civil claims by a former publicist , a concert promoter and the writer-director of his " Thriller " video , John Landis .

  27. 科纳等铁人三项比赛的主办方是佛罗里达州坦帕市的世界铁人公司(WorldTriathlonCorporation)。2015年,该公司委托进行的一项调查发现,铁人三项比赛选手的年均家庭收入为24.7万美元。

    A 2015 survey conducted for the World Triathlon Corporation - the Tampa , Fla. - based organizers of Kona and other Ironman races - found that the average annual household income for Ironman participants is $ 247000 .

  28. 不管是戴着紫色眼镜的中年男子与身着传统衣裙的朝鲜妇女,还是到访的韩国主办方与身穿皮草的曼哈顿太太,全都起身庆祝纽约爱乐乐团(NewYorkPhilharmonic)在平壤激情四溢的首演。

    Middle-aged men with purple-tinted glasses and women in traditional dress , visiting South Korean sponsors and Manhattan matrons in fur , they all leapt to their feet to celebrate the New York Philharmonic 's emotionally charged debut performance in Pyongyang .

  29. BT模式是由BT承办方进行投融资、建设和移交,BT主办方进行回购并支付回购价款的一种项目融资建设模式。

    BT mode is a financing mode for construction project in which the BT organizer carries out financing , construction and transfer , and then the BT host repurchases the project and pays for it .

  30. 美国小姐(MissAmerica)选美大赛的主办方于周二宣布,今年的选手不会穿泳装走台,这是近一个世纪以来的第一次。在一个女性赋权和性别平等的时代,美国小姐比赛正试图重新定义自己的角色。

    For the first time in nearly a century , Miss America contestants will not strut onstage in swimsuits this year , the organizers announced on Tuesday , as the pageant tries to redefine its role in an era of female empowerment and gender equality .