
  • 网络sister xianglin;Mistress Xiang Lin;MadeinAustralia
  1. 祥林嫂悲剧的性格、心理因素

    On the Character and Psychological Factors of Sister Xianglin 's Life Tragedy

  2. 祥林嫂想要向人们诉说死了儿子的悲哀获得人们的同情,但人们的冷酷却使祥林嫂的精神更加幽闭恐怖;

    Sister Xianglin wanted to pour out her sadness of her dead son so as to get the pity from the other people , but people 's cruelness made her spirit become more incarcerated and terrible ;

  3. 经典阐释的大意义与小问题&以祥林嫂疑案的日常生活解读为中心

    Great Significance and Minor Issues in the Interpretation of Classics

  4. 这个问题不是祥林嫂一个人提的问题。

    This question is not only asked by Xianglinsao .

  5. 祥林嫂最后疯了。

    Xiang lin 's wife finally went mad .

  6. 小说主要人物祥林嫂是小说的隐在否定者,她以其悲惨命运本身控诉了封建传统思想。

    In this , Aunty Xianglin accused the feudal tradition by her own miserable fate .

  7. 是鲁镇这个高度思想化的环境联合绞杀了祥林嫂。

    It was the Lu Town , this high ideological enviroment to unite strangling her .

  8. 从根本上说,祥林嫂与曹七巧都是封建中国铁屋子里的女奴。

    Basically , Xianglin and Cao Qiqiao are both slaves in the iron-room-like feudal China .

  9. 祥林嫂的悲剧是封建宗法礼教所造成的,同时也是其自身的局限性所造成的。

    Xianglin Saos tragedy was made by the clanlow of feudalism society , but also was made by her own limitation .

  10. 窦娥和祥林嫂是中国文学史上最具典型意义的两个妇女形象,她们身世地位相似,都是悲剧命运,黑暗的封建社会和吃人的封建礼教,剥夺了她们生存的权利。

    They had similar experiences and statuses , suffering from tragic fortunes that the gloomy feudal society and the androphagous feudal ethical code deprived them of rights of survival .