
  • 网络Xiangzi;rickshaw boy;Shoko
  1. 从顺应理论看《骆驼祥子》英译的顺应过程

    An Analysis of the English Version of Rickshaw Boy from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory

  2. 跨越国界的小市民意识与小市民形象&《骆驼祥子》与《浊流》之比较研究

    The Outlook and Images of the Philistines Across the National Boundary & A Comparative Study of Rickshaw Boy and Muddy Stream

  3. 祥子托着右肘,不动。

    Xiangzi gripping his right elbow , stood stock-still .

  4. 祥子挣多少,她花多少,她的要求随着他的钱涨落

    So however much he earned , she spent it , her demands growing and lessening with his income .

  5. 国民灵魂与人生模式&从祥子到阿Q

    National Soul and Life Model & From Xiangzi to Ah Q

  6. 祥子又要去按电铃。

    Again xiang & made a move to press the bell .

  7. 祥子不在家,小福子是好朋友;

    When Xiangzi was out , joy was a good friend ;

  8. 说预言的修士和修女,很少有这个祥子的。

    Monks and nuns who prophesy are not of that rareness .

  9. 祥子,只有祥子的手不闲着。

    Xiangzi was the only one whose hands were never idle .

  10. 祥子始终没言语,呆呆的立在那里。

    Xiangzi had remained silent all along , standing there woodenly .

  11. 然后,她叫祥子去买一斤栗子来。

    She then sent Xiangzi to buy a pound of chestnuts .

  12. 祥子又想了会儿,没办法。

    Xiangzi thought a while but could see no way out .

  13. 那件粉红的卫生衣忽然在祥子眼中仿佛素净了许多。

    Suddenly that pink bodice seemed to Xiangzi much less vivid .

  14. 天是越来越冷了,祥子似乎没觉到。

    It was growing colder and colder , but Xiangzi seemed impervious .

  15. 第二天,祥子很早就出去了。

    The next day , Xiangzi went out very early .

  16. 祥子摇了摇头,心中刺着似的疼。

    Xiangzi shook his head . A pang shot through his heart .

  17. 看,刘姑娘又把祥子叫出去!

    Look ! Miss Liu had called Xiangzi out again .

  18. 其实呢,刘老头子的优待祥子是另有笔账儿。

    Actually Xiangzi 's preferential treatment was on another account .

  19. 祥子当然决不采取这几种姿态。

    Xiangzi naturally did not adopt any of these styles .

  20. 不,舍不得祥子。

    No , she could n 't give Xiangzi up .

  21. 祥子可是一夜没睡好。

    Xiangzi , however , had hardly slept all night .

  22. 祥子不能再听这些闲盘儿。

    Xiangzi couldn 't bear to listen to this drivel .

  23. 他这祥子时能听到我们吗?

    Can he hear us when he 's like that ?

  24. 老程递给祥子一支烟,祥子摇了摇头。

    Old Cheng offered him a cigarette but Xiangzi shook his head .

  25. 有这点钱,祥子什么也不怕!

    With money , I 'm not afraid of anything .

  26. 每个次要人物各从一个侧面观照和凸现祥子的性格。

    Each sub-character reflects and protrudes xiangzi 's personality from one side .

  27. 《骆驼祥子》的版本变迁&从出版与接受的角度考察

    Studying Camel Xiangzi from its History of Publishing and Accepting

  28. 我当是谁呢?祥子啊!

    Why , Xiangzi , I wondered who it was !

  29. 今天,祥子觉得老程完全可爱了。

    But tonight , Xiangzi thought old Cheng thoroughly admirable .

  30. 先让祥子住两天。

    Let Xiangzi stay there for a couple of days .