
  1. 论文以《游戏世界》、《小说林》杂志及王国维、周氏兄弟为个案,对这个文学思潮的产生与状况进行描述。

    By making case study of some magazines , and of Wang Guo-wei and the Zhou brothers , this paper expounds on the occurrence and state of such a literary trend of thought .

  2. 林译小说与林纾自身创作的关系;

    Chapter Three : The relationship between Lin Su 's translations and his own productions .

  3. 舍伍德·安德森是在美国现代文学史上享有特殊地位的重要作家,其著名小说《林中之死》是现代短篇小说的经典之作。

    Sherwood Andersen is an important writer in American literary history , whose short story Death in the Woods is well known for its distinctive style and elusive form .

  4. 鸳鸯蝴蝶模式之所以能将才子佳人模式取而代之,在很大程度上受到当时翻译的外国言情小说尤其是林译小说的影响。

    The mode of Romantic Literature replaced the mode of Genius and Beauty , to a great extent , which is on account of the impact of translated foreign love story , especially the story translated by Linshu .

  5. 同时,小说也暴露了林纾思想中固守封建伦理道德之守旧的一面。

    The novel has exposed one side adhering to past practices defending tenaciously the feudal ethics in his thoughts too .

  6. 在小说内容上,林纾小说受所翻译的西方小说的影响,表现出现代爱情观念的觉醒以及小说社会批判功能的突显;

    As for novel 's contents , Lin Su 's novels have reflected the arousal of modem idea for love and novel 's function of social criticism ;

  7. 晚清至五四前中国小说翻译活动空前活跃,译介的域外小说数量众多,林纾的翻译小说是其中的典型代表。

    Fiction translation had been booming in China from around 1898 to 1919 , when translated works of fiction emerged in great number , among which Lin Shu 's translated works were quite outstanding .

  8. 《新小说》、《绣像小说》、《月月小说》、《小说林》并称为近代四大小说杂志。

    The New Stories , The Tapestry Stories , The All-story Monthly and The Story Forest were characterized as the Four Modern Novel Magazines .