
ɡōnɡ yǒu lǐnɡ yù
  • public domain
  1. 利用公有领域资源的主要障碍是如何确定这种资源。

    The main obstacle to utilizing public domain resources was identifying them .

  2. 最终,本组织决定公有领域的范围。

    In the end , the organization defined the size of the public domain .

  3. 任何人不能借口商业秘密而将事实上属于公有领域的技术知识、经营知识据为己有,而新颖性正是体现了保护公有知识的要求。

    Some trade secrets but in fact belong to the public domain technical knowledge .

  4. 某些货币的图样是没有版权的,属于公有领域。

    Some currency designs are ineligible for copyright and are in the public domain .

  5. 如果他不更新版权,那么其作品就流入了公有领域。

    If he did not renew the copyright , his work passed into the public domain .

  6. 公有领域保护问题也很有意义并应该对其加以研究。

    Issues such as the protection of the public domain were interesting and could be examined .

  7. 但是随后又使用了一个新的提法:保护公有领域。

    But a new formula was then being used : the protection of the public domain .

  8. 创造过程需要获得公有领域中的知识。

    Creative processes were fed by access to knowledge , which was in the public domain .

  9. 在商业秘密的保护中,公有领域与公共利益是必须要考虑的。

    In the trade secrets protection , the public domain and the public interest must been considered .

  10. 它并不意味着在公有领域外围一圈篱笆,而是正好相反。

    They were not trying to put a fence around the public domain , but meant quite the opposite .

  11. 应该说,失去知识产权的保护,才是公有领域的威胁。

    In fact , the threat to the public domain would come from a loss of intellectual property protection .

  12. 美国许多大学教育艺术家只使用公有领域的原始资料以避免发生著作权侵权问题。

    Many collage artists avoid the issue of copyright by using only source material that is in the public domain .

  13. 这项更新要求意味着无需进一步保护的作品将会更快速地进入公有领域。

    The requirement of renewal meant that works that no longer needed copyright protection would pass more quickly into the public domain .

  14. 公有领域意味着或者著作权保护期已过,或者作品从来就没有受到过著作权的保护。

    This means either that the copyright has expired , or that the work was never properly copyrighted in the first place .

  15. 知识产权标准,特别是专利和版权对于公有领域有负面或可能有负面影响。

    Intellectual property standards , especially patents and copyright , had negative effects or might have negative effects on the public domain .

  16. 它们认为,版权保护期限统一所带来的压力将会缩小公有领域。

    In their view , pressure for harmonization of the term of copyright protection leads to the shrinking of the public domain .

  17. 一般认为,公有领域是社会的公共财富,社会成员皆可自由之利用。

    Generally believed that the public domain is the community 's public wealth , the members of the community can use for freedom .

  18. 代表团说巴西不能因为事实如此而只有接受这些趋势却不采取行动以保护公有领域。

    The delegation said that Brazil could not just accept those trends as a reality and not do something to defend the public domain .

  19. 公有领域是知识产权法上的十分重要的概念,在著作权法中尤其应该值得重视。

    Public domain is a very important concept in intellectual property law , especially should be worthy of more attention in the copyright law .

  20. 有关版权的国际文件代表了一种平衡观点,已经考虑到了公有领域的价值,同时还允许各国执行发展计划。

    International instruments on copyright represented a balance that already took into account the value of the public domain and allowed countries to implement development considerations .

  21. 它说这不是关于把一个笔钱放入公有领域的问题,而是强调其对整个社会的重要性。

    It said that it was not about putting a money value on the public domain , but highlighting its importance for society as a whole .

  22. 这些分析涉及到公平与效益价值、著作权法的公共利益目标、作品创作的社会性与继承性、独创性与公有领域等方面。

    Based on the reality that public domain has been continuously undermined , the establishment of the public domain in copyright law is of great significance .

  23. 但是对于知识产权却不存在这样的问题。知识产品可以被同时使用却不会减少人类知识的存量,这就正好契合了洛克的公有领域理论。

    However , this proposition does not apply to intellectual property , which can be simultaneously used by many individuals without decreasing the stock of human knowledge .

  24. 尽管存在这些问题,此次会议同意推进这个框架并考虑已经进入了公有领域的技术,同时继续讨论知识产权问题。

    Despite these issues , the meeting agreed to push forward with the framework and consider technologies already available in the public domain , while continuing discussions on IPR .

  25. 代表指出,除了正常消费者,创造者自身的教育和灵感也特别依赖于强有力的公有领域。

    The representative noted that in addition to the ordinary consumers , creators themselves , were particularly dependent on access to a robust public domain for education and inspiration .

  26. 代表团说存在一个非常简单的公有领域定义,并且认为所有人都会同意这一定义,尤其是当知识产权不能保护一切时。

    The delegation said that there was a very simple public domain definition and believed all agreed on it , especially as not everything was protected by intellectual property .

  27. 人们经常提及公有领域,因此有必要对其定义以及其使用时所蕴含的意义进行澄清。

    The term public domain was being used frequently and required some clarification , both as to its definition and with respect to the implications that its use carried .

  28. 在实践中,商标权人往往将自己的注册商标的专用权理解为绝对的私权而阻碍公众对公有领域知识的合理使用。

    In practice , People of trademark right usually realize that the exclusive right is an absolute private right , and prevent the public from fair use public knowledge .

  29. 该公司设计的早期米老鼠的形象的著作权本该在1998年到期并进入公有领域。

    It was fighting to keep early versions of its Mickey Mouse character from entering the public domain in 1998 , when its existing copyright was scheduled to expire .

  30. 这些是很有意义的问题,但是由于甚至不存在着公有领域的定义,所以很复杂,需要谨慎对待。

    Those were very interesting issues , but were complicated and so needed a cautious approach , because they were not even unanimous on the definition of public domain .