
  • 网络Financial strategy;FINANCIAL POLICIES
  1. 2.财务策略:功成身退vs.扩大融资。

    Financial strategy : exit vs. raise additional capital .

  2. 高成长行业自由现金流使用的财务策略分析

    Financial Strategy Analysis of Free Cash Flow in Rapidly Growing Industry

  3. 史密斯女士在纽约经营着史密斯离婚财务策略公司(SmithDivorceFinancialStrategies),希尔先生在圣迭戈掌管着太平洋财富管理公司(PacificWealthManagement)和太平洋离婚管理公司(PacificDivorceManagement)。

    Ms. Smith runs Smith Divorce Financial Strategies in New York ; Mr. Hill runs Pacific Wealth Management and Pacific Divorce Management in San Diego .

  4. 在严格的假定条件下,MM定理认为公司的财务策略对公司的价值没有影响。

    Under strict hypothetical condition , MM theorem proposes that financial strategies of companies have no influence on the companies ' value .

  5. 本文最后给出了某国有电力公司的企业年金案例,并展示了如何使用DFA比较分析各种财务策略优劣的过程,进一步说明了DFA在企业年金中的应用价值。

    At last a state-owned electric power corporate case was given , from which the author illustrated how to use DFA model to compare the quality of different financial strategies and furthermore pointed out the practical value in the operation of occupational annuity .

  6. 财务策略对新技术采用决策的影响

    Impact of Financial Strategy on Innovation Adoption Decision of New Technology

  7. 产品生命周期各期间企业财务策略分析

    The analysis of corporate financial strategies in various product lifecycle stages

  8. 《案例》:美国费氏公司&重整中国市场的财务策略,迎接双重挑战

    F Ltd. & Reforming Financing Strategy in Chinese Market and Meet Double Challenges

  9. 债务重组的财务策略和财务监督

    Financing Strategy and Financing Supervision of Debt Recombination

  10. 迄今为止,由于谨慎的财务策略,我的朋友避开了最糟糕的情况。

    So far my own friends have dodged the worst with Canny financial footwork .

  11. 非营利组织可持续发展的财务策略

    Financial Tactics of NPOs ' Sustainable Development

  12. 论我国民营企业的产权模式与财务策略选择

    On the Property Right Pattern and the Choice of Financial Strategy in China 's Non-Public Enterprises

  13. 运用客户分类方法对大连移动通信公司的客户进行了分类,并在此基础上提出了适合的财务策略。

    And the thesis brings forward the available financial strategy on the basis of the customer profitability .

  14. 胡舒立从《财经》杂志辞职,标志着就编辑自由及财务策略等问题与出版方长达数月的冲突中,她最终落败。

    The resignation of Hu Shuli from the Caijing financial Title marks her defeat in a months-long battle with its publisher over editorial freedom and financial strategy .

  15. 介绍了台湾中钢的发展业绩,分析了其财务策略的重要方面&财务管理、财务管理创新及财务绩效评价。

    The developing achievements of China Steel Company are introduced and its important aspects of financial management strategy are analyzed such as financial management , financial management innovations and financial achievement evaluations .

  16. 第四步,文章在最后通过实证分析,示范运用了多元化战略的财务策略,并证实了它的有效性。

    Finally , to process a positive analysis , taking Delong Group as the case , demonstrate the use of financial approaches to enterprises diversification strategy and prove its correctness and feasibility .

  17. 对我国民营企业发展中存在的问题从产权约束的角度进行了简要评析,并进一步从财务策略方面提出了我国民营企业走出困境、稳定发展的途径和思路。

    This paper analyzes the main problems in the development of the private enterprises , and based on the property right pattern , proposes a rational financial strategy for its further development .

  18. 现行会计核算由于采用分期核算、汇总结算等方法,致使按会计核算时间制定的企业财务策略很难满足企业战略发展的要求。

    As the accounting profession uses periodicity assumption and monetary sum method to process accounting data , it is hard for the corporate financial strategies to meet the need of the corporate business strategy .

  19. 造成这种现状的因素有很多,运营模式(包括交易结构、销售方式、财务策略、扩张策略等)无疑是影响工程机械制造企业经营业绩的一个重要因素。

    To choose an appropriate operating model ( including trade structure , credit sales , financial strategy and expansion strategy , etc. ) is undoubtedly one of the key factors that affect the performance of engineering machinery manufacturing enterprises .

  20. 股利政策是上市公司管理者以市场价值最大化为基础目标,将税后收益和未分配利润之间进行合理配置的财务策略,其中现金股利政策是现代公司财务理论研究的一个重要领域。

    Dividend policy is the financial strategies which listed companies ' managers , who consider maximize the market value as basic goal , allocate their after-tax earnings and undistributed profit . Cash dividends policy is an important research area of the modern finance theory of corporate .

  21. 论企业可持续增长的财务管理策略

    On Financial Management Strategy for a Sustainable Growth of Enterprises

  22. 公益性科技信息研究机构财务管理策略探析

    A Study on Financial Management Strategies of Non-profit Technology and Information Research Institutes

  23. 台湾中钢的财务管理策略分析

    The finance management strategy analysis of China stell company

  24. 制造企业经理财务薪酬策略

    Executive Financial Compensation Strategy in Manufacturing Enterprises

  25. 经营活动政治策略、代言人策略与财务刺激策略在行业间存在显著差异;

    Government involvement strategy , prolocutor strategy , and financial incentive strategy have significant difference across industries ;

  26. 本文试着探讨商誉和企业核心能力的关系、商誉形成机制及其具体的财务管理策略。

    We discuss the relationship between goodwill and core competences , the formation of goodwill and goodwill management on the view of finance .

  27. 当中小企业实际增长率与可持续增长率存在差异时,应采用相应的财务组合策略。

    When there exist the differentiation between the actual growth and the sustainable growth rate , enterprises need take the corresponding combined financial strategies .

  28. 纺织企业应当不断完善企业规避金融风险的组织结构建设,采取包括金融衍生产品、财务管理策略、贸易经营策略等手段在内的综合措施规避汇率风险。

    Textile enterprises shall optimize the enterprise structure , and taking comprehensive measures , including adopting derivatives , financial solutions , and trade policies to avoid exchange rate risk .

  29. 创建可重用资产的最基本原因是因为其在财务和策略方面对公司的利益的正面影响。

    The most fundamental reason for creating a reusable asset is because of the positive impact , both financially and strategically , to a company â™ s bottom line .

  30. 然后分析了房地产开发企业资金需求特点和不同开发策略下不同类型资金的财务匹配策略,以控制融资风险和资金成本最小化。

    Analyse fund demand characteristic and different to develop tactics different kinds of financial affairs of fund match the tactics , enterprise of development of real estate , minimize in order to control financing risk and fund cost .