
  • 网络the budget;budget estimates
  1. 请提供您最新,最详尽的财政预算案。

    Please supply us with your most current and detailed budget .

  2. 财政预算案将迫使60万名公共部门雇员失业。

    The budget will force 6 00000 public sector workers into unemployment .

  3. 财政预算案对股市无甚影响。

    The budget made little impact on the stock market .

  4. 这是你的财政预算案中,它必须适应你。

    This is your budget , it should fit you .

  5. 实际费用加以比较,预计费用在财政预算案中。

    The actual costs incurred would be compared to projected costs in the budget .

  6. 随着下一次财政预算案的临近,这当然是英国的重点所在。

    That is certainly our focus in the UK as the next Budget approaches .

  7. 让一些丰富的恩人,增加130元-万-一-年的财政预算案的美国奥林匹克委员会。

    Let some rich benefactors augment the $ 130-million-a-year budget of the United States Olympic Committee .

  8. 首先说经济。奥巴马总统提交了2012年财政预算案。

    First up , economics , as President Obama presents his ideas for the federal government's2012 budget .

  9. 在今年二月发表的财政预算案中,政府提出减税措施,在本财政年度减收的款项为130亿元。

    Last February 's Budget contained tax concessions of $ 13 billion in the current financial year .

  10. 财政预算案杀手又是一个婚礼,有利于选择,已成为一个最喜欢的是镀银瓶塞,说应。

    Budget-buster Another wedding-favor choice that has become a favorite is a silver-plated bottle stopper , says Ying .

  11. 《二零零一年财政预算案》又预留1.77亿元推行新措施,协助边缘青少年。

    The2001 budget also contained a $ 177 million package of new initiatives to help young people at risk .

  12. 可是,在最终确定美国能源部的下矣闽财政预算案之前,不会收到完全的延期放行旌旗灯号。

    But the extension will not receive the full go-ahead until the Department of Energy 's next budget is finalised .

  13. 最后开支建议最终会详载周年财政预算案,由财政司司长向立法机关发表。

    The final expenditure proposals are eventually reflected in the annual budget presented by the financial secretary to the legislature .

  14. 上一年度的财政预算案决定开征单一税率的资本利得税,这曾让我彻底崩溃。

    I had a complete Budget meltdown last year about the move to a single rate of capital gains tax .

  15. 我们希望透过以下图表提供一些背景资料,增进市民对财政预算案的认识。

    We hope that the following charts would provide members of the public with some background information and enhance their understanding of the budget .

  16. 二月发表首份财政预算案,为百分之九十九的纳税人带来税项宽减,还提出鼓励营商的措施;

    Our first Budget was delivered in February , with tax cuts for 99 per cent of tax payers and incentives for individuals and businesses ;

  17. 签署立法会通过的财政预算案,将财政预算、决算报中央人民政府备案;

    To sign budgets passed by the Legislative Council and report the budgets and final accounts to the central people 's government for the record ;

  18. 为了解决这个问题,他在第一财政预算案中尽可能加速削减了商业税。

    To address this , he used what little money he could find to accelerate the cuts in business taxes announced in his first budget .

  19. 政府在五月调低经济增长预测,由三月财政预算案中的百分之四调低至百分之三。

    In May , the Government forecast three per cent yearly economic growth , down from the four per cent predicted in the March budget .

  20. 他说,他的主要任务是在制订财政预算案将不仅要打击通胀,但也以“维护”澳洲的经济恶化,国际条件。

    He has said his main task in framing the budget would be not only to fight inflation but also to " safeguard " Australia 's economy from deteriorating international conditions .

  21. 本年度的财政预算案宣布,将上调针对年收入超过15万英镑人群的所得税率,这引起了广泛关注。

    Much publicity has been given to the announcement in this year 's Budget of an increase in higher rate tax on people who earn more than 150,000 a year in salary .

  22. 第五十一条香港特别行政区立法会如拒绝批准政府提出的财政预算案,行政长官可向立法会申请临时拨款。

    Article51if the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region refuses to pass the budget introduced by the government , the chief executive may apply to the Legislative Council for provisional appropriations .

  23. 几经修改,意大利财政紧急预算修正案(两月内第二项议案)获得参议院批准,越过议会“第一障碍”。

    Italy 's much-revised emergency budget ( the second within two months ) passed its first parliamentary hurdle by winning approval in the Senate .

  24. 4月22日,英国财政大臣公布了财政预算案。

    On April 22 , the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced The Budget .

  25. 政府所做的和财政司司长在财政预算案中所做的,都是很充分的证明。

    And nothing is more demonstrated in what we did , what the financial secretary did in the budget .

  26. 财政司司长每年发表财政预算案演词,概述政府的财政预算建议,并动议通过《拨款条例草案》,使每年预算案中各项开支建议具有法律效力。

    In his annual budget speech , he outlines the Government 's budgetary proposals and moves the Appropriation Bill , which gives legal effect to the annual expenditure proposals contained in the Budget .

  27. 然而,财政司司长会在制订财政预算案时考虑各项税务建议。

    Nevertheless , the financial secretary will consider all the proposals relating to taxation in preparing the budget .

  28. 他向委员会表示他的预算案要在三月前交给财政司司长,以包括在财政预算案之内。

    He told the panel his proposals would need approving in time for their inclusion in Henry Tang Ying-yen 's budget , which the financial secretary will deliver in March .

  29. 财政司司长唐英年表示,《2004-05年度财政预算案》会在维持经济复苏势头的同时,让市民休养生息。

    The2004-05 Budget will give the community a respite while helping to maintain the momentum of economic recovery , the Financial Secretary , Mr Henry Tang , said .

  30. 新安排使财政储备的估计投资收入更为稳定,并有助编制财政预算案。

    The new arrangement makes the estimated investment income of the fiscal reserves more stable and helps with budgeting .