
  • 网络Budgetary authority;budget power;Budgetary power
  1. 论美国国会预算权的运作过程及功能

    On the Operation and Function of the Budget Power of the American Congress

  2. 地方预算权研究

    The Study of the Local Budget Power

  3. 进步时代美国总统预算权的演进及其意义

    Evolution and Significance of Public Budgeting Power of American President in Progressive Era

  4. 预算权的相互制衡是我国行政管理体制改革的关键

    The Mutual Constraint and Balance of Budget Power is the Key to Government System Reform

  5. 最后从组织结构的调整、法人治理结构的完善、预算权的合理配置、良好的柔性预算文化的塑造等方面提出了企业实行R&D柔性预算管理相关措施。

    At last , the paper concludes with related measures for corporate R & D flexible budget management , including adjusting the organizational structure , improving corporate governance structure , the rational allocation of budget authority , creating a favorable soft budget culture and so on .

  6. 中国人大预算审批权与预算法治建设研究

    Power of the Budget Approval of the People 's Congress

  7. 第三节分析公民预算监督权的法律保障问题。

    Section 3 analyzes the problem of protecting citizens ' rights to supervise in budget execution .

  8. 预算分配权在不同国家机关或机构之间的法律配置构成法律调整预算关系的作用机制。

    The legal distribution of budgetary power being distributed to different state agencies constitutes the legal regulating mechanism of budgetary relation .

  9. 预算监督权是现代各国立法机关普遍享有的一种重要权力,被形象地称之为控制钱袋子的权力。

    Budget supervision right is nowadays one of the important rights that is enjoyed by almost all the state legislative authorities , and it is called the right to control " the money pocket " .

  10. 九十年代,比尔·克林顿曾企图通过项目预算否决权,从国会那里接管财政,被伯德反对,并以分别的14个一小时演讲,全部脱稿,拖延了议程。

    Bill Clinton 's bid to seize the pursestrings from Congress in the 1990s with the line-item budget veto was opposed by Mr Byrd in 14 separate one-hour speeches , learned by heart , to slow up debate .

  11. 预算修正权作为预算修正制度的一项核心内容,主要是指有关机关或者人员按照法定程序对本级政府提交的预算草案进行修改的权力。

    The right of budget revision as a core elements of the system of budget revision . Mainly refers to that the relevant authorities or personnel have the power of revise budget . And in accordance with legal procedures are submitted to the levels of government .

  12. 预算调整决策权配置结构主要取决于立法机构的预算监督导向。

    The allocation structure of decision-making power of budget adjustment mainly depends on budget supervision orientation of the legislature .

  13. 监狱长也许会像中学校长一样拥有财政预算的支配权。

    Prison governors may be given powers to control their own budgets in much the same way that head teachers now can .

  14. 相应的,外围国家和核心成员必须愿意放弃对国家预算的控制权,拱手交给德国掌控的欧洲中央货币机构。

    In return , the periphery , along with the core members , must be willing to give up control of their national budgets to a central European Monetary Authority , with Germany at the helm .

  15. 日本国会参议院星期五批准的这项法案将把原来隶属于内阁府的防卫厅变成了一个有预算和政策制定权的省。

    The measure approved Friday by Japan 's upper house will transform the defense agency from an affiliate of the Cabinet Office to a policy-making ministry with a budget .

  16. 最新草案呼吁成员国交出银行监管权、放弃对本国财政预算的部分控制权、分担为银行存款进行担保的风险以及发债风险。

    The latest draft calls for Member States to surrender powers to run their banks , give up some control over national budgets and pool the risk of underwriting deposits and raising debt .

  17. 预算公开、透明,是保证公民对于政府预算信息的知情权的重要体现,同时也是公民所需要拥有的基本政治权利。

    At the same time , it is the basic political rights that the citizens need to own .

  18. 预算公开法律制度是我国社会主义法治建设中一项关涉公民预算信息知情权和责任政府建设的重要制度,体现着公共财政的本质要求。

    Legal system on budget disclosure is very important to our construction of socialist rules , which reflect the essential requirements of the public finance , involving the rights of citizens about the government budget information and the construction of a responsible government .

  19. 本文最后以某企业作为案例,在其预算组织体系和预算管理工作运行过程相关资料的基础上,对其预算权配置、预算组织安排、预算管理模式的选择以及各个环节的成功经验进行了分析。

    In the end , with the help of concerning data , we conduct an analysis on the case of one enterprise on its budget rights disposal , budget organization arrangement , the choice of budget management mode and the successful experience on these processes .

  20. 政府财政预算信息公开法律制度是指通过法律确立的保障社会大众享有获得政府财政预算信息权的法律制度。

    The legal system of government budget information disclosure refers to the legal system which established by law to protect the community enjoying the right of access to government budget information .

  21. 通过对公开内容具体差异性的分析,明确预算公开的免责事由及法院的司法审查权限,并确定具体的司法救济途径,从而切实保障公民预算知情权的实现。

    By the analysis of the specific differences of open content , this article clear the exemptions and the right of judicial review of court , and establish the way of judicial relief , in order to protect citizens ' right to know effectively .