
  1. 日本内阁不信任案已遭否决。

    No-confidence vote against Japanese Prime Minister fails .

  2. 以色列议会否决了针对由奥尔默热特总理领导的联合政府的三项不信任案。信任[不信任]

    The Israeli Knesset has rejected three non-confidence motions against the coalition government led by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert .

  3. 自从日本现行反战宪法1947年生效以来,这是日本第一个由上议院通过的不信任案。

    It was the first non-confidence motion in the upper house since Japan 's current pacifist Constitution took effect in1947 .

  4. 利比亚大会发言人表示不信任案是由194名议会成员中的124人所通过。

    A spokesman for Libya 's General Assembly said the no-confidence measure was approved by 124 of the 194 members of parliament .

  5. 意大利总理贝卢斯科尼在参议院和众议院都赢得了关键的信任案投票。

    Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has won a critical confidence vote in both the Senate and the lower house of parliament .

  6. 此次改选的原因是总理的信任案被否决,因而导致了众议院被解散。

    The reason of this reelection is that the chancellor 's vote of confidence is vetoed which results in the dissolution of the Parliament .

  7. 日本遭受地震和海啸侵袭后,日本民众发出换届呼声。日本首相菅直人面临日本国会众议院提出对菅直人内阁的不信任案。

    Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan has confronted a no-confidence motion brought by MPs critical of his handling of the earthquake and tsunami disaster .

  8. 信任案表明内阁忠诚地履行着自己的职责并且所有的部长都能够胜任自己管辖的国家事务。

    The confidence resolution states that the Cabinet is faithfully fulfilling its responsibility and that all ministers are qualified to be in charge of state affairs .

  9. 周二晚,希腊议会通过政府信任案,给政府留出了一些喘息空间。尽管如此,希腊违约仍然不可避免。

    Even though the Greek parliament has given the government some breathing space with its vote of confidence late on Tuesday , a default by Greece is inevitable .

  10. 据悉,自民党在这个时候提出不信任案也许跟菅直人最近想撤销对能源工业的管制以及缩减核能的重要性有关。

    Some suspect the timing of the no-confidence vote may be linked to Mr Kan 's recent calls to deregulate the energy industry and scale down the importance of nuclear power .

  11. 据美联社报道,日本首相菅直人在议会的“内阁不信任案”投票中躲过一劫,但仍然表示他愿意在日本震后重建有一定眉目之时辞职。

    Japan 's Prime Minister Naoto Kan has survived a no-confidence motion in parliament , but said he is willing to resign when the country 's post-tsunami recovery takes hold , AP reported .

  12. 正式通过的那项决议应该是谴责案而不是不信任投票案。

    The resolution as formally passed was one of condemnation rather than censure .

  13. 日本首相森喜朗内阁的不信任决议案于星期二被否决,森喜朗已经开始作改组内阁的准备。

    Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro mori , whose cabinet survived a no-confidence motion on tuesday , has begun preparations for a cabinet reshuffle .

  14. 菅直人是在将在周四面对不信任投票时发表上述声明的。但是不信任案最终在当天晚些时候被否定。

    Kan had been facing a no-confidence vote on Thursday when he made the statements , but the vote failed to pass later in the day .

  15. 倒阁是国会通过不信任投票的后果,解散国会的原因则是政府的信任案被国会否决。

    The resignation of the cabinet is the result of the parliamentary vote of no confidence and the reason of the dissolution of the Parliament is because the government 's confidence is vetoed .