
  • 网络Credit risk;credit exposure;CreditRisk
  1. 基于DW的信贷风险评级预警系统设计与分析

    The Design and Analysis of Credit Risk Early Warning System Based on DW

  2. JS银行四川省分行信贷风险及防范对策研究

    The Credit Risk of the Sichuan Branch of JS Bank and the Researches for the Credit Risk Management

  3. 国际银行业VaR信贷风险技术发展与应用

    The Development of VaR Technology and Its Application in International Banking

  4. 同时,论文还实证演示了VaR模型的应用分析方法,为农行信贷风险的测量和呆帐准备金制度的改革提供了参考。

    Thirdly , it empirically demonstrates the VaR Method , which provides reference for quantifying the credit risks and reform of bed debt reserves system .

  5. 在分析商业银行信贷风险管理现状的基础上,结合G银行的实际,阐述了知识管理在信贷风险管理中的应用;

    Based on the analyzing the current status of the banks ' credit risk management , and linked with the practice of the G bank , the paper discusses the application of the knowledge management in the credit risk management .

  6. 随着中国加入WTO,随着外资银行逐渐进入中国,国有商业银行要在这场日益激烈的国际竞争中立足脚跟,就必须尽快完善贷款风险分类、提高信贷风险的管理水平。

    Along with the bank of foreign capital come in , because of entry into WTO , we must perfect credit risk classification as soon as possible if the commercial bank of China want to keep its legs among the drastically competition .

  7. 2008年6月美国印地麦克银行(IndyMacBank)的倒闭就是最近的例证。A银行成立至今不过十多年,信贷风险管理几乎是从零开始。

    The nearest example is the bankruptcy of IndyMac Federal Bank in June 2008.BANK-A which was established less than two decades , its credit risk management is almost starting from scratch .

  8. 分析了银行风险分析的一般理论和银行风险转移机制,并着重对我国现有金融体制下信贷风险的形成机理和银行不良资产结构变化的Markov过程进行了研究。

    The general theory about risk analysis and risk shift mechanism is also introduced . Especially , the formation mechanism of excess credit risk and the Markov process of structure transform of bad assets are discussed in detail .

  9. 通过实证分析证明,KMV模型能够比较准确的反映上市公司的真实经营状况,将KMV模型应用于我国商业银行信贷风险管理是可行的。

    The empirical analysis shows that KMV model can reflect real operation of listed companies accurately and this model can be used in China 's commercial banks .

  10. 农业银行借鉴巴塞尔新协议IRB法,建立起严格科学的信贷风险防范体系,有效地控制经营风险,是当前迫切需要深入研究的重大课题。

    Since late 90s , operational risk has become the hot topic for foreign banks and financial supervisors . Through the use of IRB law for reference , agricultural bank established rigid scientific credit risk prevention system . Effectively controlling operating risk is an important study at the moment .

  11. 鞍山工行中小企业信贷风险管理研究

    Loan Risk Management Research on Minor Enterprises Anshan Branch of ICBC

  12. 集团客户信贷风险及防范

    Credit Risk of Business Group Customers and Measures to Resist It

  13. 第三,分析信贷风险的成因。

    Third , the analysis for the cause of credit risk .

  14. 因此,加强信贷风险管理对商业银行就具有重要的意义和深远的影响。

    So , strengthening loan risk management has important significance and influence .

  15. 信贷风险控制中的显性与隐性激励机制分析

    Analysis of Explicit and Implicit Incentive Mechanism for Controlling the Credit Risk

  16. 形成以会员制为组织形式的信用联保体系,可以有效地防范个人消费信贷风险。

    Membership organizations will be the proper form of the warranty system .

  17. 第五章分析我国消费信贷风险。

    Chapter Five focuses on consumption credit risk analysis in our market .

  18. 规避道德风险的信贷风险决策合同模型分析

    Analysis on the Credit Risk Decision Contract against Moral Risk

  19. 浅谈商业银行信贷风险防范

    An Analysis of Risk and Precaution in Commercial Banking Credit

  20. 信贷风险是指运用信用工具从事信用活动时,信用工具的本金与收益遭受损失的可能性。

    Credit risk is the possibility of loss related to credit instrument .

  21. 电力生产行业信贷风险的宏观分析

    A Macro Analysis of Credit Risks in Power Generation Industry

  22. 信贷风险是金融机构风险的主要来源。

    Credit risk is the primary source of risk to financial institutions .

  23. 农户小额信贷风险:表现、成因与应对策略

    Peasant Household Microfinance Risks : Manifestation , Origin and Countermeasure

  24. 在建船舶抵押项目信贷风险控制研究

    Research on Credit Risk Control of the Ship under Construction Mortgage Project

  25. 杠杆比率、资产价格泡沫和银行信贷风险

    Leverage Ratio , Asset Price Bubble and Banks'Credit Risk

  26. 信贷风险现场检查系统的设计和实现

    The Credit Risk on-Site Inspection System Design and Implement

  27. 商业银行信贷风险预警与度量研究

    The Prediction and Measurement Study of Commecial Bank'Credit Risk

  28. 农业信贷风险已成为银行经营中新的风险品种。

    Agricultural credit risk in banking operations has become a new risk species .

  29. 商业银行信贷风险管理内部审计的评价体系研究

    Research on the Performance Measurement System for Internal Auditing of Credit Risk Management

  30. 信贷风险控制的本质是控制信贷活动条件。

    With the control of the environment , we control the credit risk .