
  • 网络information network transmission right protection ordinance
  1. 试论博客著作权之保护&兼评《信息网络传播权保护条例》

    On the Protection of Blog Copyright & And Comments on the " Information Network Transmission Right Protection Ordinance ";

  2. 并且通过《信息网络传播权保护条例》的若干规定证明我国也很好的引进了避风港规则。

    And through the information network transmission right protection ordinance of the several provisions proof China also very good introduced " havens " rule .

  3. 透视《著作权集体管理条例》论《信息网络传播权保护条例》对图书馆的影响

    On the influence of Regulations on the Protection of the Right of Communication through Information Network to libraries

  4. 关于《信息网络传播权保护条例(草案)》的修改建议

    Some Recommendations for the Revision of " Regulations for the Protection of Information Network Dissemination Right ( Draft )"

  5. 解读《信息网络传播权保护条例》第七条

    Study on Article Seventh of the " Regulations on the Protection of the Right of Spreading Information through Network "

  6. 本文旨在促进图书出版者、图书馆等关注《信息网络传播权保护条例》的立法进程。

    It aims at arousing the attention of book publishers and libraries to the legislation process of the Protective Regulations of Networked Information Spreading Right .

  7. 数字著作权合理使用的图书馆规范&《信息网络传播权保护条例》第七条评析

    The Legal Standard for Fair Use of Digital Intellectual Right in Libraries & Comment on the Seventh Clause of Protective Regulations for Information Propagating Right on Network

  8. 2001年10月修正的《著作权法》与2006年5月颁布的《信息网络传播权保护条例》,已经不断与国际上发展了的数字技术对知识产权保护的新要求同步。

    《 Copyright Law 》 amended in Oct , 2001 and 《 Regulations on the protection of network information broadcasting right 》 issued in May , 2006 have kept in step with national demand on copyright protection .

  9. 2006年5月10日,《信息网络传播权保护条例》的颁布正式确立了避风港原则。

    " Safe Harbor " principle was formally established after Regulations for the Protection of Information Network Transmission Right was issued on May 10th , 2006 and has become a milestone in the internet legal system of China .