
ɡònɡ tónɡ fàn zuì
  • Joint crime;joint offense;fellowship in crime
  1. 中国古代共同犯罪的发展历史

    Analysis on the History of the Joint Offense in Ancient China

  2. 内地与香港共同犯罪理论之比较

    A Comparison of Joint Offense Theory Between the Inland and Hong Kong

  3. 进而对共同犯罪的范围界定也会明显的不同。

    Furthermore the scope of joint crime is also quite different .

  4. 第四章为抢劫罪共同犯罪问题研究。

    Chapter III for the common crime of robbery and research .

  5. 第四章,单位共同犯罪的量刑问题研究。

    Chapter four analyzes the sentencing of joint crime by units .

  6. 对易于混淆的受贿罪的共同犯罪与斡旋受贿罪进行了区别。

    Differentiate the co - bribery and the mediate - bribery .

  7. 第四部分对该罪的共同犯罪问题进行阐述。

    In the fourth part , the joint offence is described .

  8. 在我国,教唆犯属于共同犯罪。

    In our country , the abettor belongs to joint crime .

  9. 论盗窃罪既遂的标准过失共同犯罪初论

    On the Criterion for Accomplished Larceny On Negligent Crime Committed Jointly

  10. 共同犯罪包括全面共犯和片面共犯。

    The common crime included full complicity and one-sided accomplice .

  11. 绑架犯罪中,共同犯罪人的刑事责任问题。

    The criminal liability in the joint crime of kidnapping by force .

  12. 论共同犯罪的犯罪中止的构成特征

    The Feature of Abatement of a Crime in Joint Offence

  13. 四是论述了受贿罪的共同犯罪问题。

    The forth question is the joint crime of bribery .

  14. 第二章,单位共同犯罪的构成要件。

    Chapter two illustrates the composing conditions of joint crime by units .

  15. 胁从犯是独立共同犯罪人,其哲学理论基础是相对自由意志的学说;

    Its philosophy rationale is the relative free will theory ;

  16. 单位共同犯罪的主体包括单位和自然人。

    The subject of unit joint crime includes unit and natural person .

  17. 试论单位犯罪与共同犯罪的关系

    On the relationship between crimes committed by a unit and joint crimes

  18. 第二部分共同犯罪的犯罪中止的认定标准及其评价。

    The determine and the appraisal of crime termination of joint offence .

  19. 共同犯罪与身份问题的比较研究&以贪污犯为线索评析我国共同犯罪与身份问题立法

    A Comparative Study of the Issue of Status in Accomplice

  20. 司法视野中的单位共同犯罪研究

    A Study on Joint Crime by Units in Judicial View

  21. 论信息共同犯罪的片面共犯

    On One-sided Accomplice of Fellowship Crime in the Information Space

  22. 有的学者认为:片面共犯成立共同犯罪。

    Some scholars argue that one-sided accomplice is joint crime .

  23. 如何认定共同犯罪的犯罪中止

    How to Identify Abatement of a Crime in Joint Offence

  24. 单位共同犯罪及其刑事责任剖析

    Analysis on the Unit Joint Offense and Its Criminal Responsibilities

  25. 受贿罪的共同犯罪形态研究

    Study on Patterns of Joint Offense of Accept Bribe

  26. 受贿罪共同犯罪是指二人以上共同故意受贿的行为。

    Co-bribery means two people accept bribes together consciously .

  27. 经济犯罪中单位与自然人共同犯罪研究

    An Exploration of Joint Offense of Unit and Individual in the Economic Crime

  28. 第二,非法行医罪中的共同犯罪。

    Second , the joint illegal practice criminal offense .

  29. 首先提出了受贿罪共同犯罪的一般特征;

    First put forward the general characteristics of accomplice ;

  30. 你在现场,那叫共同犯罪。

    You were there at the scene . that 's called joint venture .