
bǎn shì
  • format
版式 [bǎn shì]
  • [format] 指书刊的版面格式

  • 双栏版式

版式[bǎn shì]
  1. 他们用新的版式出版这杂志。

    They 've brought out the magazine in a new format .

  2. 这份杂志希望以新的版式吸引更多的读者。

    In its new format , the magazine hopes to attract a much wider readership .

  3. 版式应该清晰悦目。

    The layout should be clear and easy on the eye .

  4. 新的版式会疏远上了年纪的读者群,并且也不会吸引年轻读者。

    A new format would alienate its ageing readership without attracting young readers .

  5. 检查一下外观,保证有扉页和合适的版式。

    Check the presentation . Get it properly laid out with a title page .

  6. 我翻过那本烹饪书。我喜欢它的版式设计。

    I 've been looking at the cookery book . I like the way it is set out

  7. 例:作为主编,每一期的版式设计我说了算。

    As the editor in chief , I have the final say on the layout design for every issue .

  8. 默认情况下,部件版式状态设置为“标准”,因此会显示整个web部件。

    By default , the chrome state is set to normal and the entire web part appears .

  9. 水印是针对打印文档设计的,因此在普通视图或web版式视图中看不到它们。

    Watermarks are designed for printed documents , and they aren 't visible in normal view or web layout view .

  10. POP广告的版式规划与布局研究&以平面POP广告设计为例

    POP Advertising Layout Study , POP Advertising to Graphic Design as an Example

  11. 横向手机屏幕版式的CSS如清单15所示。

    The CSS for phone-sized landscape layout is in Listing 15 .

  12. 一个部分实现了重置(reset);另一个部分描述版式(typography);第三个部分定义网格元素(grid))。

    One portion implements reset ; another describes typography ; and the third defines the grid elements .

  13. pdf是一种固定版式的电子文件格式,可以保留文档格式并支持文件共享。

    Pdf is a fixed-layout electronic file format that preserves document formatting and enables file sharing .

  14. 此外,采用新的A4版式,将来更可透过电子方式传送单证册。

    In addition , the new A4 format will enable the electronic transmission of the carnet in the future .

  15. 这款热门的平板电脑应用程序可将网页上的文章聚合成类似杂志的版式,它还能巧妙地使密集的Twitter源浏览起来更轻松、更愉快。

    This popular tablet app for aggregating Web articles into a magazine-like format is also genius at making a dense Twitter feed easier and more enjoyable to scan .

  16. 弗罗因德说,一半以上的用户升级了Gmail的版式,谷歌自5月以来一直在逐步推出这种布局设计。

    Ms. Freund said more than half of all users have the updated Gmail layout , which the company has been gradually rolling out since May .

  17. JDF-MIS中版式设计节点的解析与实现

    Analysis and Realization of the Format Design Node in JDF-MIS

  18. 不过,这一切都吸引不了洛丽•米勒(LoriMiller)。作为一名文字处理专家,她的工作校对、拼写检查和设计版式似乎和梦想不沾边。

    None of that appeals to Lori Miller who , as a lead word processor , has to do things that don 't seem so dreamy , including proofreading , spell checking and formatting .

  19. POP广告的设计手法遵循图形、色彩、版式的艺术法则原理,同时可利用趣味设计表现手法、立体空间表现法等表现手法赋予它美的形式来感染打动消费者。

    POP advertising design techniques to follow graphics , color , layout rules of art theory , and interesting design can make use of techniques from the performance of three-dimensional space means the performance of law giving it the form of the United States moved to infect consumers .

  20. 默认情况下,infopath在插入版式表格和版式相关控件(如节和滚动区域)时,会使其宽度与打印页的宽度匹配。

    By default , InfoPath inserts layout tables and layout-related controls , such as sections and scrolling regions , at a width that matches that of the printed page .

  21. 对A4开本科技期刊的版式安排提出建议,并探讨双/通栏混排时较长的公式以及图表的版式处理问题。

    Some suggestions about the layout of sci-tech periodicals are proposed . The type settings of formulae , illustrations and tables in one and two columns , which are complicated and lengthy in A4 format , are also discussed in detail .

  22. 本文主要介绍了LATEX在数学公式排版中的应用,并比较了LATEX和传统的排版软件WORD、WPS等在版式和结构上的优缺点。

    This paper mainly introduces advantages of LATEX in typesetting of mathematic formulas , compares it with the traditional typesetting soft wares of WORD , WPS and others in advantages and disadvantages in format and structure , and manages to explain the advantages of LATEX in typesetting of scientific periodicals .

  23. 许多文学名著现在以新的版式再版。

    Many literary classics are now reissued in a new format .

  24. 三十年代《申报》商业广告版式设计探析(1927-1937)

    Thirties " Declaration " of Commercial Ads Layout ( 1927-1937 )

  25. 失度:没有标准规格的材料或版式。

    Bastard size : Non-standard size of any material or format .

  26. 现阶段我国报纸版式设计形式浅析

    Analysis of the Present Design of Newspaper Layout of Our Country

  27. 这是第一台有这么漂亮的文字版式的计算机。

    Typesetting computer It was the first computer with beautiful typography .

  28. 他们用新的版式出版这种杂志。

    They 've brought our the magazine in a new format .

  29. 对版式的研究实质是对文化的研究。

    Researching on layout is the research on culture indeed .

  30. 该框架中的文档不能按设定的版式进行打印。

    The document in this frame cannot be printed as laid out .