- royalty;copyright royalty

[royalty] 即稿费。出版者按照千字数或出售印刷物所得收入的约定百分数付给作者的报酬
The performance royalty that songwriters and composers receive for a streamed track is much lower than the fee they would receive for a piece of music sold on CD or via download .
Plus , he adds , if you contribute an idea to Cambrian house , you can then sit back and do nothing while others develop it , gaining royalty points themselves .
All royalties from the album will go to charity .
She received £ 2 000 in royalties .
I lived on about £ 3,000 a year from the royalties on my book .
I lived on about ? 3000 a year from the royalties on my book .
CC a worldwide , non-exclusive , royalty-free license to reproduce , publish and distribute such Content on CO.
Because the protocol is openly published with a royalty-free license , many client and broker implementations exist for it .
Commercial CORBA implementations typically cost several thousand dollars per development seat , plus , in many cases , runtime royalties for each deployed copy of an application .
Macquarie Securities estimates that The Force Awakens alone could generate $ 5bn in consumer product sales , with Disney earning $ 500m - $ 1bn in royalties .
One danger is that Spotify may be forced to match Apple 's payments to the music industry .
Mark Mulligan , analyst at Midia Research , says Apple 's move to pay higher royalty rates than Spotify may be a calculated move to put pressure on the market leader .
Spotify has to pay a royalty for every song it plays , regardless of the advertising revenue it receives .
Apple pays slightly higher rates than Spotify , which pays about 70 per cent of its revenue to music rights holders .
OPOS can only run on Microsoft System , which make it not only limit on platform but require to pay expensive royalty . This limits its development .
Allen 's basic advice is to get paid multiple times for the same work : write a book or a song or license an innovative idea and collect royalties for years ;
Simon created the hit cartoon alongside Matt Groening in 1991 technically retired from The Simpsons in 1993 but still receives tens of millions in royalties every season .
The track was played 105m times on Pandora in the first half of 2014 but generated royalties of only $ 6,300 to be shared between songwriter and publisher .
He is now a lawyer for the Swedish musicians " union and is preparing to sue several record labels over the royalties they pay from Spotify .
The threat is not that authors will share royalties on e-books but that Amazon will become an online Walmart , squeezing suppliers ' margins in order to cut prices and dominate distribution .
While Apple 's iTunes has solved some of the problem in other countries , encouraging people to buy licensed songs so bands can receive royalties from downloads , it hasn 't solved issues here , Mr. Yang said .
Less than 24 hours after Ms. Swift complained publicly that Apple was not planning to pay royalties during a three-month trial period of its new streaming music service , the company changed course , and confirmed that it will pay its full royalty rates for music during the free trial .
Similarly , Pandora , paid $ 60.5 million in the second quarter this year for content acquisition royalties to the music industry a number up from $ 33.7 million in the same period last year .
Ms. Swift , who last year pulled her music from Spotify in another dispute over royalties , called Apple 's policy " shocking , disappointing and completely unlike this historically progressive company . "
He has spoken before about exercising the " nuclear option , " which would entail removing Sony / ATV 's songs from royalty collection by Ascap and BMI and instead negotiating individual rates with digital music services .
Advances against future royalties or copyright credits are also common .
This is sometimes in return for bigger advances against royalties .
I have received all the royalties from my new book .
His income was founded on the royalties from his first play .
Research on Chinese System of Author 'S Royalty in Book Publishing Industry