
  • 网络Copyright owner;Copyright Holder
  1. 然而,在视频非法使用日益猖獗的今天,如何高效地解决SVC编码视频的安全可靠分发,如何有力地保障SVC视频版权所有者的切身利益,这对研究者提出了新的挑战。

    However , with the increasingly rampant illegal usage of video , how to efficiently realize safe and reliable distribution of SVC encoded video and how to efficiently protect the vital interests of the copyright owner present new challenges to researchers .

  2. 版权所有者的权利;

    Rights of copyright owner ;

  3. 优酷网说,公司将向美国电影协会(MotionPictureAssociation)和获准的版权所有者发放软件拷贝。

    Youku says it will distribute copies of the software to the Motion Picture Association and approved rights owners .

  4. 这家亏损公司已面临版权所有者的压力,包括泰勒•斯威夫特(TaylorSwift),去年,她从Spotify撤下了她所有的歌曲。

    The lossmaking company was already under pressure from rights holders - including Ms Swift , who pulled her songs from the service last year .

  5. 在版权所有者未授权状态下,当具有版权的内容在互联网上被传播或者可利用时,此时ISPs在何种情况下应该承担责任取决于很多因素。

    Under what circumstances should ISPs be liable when the copyrighted material is transmitted or made available depends on many factors .

  6. 除非版权所有者选择不参与该计划,否则由出版商和作者的代表管理的图书版权登记处(bookrightsregistry)将有权把美国境内绝版图书的电子版权授给谷歌。

    Unless copyright owners opt out of the plan , a Book Rights registry to be run by representatives of the publishers and authors will have the power to license digital rights for all out-of-print books in the us to Google .

  7. ContentID技术是YouTube创建的一种机制,其目的是辨认非法上传的音乐,然后让版权所有者有机会封杀该音乐或从中赚钱。但这些唱片公司表示,该技术让太多音乐钻其漏洞的空子。

    Content ID was created by YouTube as a mechanism to identify illegally uploaded music and then give rights holders the chance to either block it or make money from it . But the labels say too much music is slipping through the cracks .

  8. 在优酷网打击盗版内容的行动出台前数年,版权所有者曾指控谷歌(GoogleInc.)旗下的YouTube未获得同意就在网站上发布视频片段,YouTube随后在2007年进行了类似的改革。

    Youku 's move to crack down on pirated content comes years after Google Inc. 's YouTube underwent similar reforms in 2007 after facing legal challenges from copyright owners over clips posted to the site without permission .

  9. 版权所有者并非总能得偿所愿。

    Copyright owners are not having things all their own way .

  10. 不过,谷歌面临着来自全球版权所有者的反对。

    Still , the company has faced opposition from rights owners world-wide .

  11. 包括出版商、唱片公司、电影制片厂在内的一众版权所有者大为震惊。

    Publishers , record labels , film studios and other content-owners are shocked .

  12. 土豆网说,该公司利用类似的技术来帮助版权所有者发现盗版视频。

    Tudou says it uses similar technology to help rights owners find infringing videos .

  13. 版权所有者的抱怨合情合理,因为他们的创作成果被人免费发布在网上。

    Copyright owners have a legitimate gripe that their creations are being posted for free online .

  14. 现在,版权所有者将中间人视为他们可以遏制非法交易的唯一依靠。

    Now the rights-holders see intermediaries as the only point where they can choke the illegal trade .

  15. 很难确定版权所有者是否拥有重复使用旧作的权利。

    It can be difficult to locate copyright holders to obtain the rights to reuse old material .

  16. 数字水印技术通过把特定的信息以不可感知的形式嵌入到数字媒体中来确认版权所有者,以达到版权保护的目的。

    It accomplishes the aim of copyright protection by imperceptibly embedding special information into digital media was protected .

  17. 这会促使中间人将法律效力推到前所未有的高度,还会给与版权所有者额外的权力。

    This would rope intermediaries into law enforcement to an unprecedented degree , and give rights-holders exceptional power .

  18. 在多数情况下,如果没有版权所有者的直接认可,不允许重发这些著作。

    In most cases , these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder .

  19. 未经版权所有者明确授权,禁止发布本文档及其独立存在地修改版本。

    Distribution of substantively modified versions of this document is prohibited without the explicit permission of the copyright holder .

  20. 各种盗版纠纷问题日益增多,严重损害了版权所有者的利益。

    As a result , the advantages of the copyright owners are damaged seriously by the increasing problem of piracy .

  21. 音频水印提供了一种数字保密的方法,用来保护作者和版权所有者的权利。

    Audio watermarking offers a solution to data piracy and helps to protect the rights of the artists and copyright holders .

  22. 对于多媒体作品的创作者、发行人和版权所有者来说,知识产权维护已成为一项最为紧迫的义务。

    For multimedia creators and the issue of copyright , intellectual property protection has become one of the most urgent tasks .

  23. 第一点担心的是谷歌将拥有独家销售无法找到版权所有者的数字著作的权利。

    The first concerns the exclusive right that Google would have to distribute digital books whose copyright holders cannot be traced .

  24. 政府不能采取“警告进而起诉”的做法,指望版权所有者将消费者告上法庭。

    The government cannot employ a " warn and Sue " approach , relying on rights-holders to take consumers to court .

  25. 它是通过嵌入到原始作品的隐秘信息&水印来证明版权所有者。

    And the digital watermarking is working for that . The copyright can be identified by watermark embedded in the production reconditely .

  26. 毋庸置疑,互联网技术对于版权所有者保护自己作品具有戏剧性的影响。

    No doubt the technology of the Internet has had a dramatic effect on the ability of copyright owners to protect their content .

  27. 知情人士称,谷歌正与版权所有者讨论如何处理这一问题,并有了初步的解决方案。

    One person familiar with the matter says Google is discussing with copyright holders how to approach the issue and has some preliminary solutions .

  28. 你的义务是核实使用这些软件的权利,并遵从其版权所有者的授权条款。

    The onus is on you to verify your rights to use this software and comply with the licensing terms of the copyright holder .

  29. 但他们似乎与贤达们一样步入了那个平行世界,而如果不采取切实措施保护版权所有者,这种情况将会继续存在。

    Yet they appear to have wandered into the same parallel universe as Les sages , where this can continue without meaningful protection for rights-holders .

  30. 但是,您对后续版本的选择不会对任何作者和版权所有者强加任何义务。

    However , no additional obligations are imposed on any author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a later version .