
bǎn quán
  • copyright;right
版权 [bǎn quán]
  • [copyright] 即著作权

版权[bǎn quán]
  1. 持有版权是制止盗版的唯一法律手段。

    Holding copyright provides the only legal remedy against unauthorized copying .

  2. 版权在作者去世七十年后期满无效。

    Copyright expires seventy years after the death of the author .

  3. 这资料不受版权保护。

    The information has been placed in the public domain .

  4. 他们被指控侵犯版权。

    They were sued for breach / infringement of copyright .

  5. 他以200万元的价格出售了版权。

    He sold the rights for $ 2 million .

  6. 这份材料可以复制,不会侵犯版权。

    The material can be copied without infringing copyright .

  7. 谁拥有这首歌曲的版权?

    Who owns the copyright on this song ?

  8. 版权所有

    All rights reserved .

  9. 他们在将点子出售给DC漫画公司时签字放弃了版权。

    They signed the rights away when they sold their idea to DC Comics .

  10. 他警告说解除版权限制会使这个行业一贫如洗。

    He warned that lifting copyright restrictions could beggar the industry .

  11. 在一篇有关版权的文章中,有一个短语引起了我的注意。

    A phrase jumped out at me in a piece about copyright .

  12. 一个经纪人购买了他的传记的出版权。

    An agent bought the rights to his life

  13. 他们未经允许使用了受版权保护的音乐。

    They used copyrighted music without permission .

  14. 要想订购书,必须先得到持有该书版权的修道院的许可。

    To order a book one first had to get permission from the monastery that held the copyright

  15. 用唱片业的行话来说,就是他想买下那首歌曲的版权,然后包装推出。

    In record-business lingo , that means he wanted to buy the rights to the song and market it .

  16. 对于那些从没有收到过上百万美元版权费的人来说,这听起来就算不令人反感,至少也让人觉得有点儿怪。

    To those who 've never received million dollar royalty cheques , this sounded a little odd , not to say offensive .

  17. 版权所有,翻印必究。

    All rights reserved ; those responsible for unauthorized reproduction will be prosecuted .

  18. 协议规定将版权转让给出版商。

    The agreement assigns copyright to the publisher .

  19. 星巴克已经将它的西雅图最好咖啡的品牌版权出售给了汉堡王,该咖啡将在今年晚些时候开始销售。

    Starbucks has sold rights to its Seattle 's Best coffee brand to Burger King , which will start selling it later this year .

  20. “白雪公主”不涉及版权问题可以拿来使用,但“小矮人”却受版权保护,因此科尔内蒂特创造了相似的人物(坏脾气的格斯,迷糊鬼丹)来解释这一特别的工资法。

    " Snow White " is available for everyone to use , but the " dwarfs " are still under copyright , so Cometti invented sound-alike characters ( Grumpy Gus , Dopey Dan ) to illustrate specific pay roll law principles .

  21. 你还应该知道你的字典的版权日期,并检查它的特殊功能。

    You should also know the copyright date of your dictionary , and check its special features .

  22. 如果你现在的字典的版权日期显示它是五年或以上出版的,请考虑再花钱买个更新的版本。

    If the copyright date of your current dictionary shows that it was published five or more years ago , consider investing in a more recent edition .

  23. 希尔姐妹于1893年10月16日获得了他们的歌曲的版权。

    The Hill sisters copyrighted their song on October 16,1893 .

  24. 他为版权法工作,编写教科书,使英语美国化,编辑杂志。

    He worked for copyright laws , wrote textbooks , Americanized the English language , and edited magazines .

  25. 她对偷盗歌曲版权和姐妹没有获得赔款而感到愤怒。

    She was angry about the theft of the song and the failure to pay to her sisters .

  26. 复印书和版权书一样好,但复印书成本不高,通常不到原版成本的一半。

    Copied books are as good as copyrighted ones , but they don 't cost much , usually less than half the price .

  27. 希尔一家拥有这首曲子的版权,每次这首歌用于商业制作时都必须向他们付费。

    The Hill family owned the rights to the melody and had to be paid every time the song was part of a commercial production .

  28. 1934年,当这首歌每晚在百老汇音乐剧中演唱时,希尔家的另一个姐姐杰西卡因为这首歌的版权问题而诉诸了法庭。

    In 1934 , when the song was sung every night in a Broadway Musical , another Hill sister , Jessica , went to court over the copyright problem of the song .

  29. Counterclaim反诉制作人团队提起反诉,声称版权诉讼毫无根据。

    The producers filed a counterclaim asserting the copyright claims were baseless .

  30. 传奇影业紧跟PokemonGo游戏热潮,签下该游戏的电影版权。

    On the heels of Pokemon Go fever , Legendary1 has closed a deal for the film rights for the iconic Japanese property .