
  • 网络The Printmaking Techniques
  1. 版画技法与情感表达探幽

    A Discuss of Printmaking Skill and Feeling Expression

  2. 版画技法与情感表达的关系问题已愈来愈引起人们的关注。

    The relationship of printmaking skill and feeling expression are going to be paid more and more attention .

  3. 随着时代的发展、艺术表现需求的更迭和科技的进步,铜版画技法也在不断地发展和改进。

    With the development of the times , art performance demands and technological progress , copperplate painting techniques are constantly developing and improving .

  4. 主要研究的是版画技法与语言的运用,不同时期的版画创作在艺术语言的表达和运用上都有各自的特点。

    Is the main language of printmaking techniques and the use of different periods in art print creation and use of the expression language has its own characteristics .

  5. 笔者立足于木板油套的创作实践,力求进一步探索和研究版画创作技法和艺术语言。

    The author based on the wood casing of the writing practice , and strive to further explore and study printmaking techniques and artistic language .

  6. 藏书票艺术不同于其他艺术形式,运用版画的制作技法,同时又独立于版画。

    Art of Exlibris , which is different from other art forms , uses the method of printmaking , while , independent of printmaking .

  7. 从传统版画到现代版画,技法和技法在版画艺术中的意义不断发展演变。

    From traditional engraving to modern engraving , painting techniques and their significance in engraving evolve without cease .

  8. 传统版画艺术与康熙五彩是中国绘画中的不同种类,传统版画的在表现技法、构图形式与创作题材等方面都对康熙五彩的发展有着重要的影响。

    Kangxi colorful and arts of traditional printmaking are different kinds of Chinese painting .

  9. 列举了版画不同发展时期重要版画艺术家的作品并对其艺术语言进行了分析,从中阐释套色木刻版画的技法、语言及其艺术魅力。

    Lists the important period of development in different print print artists and their artistic language is analyzed , from woodblock prints in the interpretation of chromatic techniques , language and artistic charm .