
  • 网络Copyright trading;copyright exchange
  1. 未来,数字版权交易如何操作?

    How could digital publishing operate in the future ?

  2. 此前,全省首个国家级版权交易中心&青岛国际版权交易中心项目也正式在开发区落户。

    Previously , the province 's first national copyright trading center-Qingdao International Copyright Trade Center project has officially settled in the zone .

  3. 青岛国际版权交易会开幕式上8个项目现场签约,签约总额超过137亿元,约合20亿美元。

    Eight contracts worth 13.7 billion yuan , which is around 2 billion U.S. dollars , were signed at the opening ceremony of the event .

  4. 随着美术作品原件和版权交易的发展,美术作品作者面对的财产权益纠纷越来越多。

    Along with more and more transactions of original artworks and copyright , it occurs to the author that there is a tendency of an increasing number of the property rights disputes .

  5. 希望安徽坚持这一特色,为动漫原创产品的版权交易及上下游产业的融合发展搭建平台。

    Want to adhere to the characteristics of Anhui , the copyright for the original animation products , trading and integration of upstream and downstream industries , the development of a platform .

  6. 受到保护并发行,这是我今天在博览会的所见。”来自国内外的156家企业参加今年在青岛举办的包装食品、出版、动漫、电子游戏、玩具等行业的版权交易会。

    d and shared in a proper way . And that 's what I 'm seeing here in the expo . " 156 enterprises from home and abroad are attending this year 's copy right fair in Qingdao , from industries such as packaged food , publishing , animation , electronic games , and toys .

  7. 因此,结合现代密码学技术知识研究安全的数字水印协议,对数字产品的版权保护和网上交易是比较重要的。

    Thus , this paper studies secure digital watermarking protocols with theories and techniques of modern cryptography , which is important for the protection of copyright of digital work and trading over the Internet .

  8. 版权是版权产业的核心和基础,版权商业价值的评估是版权交易的前提和依据。

    Copyright is the core and foundation of the copyright industries , the valuation towards commercial value of copyright is the precondition and basis of copyright trade .