
  • 网络copyright transfer;Assignment of Copyright;Copyright Assignment
  1. 版权转让,作为版权主体实现版权财产权利的一种重要渠道,是国际版权贸易领域的一项重要内容,也是当今世界许多国家版权法的一个重要制度。

    Copyright assignment is an important part in the realm of international copyright trade , and is also an important system in many countries ' national copyright law .

  2. 第二部分介绍了版权转让的内容。

    In the third part , the contents of the assignment of copyright are discussed .

  3. 协议规定将版权转让给出版商。

    The agreement assigns copyright to the publisher .

  4. 泽普鲁德家族后来把该影像的版权转让给达拉斯的六楼博物馆(SixthFloorMuseum),这是一家专门保存肯尼迪刺杀案相关档案的主流博物馆。

    The Zapruders later transferred the copyright on the film to Dallas 's Sixth Floor Museum , which chronicles the assassination .

  5. 我这份版权转让书是转让给杂志社还是出版社啊?

    Is it important whether it is publisher or journal ?

  6. 版权转让涉及上述版权的整个期限。

    The copyright is assigned for the entire duration of such copyright .

  7. 第二部分主要介绍了版权转让制度在发展过程中所经历的5个主要学说发展阶段:(1)精神所有权学说。强调书的作者不但对自己的思想具有所有权,对于其财产价值也具有所有权。

    The five theories include : ( 1 ) the doctrine of spiritual ownership ;

  8. 浅谈科技期刊的版权转让合同

    Copyright attornment bargain of science magazine

  9. 在本文中,主要介绍了英美法系国家、法国、德国、前苏联社会主义国家及我国的版权转让制度立法概况。

    It focuses on the legislation in common law countries such as the United States and the UK , civil law countries such as France , Germany , the former Soviet Union and China .

  10. 因此笔者认为计算机软件的保护模式应在现有法律保护体系下,充分推动版权转让协议以促进版权的自由交流,减少法律和经济对技术的负面影响。

    Consequently , the author holds that the protective mode of computer software should promote copyright agreement to the full under the present legal protective system , to enhance the free exchange of copyright and minimize the negative effects of law and economy on technology .

  11. 版权人可以转让他们的权利给其他人。

    Owners of copyrights may assign their ownership to others .

  12. 若论文被录用,论文的版权就要转让给出版商;

    If a manuscript is accepted , the copyrights to the manuscript will need to be transferred to the publisher ;