
  • 网络Compatible;Version Compatibility
  1. 网站将使用此信息向您提供与您所使用的OfficeSystem版本兼容的材料。

    This information is used by Web sites to give you materials that are compatible with your version of the Office System .

  2. MIS中不同FoxPro版本兼容问题的解决方法

    A Way to Solve the Compatible Problems Between Different FoxPro in MIS

  3. 后者与PHP的官方Win32版本兼容。

    The latter target is compatible with the official Win32 release of PHP .

  4. configure的结果是一个与您的UNIX版本兼容的Makefile。

    The result of . / configure is a Makefile compatible with your version of UNIX .

  5. 但是请注意,如果有效负载为SOAP错误,则确保错误消息与所选的SOAP版本兼容是用户的责任。

    However , note that if the payload is a SOAP Fault , then it 's the user 's responsibility to ensure that the Fault message is compatible with the selected SOAP version .

  6. SAX对于那些曾经在PHP4中处理过XML的人来说可能比较熟悉,PHP5中的SAX扩展与过去的版本兼容。

    SAX is likely familiar to those who worked with XML in PHP4 , and the SAX extension in PHP5 is compatible with the version they 're used to .

  7. V7可以和先前的版本兼容,这意味着V7可以并行于现有的版本独立地运行,从而避免在迁移时需要额外的硬件。

    V7 coexists with previous versions , which means that V7 will run alongside and independently of your existing version , thus eliminating the need for additional hardware while migrating .

  8. 您需要做的只是确保类和方法同早期版本兼容。

    All you have to do is ensure classes and methods are compatible with the previous versions .

  9. 但,该示例应用程序专门与本节所提版本兼容。

    However , it is designed specifically to be compatible with the version mentioned in this section .

  10. 要升级源文件并使其与早期版本兼容,请用方括号将标识符名称括起来。

    To upgrade the source file and keep it compatible with the previous version , enclose the identifier names in square brackets .

  11. 今年秋天,苹果公司将发布正式版iOS8系统,届时iOS8将只能与iPhone4S及以上版本手机兼容。

    iOS 8 will be available for the iPhone 4S and above this fall .

  12. 内部快照与AIX6.1以前的AIX版本不兼容。

    Internal snapshots are not compatible with AIX releases prior to AIX6.1 .

  13. rdm文件的版本不兼容。

    Incompatible version of RDM file .

  14. 要使用WebSphereMQJMS提供程序,请确保您的系统中同时安装了WebsphereMQ服务器和WebSphereMQJMS客户端库,并且它们的版本是兼容的。

    To use the WebSphere MQ JMS provider , make sure both the WebSphere MQ server and the WebSphere MQ JMS client library are installed on your system and that their versions are compatible .

  15. OASISWSRX技术委员会以2006年初的最后版草案为基础,展开了各个实现版本的兼容工作,随后有五家公司参与。

    The OASIS WSRX TC hosted an interop based on the last Committee Draft earlier in2006 , and5 companies turned up with implementations .

  16. 发出请求的程序版本不兼容。

    The requesting program is an incompatible version .

  17. 驱动程序与此版本不兼容。

    This driver is incompatible with this version .

  18. 驱动程序的版本不兼容!

    Incompatible version of the driver !

  19. 拼写检查版本不兼容。

    Incompatible version of spelling checker .

  20. 由于操作系统版本不兼容,此节点无法同发起群集进行交互操作。

    This node cannot interoperate with the sponsor cluster due to an operating system version incompatibility .

  21. 由于加入节点和支持者之间的软件版本不兼容,该群集加入操作失败。

    The cluster join operation failed due to incompatible software versions between the joining node and its sponsor .

  22. 登录%1失败,因为身份验证服务与程序的当前版本不兼容。

    Signing in to % 1 failed because the authentication service is not compatible with this version of the program .

  23. 在测试过程中,还可以使用该文件测试应用程序与不同运行库版本的兼容情况。

    You can also use this file in testing to test an application 's compatibility with different versions of the runtime .

  24. 与版本5兼容的应用程序可以安装在任意版本5或版本6的服务器上,或者任意包含版本5或版本6服务器的集群上。

    A V5-compatible application may be installed on any V5 or V6 server , or on any cluster containing V5 or V6 servers .

  25. 相反,与版本6兼容的应用程序的目标只能是版本6的服务器,或只包含版本6成员的集群。

    By contrast , the target of a V6-compatible application may only be a V6 server , or a cluster containing only V6 members .

  26. 当对应用程序进行更新,以用于重新安装、编辑或重新将模块映射到新目标时,与版本5兼容的应用程序的目标不受限制。

    When updating an application for re-installation , or for editing or remapping modules to new targets , the target of the V5-compatible application is not restricted .

  27. 汉字操作系统做到与CP/M2.2版本完全兼容,并扩充了汉字和内存及磁盘间的自动调度功能。

    The Chinese character operating system is fully compatible to CP / M 2.2 with the extension of Chinese character procesing ability and automatic scheduling of RAM and disk memories .

  28. 兼容性检查器会警告您:工作簿中的内容可能会与早期版本不兼容,因此可能会受文件格式转换的影响。

    The compatibility checker warns you about any content in a workbook that may not be compatible with earlier releases and that therefore may be affected by a file format conversion .

  29. 动态HTML解决了这个问题,但两家公司的版本是不兼容的。

    While Dynamic HTML addresses the problem , the two companies ' versions are incompatible .

  30. CommunityEdition的缺省下载版本是完全兼容的JavaEE5认证服务器组装。

    The default download of Community Edition is a fully compliant , Java EE5-certified server assembly .