
fēn lèi shù jù
  • Classification data;classified data
  1. 联机环境下分类数据的质量控制

    Quality Control of Classified Data in Online Environment

  2. 文章还介绍了用累积法和Ω转换法对计数分类数据进行分析的方法。

    The author also explains in his paper how to use accumulation method and Ω convertion method to analyse the counted and classified data .

  3. 聚类作为Web挖掘的预处理阶段可以通过分类数据来提高挖掘的效率和精确率。

    As a preprocess stage , clustering can improve the efficiency and accuracy of data mining through classifying the data sets .

  4. 本文主要结合具体例子,针对具有相关关系的分类数据的统计分析,介绍了两类Logistic回归模型,并分析了它们的联系与区别。

    The paper mainly introduces how to use and extend Logistic Regression Model to statistic analysis on correlated data .

  5. 我们采用当前广泛应用的Hadoop分布式处理平台来解决海量分类数据的预处理问题。

    We use Hadoop distributed platform to handle mass data pre-processing .

  6. 患病率/发病率分类数据转换的SAS宏程序

    A SAS macro program for transforming a kind of categorical data on incidence rate / prevalence rate

  7. UDDI的设计允许简单的搜索格式,并允许交易伙伴发布关于自身及其宣传的Web服务的数据以自动提供分类数据。

    The design of UDDI allows simple forms of searching and allows trading partners to publish data about themselves and their advertised web services to voluntarily provide categorization data .

  8. NET和MSSqlServer技术设计与实现了导航树动态管理模块,该模块可以方便地移植到需要进行多级分类数据管理的应用程序中。

    NET and MS SQL server technology to design and to realize the navigation tree dynamic management module . The module can be convenient to the need for multi-level classification data management applications .

  9. 本文研究和分析了Hadoop分布式处理平台,在Hadoop平台上实现了海量分类数据的预处理。

    We analyze the structure of Hadoop platform and programming framework and implement huge numbers of data preprocessing in Hadoop platform .

  10. 该算法首先使用二叉树进行多类决策,将原始分类数据分解成3个二类分类问题,然后利用SVM进行二类分类,使3个分类超平面得到优化。

    This algorithm uses binary tree to construct the multi-class frame by decomposing the problem into three 2-class classification problems , then uses Support Vector Machine optimizing the three hyperplanes .

  11. 在分析数据挖掘各种技术的基础上,对神经网络方法在数据挖掘中的应用进行了研究分析,接着着重研究了基于RBF神经网络的分类数据挖掘方法。

    In analyzing the various techniques of data mining based on neural network in data mining applications in research and analysis , and then focus on RBF neural network based on the classification of data mining methods .

  12. 本文利用MODIS土地利用分类数据(MOD12Q1),应用马里兰植被分类方法提取出东北农作物区域作为最终的实验区。

    In this paper , the author used MODIS land classification data ( MOD12Q1 ) classified the Northeast region as the final crop experimental area .

  13. 投影寻踪聚类(PPC)是投影寻踪和非分层聚类方法的综合,它同时尝试分类数据和寻找聚类结构的低维有代表性的特征。

    Projection pursuit cluster ( PPC ) is the colligation of projection pursuit and unstratified cluster method . In the time , it was attempted to stratify the datum and search low-dimensional representative characteristics of clustering structure .

  14. 根据HJ-1C的轨道参数和雷达传感器的系统参数,利用高精度的DEM数据(30m),结合地物分类数据(20m),综合考虑几何模型和辐射模型,模拟了该雷达卫星上的SAR图像。

    Based on configuration parameters of HJ-1C and SAR sensor , image simulation was performed using high-resolution DEM ( 30m ) and classification data ( 20m ) in this paper , combining geometrical and radiometric characters of SAR image .

  15. 该方法使用C4.5决策树分类器作为基学习器,利用高速收敛的群体智能算法来寻找最优集成模型,并在UCI数据库的多值分类数据集上进行了实验。

    This algorithm uses convergent SI ( swarm intelligence ) to find the optimal ensemble with using the C4.5 decision trees classifiers as based learners . Meanwhile , experiments are carried out on UCI data sets .

  16. 针对在某些应用领域对二分类数据分类结果可视化的需求,以及现有无监督可视化算法无法提供分类结果的相关信息的问题,提出了二分类数据分类结果可视化算法&支持向量可视化(SVV)。

    A new algorithm called support vector visualization ( SVV ) was proposed for visualization of classification results of two-category data to meet the need in some applications .

  17. 通过对中文文本分类数据集进行的测试,结果表明该算法与GA-SVM算法相比,可以获得较高的学习能力和更好的分类正确率。

    According to the test of Chinese text classification data sets , the results show this algorithm can take on the higher learning ability and better classification accuracy rate comparing with GA-SVM algorithm .

  18. 通过深入分析无线广播网络组网中对其影响的地形、地物特征,详细介绍了栅格分类数据要素的分类内容、如何利用数字摄影测量技术采集数据以及制作DTM和栅格分类数据的方法。

    This paper firstly analyzed the terrain and features which influence the construction of wireless broadcasting network . Then it introduced the classification contents of grid classification features , the data collection methods by digital aerial photogrammetry , and the method to produce DTM and grid classification data .

  19. 根据数据元素值的递增顺序建立循环链表,能够有效地分类数据,使Josephus数据序列均匀分布且不重复。

    And since the circular linked list is created based on the ascendant sequence of the data list , so the data can be classified effectively to make the Josephus data list to be distributed symmetrically and no duplicate .

  20. 基于数据仓库的大规模数据集分类数据挖掘研究与设计

    Research on Data Warehouse-based Classification Data Mining for Large Scale Dataset

  21. 二分类数据不应作计数资料处理。

    Count data should not be treated they are dichotomous data .

  22. 分类数据的重复测量及其在临床试验中的应用

    Analysis of Categorical Data and Its Application in Clinical Trial

  23. 分类数据挖掘中若干基本问题的研究

    Study on Some Basic Problems of Data Mining for Classification

  24. 一种可分类数据的聚类算法及其应用

    A Clustering Algorithm for Categorical Data and its Application

  25. 二分类数据的分类结果可视化算法

    Algorithm for Visualization of Classification Results of Two-Category Data

  26. 重复测量问题常常涉及到分类数据。

    Categorical data appear often in repeated measurements problems .

  27. 纵向观测二分类数据的广义线性模型分析

    Analysis of longitudinal binary data using generalized linear models

  28. 非一致分类数据集的一致化与特征选择与算法

    Unifying and feature selection of inconsistent classification data set

  29. 重复测量分类数据的分析

    The Statistical Analysis with Repeated Measurement of Categorical Data

  30. 从而获取湿地研究区的分类数据。

    Finally , it extracted the classification information of the wetland research area .