
  • 网络branch and bound;branch-and-bound;Branch and Bound Method;branch-and-bound method;branch-and-bound algorithm
  1. 在建模与控制过程中,采用模糊聚类和线性辨识方法在线建立PEMFC控制系统的T-S模糊预测模型,然后基于分支定界法的基本原理对控制量进行离散寻优,从而实现PEMFC的非线性预测控制。

    In order to implement nonlinear predictive control of the plant , the T-S fuzzy predictive model of PEMFC is built on-line using fuzzy clustering and linear identification , and discrete optimization of the control action is carried out according to the principle of Branch and Bound method .

  2. 应用分支定界法选择化工过程的操作变量

    Exhaustive Evaluations of Chemical Procedures Are Selected Using the Branch and Bound Method

  3. 利用分支定界法解决MPS任务分配问题

    The utilization of branch-and-bound method to solve the problem of MPS task distribution

  4. 将装配序列规划描述为在复合装配图中求解特殊的最优H回路,并且基于分支定界法给出了满足优先关系、装配可行性、装配代价优化的装配顺序规划算法。

    Then , the assembly sequence planning was converted into searching a special optimal H-circle in CAG . A branch-and-bound algorithm was presented to find an optimal assembly sequence that satisfied the precedence constrains and assembly feasibility .

  5. 基于扰动KKT条件的原始-对偶内点法和分支定界法的最优潮流研究

    Study on optimal power flow based on primal-dual interior point algorithm under perturbed KKT conditions and branch-and-bound method

  6. 本文深入研究了OFDMA资源分配的整数建模方案,提出了结合整数规划算法中的分支定界法和隐数算法来实现更低复杂度的最优解决方案。

    The author takes an indepth study over integer programming based OFDMA resource allocation modeling schemes , proposes integer programming based algorithms which highlights the thoughts of branch-and-bound algorithm and hidden variable algorithm respectively to achieve the optimal solution with a lower complexity .

  7. 该方法利用模糊约束来表达用户的偏好,将用户的偏好和满意程度转化成为模糊约束满足问题,进而使用分支定界法对层次化任务网络(HTN)进行分解。

    In the study , the users ' preferences and satisfaction are modeled as a fuzzy constraint satisfaction problem ( FCSP ) . Based on this modeling , the hierarchical task network ( HTN ) is used to compose web services with the Branch and Bound Method .

  8. 基于内点&分支定界法的最优机组投入研究

    Research on Unit Commitment Based on Interior Point-Branch and Bound Method

  9. 平行机排序问题的分支定界法

    The Use of Branch-and-Bound Method in Scheduling Problem on Parallel Machines

  10. 分支定界法及其自组织异步并行实现

    Branch and bound algorithm and its self-organization asynchronous parallel implementation

  11. 基于分支定界法的多资源约束下项目进度规划

    Project Scheduling under Multiple Resource Constraints Based on Branch and Bound Procedure

  12. 分支定界法优化设计石油套管柱

    Optimization design of casing string with branch-bound method

  13. 首先是两种精确求解算法,分别是穷举式精确算法和队列式分支定界法。

    The first are two exact algorithm , they are exhaust algorithm and branch-bound algorithm .

  14. 传统的求解方法包括动态规划法、贪婪算法、局部搜索法和分支定界法等。

    Traditional methods include Dynamic Programming , Greedy Algorithms , Local Search Heuristics and Branch and Bound algorithms .

  15. 一种通用的子集合选择方法一分支定界法被应用于控制结构选择问题。

    A general subset selection method , the branch and bound technique , is applied to a control structure selection problem .

  16. 以分支定界法为例,介绍了其设计思想和实践步骤,并对算法的时间复杂度进行了分析。

    The paper takes the branch and bound algorithm for example and introduces the design philosophy and practical steps of the process .

  17. 对于二层规划问题有许多经典的求解方法,如极点搜索法、分支定界法和罚函数法等。

    There are many classical solution methods for bilevel programming such as culmination searching algorithm , branch and bound algorithm and penalty function algorithm .

  18. 我们给出这个问题的精确解法-分支定界法和几个启发式算法,并且用较多实例对启发式算法的性能进行了比较。

    We provide an exact solution procedure-a branch and bound approach and heuristic algorithms for it , and compare the heuristics with considerable instances .

  19. 引入了可靠性约束来计及发电系统可靠性,建立了问题的非线性网络流模型,并将一种新的非线性网络流法与分支定界法相结合,成功地求解了该问题。

    A new nonlinear network flow algorithm and branch and bound algorithm are applied to solve the nonlinear and discontinuous mixed integer program problem .

  20. 最后,利用整数线性规划法中的分支定界法,以非整数解作为起始解,得到了整数解的低码率码组。

    At last , the Branch and Bound method of Integer Linear Programming is employed , which made the above non-integer solutions as initial ones .

  21. 由于非线性约束及供应链网络庞大的变量和约束条件,常规的分支定界法难以精确求解。

    Because of plentiful variables and nonlinear constrains , the model is difficult to solve accurately by conventional method , such as branch and bound algorithm .

  22. 经仿真实验检验,是可行解。第四,用分支定界法求解制造系统双重资源近似优化配置问题。

    As validated by the simulation experiments , the solution is feasible . Fourthly , the dual-resource optimal configuration problem is solved by branch and bound method .

  23. 基于分支定界法的思想提出了一种新的精确求解多资源约束下项目进度规划问题的最优化算法。

    In this paper a new exact algorithm is proposed for solving project scheduling problems under multiple resource constrains which is based on the branch and bound procedure .

  24. 理论上的分析和计算的例子表明用这种方法得到的初始可行解是令人满意的,嵌入分支定界法可以提供好的界。

    The theoretical analysis and computational examples show that the initial feasible solution obtained by the method is satisfactory , which can provide good bounds in branch and bound procedures .

  25. 传统的代理约束方法虽可加速分支定界法或割平面法的求解速度,但往往会扩大原问题的可行域,不能保证得到原问题的最优解。

    The conventional surrogate constraint method , which can improve the efficiency of branch-and-bound or cutting plane algorithms , can not guarantee to find the optimal solution of the primal problem .

  26. 本文是将分支定界法与改进的割平面法、隐枚举法相结合,提出一种解决整数线性规划的混合型方法。

    The article proposes a mixed algorithm for solving integral linear programming . In the algorithm the Branch-and-Bound Method is combined with the improving cutting-plane method and the implicit enumeration method .

  27. 连通可靠性是研究网络结构的有效指标,这里将其作为系统的优化目标建立了基于连通可靠性的城市道路交通网络设计模型,并运用分支定界法对其求解。

    As the transportation system optimal objective , it setup the urban road transportation discrete network design model based on the connected reliability , and use the branch and bound algorithm to solve the problem .

  28. 原始-对偶内点法收敛迅速、对初值不敏感,用来求解松弛问题,分支定界法用来处理离散变量。

    Interior Point Method , which convergences fast and is not sensitive to the initial point , is adopted to solve the relaxed problems , Branch-and-Bound Method is used to deal with the discrete variables .

  29. 为验证算法的实用性,笔者深入某定制型装备制造企业,根据生产实际构造算例,然后使用分支定界法对算例进行优化。

    To verify the practicability of the algorithm , the author of a customized equipment manufacturing enterprises , according to the actual production examples , then the examples are optimized using the branch and bound method .

  30. 为克服简化推理算法占用内存的问题,提出了应用深度优先分支定界法以很小的时间代价换取较大内存空间,解决了简化算法的内存分配问题,具有很强的实用价值。

    In order to overcome the memory occupied problem , a new optimizing algorithm based on depth-first branch and bound is proposed . It costs a little time for great memory space , solves the memory allocation problem .