
  • 网络space complexity;Asymptotic Space Complexity;time and space complexity
  1. 该算法的空间复杂度为O(N);

    All these make the algorithm more efficient . The space complexity of the algorithm is O ( N ) .

  2. 用vector容器替代哈希树存储候选项集,减少了算法的空间复杂度。

    Second , use vector container instead of hash tree to save candidate set , reduce the space complexity of algorithm .

  3. 其空间复杂度都是O(n)。

    The spatial complexity is always O ( n ) for all cases .

  4. 该加密算法及其相应的解密算法所需的时间和空间复杂度均为O(n)。

    The space and time complexities of this method are O ( n ) .

  5. 性能分析表明该算法具有最小的时间复杂度,并且在基于半边Z结构的情况下具有最小的额外空间复杂度。

    The time and the space complexity of the algorithm are lowest .

  6. 相比较基于排列的枚举算法,本算法在空间复杂度上,增加了O(n)的存储空间。

    Compared to " based on permutation " enumeration algorithm , it increase a O ( n ) storage space .

  7. 新算法仅需要一个大小为n的一维数组,空间复杂度为O(n)。

    The new algorithm only needs an array whose size is n , so the space complexity is O ( n ) .

  8. 该算法能快速有效地求解可分离连续凸二次背包问题的最优解,算法的时间复杂度和空间复杂度都是O(n),都比经典算法节约很多。

    The computational complexity on time and space of the proposed algorithm are both O ( n ), which are both smaller than those of the classical algorithms .

  9. 出了一个求解第k短路径的算法,和其它求解第k短路径的算法相比,本算法具有较好的时间和空间复杂度。

    Solving the first k out of a short path algorithm , and other short-path k-solving algorithm , this algorithm has better time and space complexity .

  10. 但是,标准支持向量机(SVM)算法受其时间和空间复杂度约束,无法有效地处理大规模数据集。

    But standard SVM is subject to its constraints of time and space complexity , and cannot deal with large-scale network anomaly detection problems .

  11. 针对实时性有一定要求的通风仿真系统中必须满足的时间和空间复杂度要求,提出了一种基于多Agent系统的分析和解决方案。

    In view of the fact that ventilation simulation system that has certain requirements on real time property should satisfy the spatio temporal complexity , it is proposed to use a multi agent based system .

  12. 结合SOPC平台的硬件条件,在颜色形状相结合的算法的基础上采用计算量小、空间复杂度低的算法。

    On the basis of color-shape algorithm , this paper realize it with less computation and lower space complexity .

  13. 本算法时间复杂度为1.675×H×V×T、空间复杂度为12×H×V,能充分满足嵌入式系统的要求。

    The algorithms whose time complexity is 1 . 675 × H × V × T and space complexity is 6 × H × V can fully meet the requirement for the embedded system .

  14. 针对文本处理中的字串去重问题,本文提出了四种有效的快速算法,其平均时间复杂度为O(nlogn),空间复杂度为O(n)。

    In this paper , we suggest several fast algorithms for removing redundant strings in a string set , their time complexity is O ( n log n ) and space complexity is O ( n ) .

  15. 该算法的空间复杂度仅为O(n),时间复杂度近似为O(n2·logn),且预测结构有较好的精度。

    The space complexity of the algorithm is only O ( n ) while the time complexity approximates to O ( n2 ? logn ) .

  16. 采用计数误差、空间复杂度和负载适应性为性能指标,对上述三种CBF的性能进行了系统比较。

    The performance of the three CBF schemes was compared using metrics of counting error , space complexity and load adaptability .

  17. 其生成一条句子的时间和空间复杂度是O(r+n),其中n是生成句子的长度或深度限制,r是给定上下文无关文法中产生式的数目。

    The time and space complexity for generating one sentence is O ( r + n ) , where n is the restricted length or depth of sentences and r is the number of productions in given CFG .

  18. 我们应该寻找一种新算法降低时间复杂度和空间复杂度,以使LSA方法能够更好的应用于大规模的文本处理。

    We should seek a new computation to reduce the complexity so as to apply LSA to cosmically context processing .

  19. Baker提出的参数化匹配方法能检测出方法级以下的重复代码,但它的空间复杂度要求过高,限制其能解决问题的范围。

    The parameterized string matching method proposed by Baker can detect duplicated blocks . However , its ability to solve problem is limited for the space complexity .

  20. 通过纹理分析,利用灰度共生矩阵惯性矩特征值能够反映图像灰度空间复杂度的特性,成功获取了LOG边缘检测算子最佳空间系数,抑制了图像中的大部分噪声。

    Characteristic number of inertia moment of gray level co-occurrence matrix can reflect the feature of complexity of image gray space . Optimum space coefficient of LOG operator can be ac-quired effectively and most noise of images can be removed .

  21. 但是FP-growth算法并不能有效的挖掘大型数据库,并且时间和空间复杂度较高。

    However , FP-growth algorithm can not mine effectively the large databases , moreover , the Time-complexity and the space-complexity is to high .

  22. 从本质上说,TIC通过平衡算法的计算负载和访存负载,在时间和空间复杂度上取得了最佳的折衷,从而保证了算法在多核结构上具有良好的可扩放性。

    In essence , TIC achieves the best tradeoff between time and space complexity by balancing workload of computation and memory access , which ensures that the TIC algorithm has good scalability on multi-core architectures .

  23. 对Radon变换进行了分块改进,此算法在时间复杂度、空间复杂度方面的性能都优于传统Radon变换,同时可以克服传统Radon变换不能检测线段端点的缺陷。

    Moreover Radon transformation was improved based on image blocking . The novel algorithm was better than traditional Radon transform in performance of time and spatial complexity . Furthermore it could detect the vertexs of straight line .

  24. 对于如何构造MIB树,论文提出了两种算法,并对这两种算法的时间复杂度和空间复杂度做了详细的分析和比较。

    For how to construct a MIB tree , we propose two algorithms , and the two algorithms time complexity and space complexity of a detailed analysis and comparison .

  25. STC算法在时间成本上具有优秀性能,重复序列的倒排索引方法在空间复杂度方面更胜一筹。

    Since STC has favorable performance in considering time cost and the inverted index method is superior in terms of spatial complexity , STC was used to improve RS algorithm .

  26. 文中提出了一种低空间复杂度1/4像素插值方法两步四抽头插值法(TwoStepsFourTapsInterpolation,TSFT),该方法与目前国际上最先进的视频编码标准H。

    This paper proposes a quarter-pixel interpolation method named as Two Steps Four Taps interpolation ( TSFT ), compared with interpolation method in H.264 , 11 % spatial complexity is reduced , computation complexity and average SNR is about the same .

  27. 与传统的颜色量化算法相比,该算法降低了时间和空间复杂度,提高了检索的准确率,易将图像的先验信息融合到SVM的核函数中,提高了分类效果。

    Comparing with the traditional color quantization algorithms , the complexity of time and space decrease and the retrieval accuracy is improved . The transcendental information can be syncretized into the nucleus function of SVM to improve the effect of classification .

  28. 本文基于Lagrange插值多项式,提出了等级系统中的一个访问控制方案,并从空间复杂度和时间复杂度角度分析了其性能。

    Access control is the key problem in a hierarchy system . An access control scheme based on Lagrange 's interpolation polynomial is proposed , and the property is analyzed from the view of time and space complexity .

  29. 其在软件实现上改善了重采样策略,权值计算步骤以及MCMC步骤,大大降低了算法空间复杂度与时间复杂度。

    And it optimizes these steps of re-sampling , calculating weight and MCMC algorithm on the software implementation , which greatly reduces the space and time complexity of algorithm .

  30. 给出了时间复杂度和空间复杂度的公式证明,通过实验证明该方法有效地降低了时间复杂度和空间复杂度(O(kn))。

    Give the formula approval of the time complexity and the space complexity , also prove the time complexity and the space complexity reduce to ( O ( kn )) by experiment .